FSC President's Messages, 00/01

(Updated 09/09/01)

Rae Ehlen
President, May 2000 to April 2001

April 2001 Message

Well for most of us, the ski season is drawing to a close as the warm weather arrives and the snow disappears, around here at least. For you people who still have some vacation time to burn, you can still venture to Colorado or even Killington. (Right, Bob Cote?). The predictable unpredictability of the month of March proved extremely beneficial for these and the surrounding places.

But for us unlucky ones who have our skis put away until next season, we now have summer activities to look forward to. As I said before, circle July 21st (not July 23rd, like I said in the last newsletter) for Bob Myse's summer bash, and August 11th for the 2nd annual FSC Crab Feast. However, there is the possibility of the Crab Feast being postponed until a September date, given the rumored limits on crab harvests this year.

Two closer dates to circle are April 22nd and April 26th. April 22nd is again, our semi annual highway clean-up. The same drill - meet at Drew Middle School at 8:00 am, and go out to breakfast at the Paradise Diner at around 9:30. As usual, your help is greatly appreciated. April 26th is our general membership meeting. I'm bringing this up simply because it's not our usual day of the month. This month we are meeting on the fourth Thursday, instead of the third, and we will be at our old stomping grounds at the Olde Towne Wine and Cheese Deli, across from the Fredericksburg Visitor Center.

Now that I've brought up the meeting, I would like to add that I hope to see many of you there, because we will be electing our officers for the next season. The four officers (Bob Schwab, Mike Redding, Bob Cote, and myself) have all agreed to serve another term. We will need to elect the four board members. The Candidates are: Shirley Wood, Connie Wiley, Jodi Ehlen, Jody Lochmiller, and Dennis Chin.

Please be aware that if anyone else is interested in serving and would like to be added to the ballot, to contact me sometime before the next meeting (April 26th). That goes for an officer position as well as a board member position.

Also, the Fredericksburg Ski Club will be hosting the next Blue Ridge Ski Council meeting, May 6th, at the Holiday Inn on US 17 North. We will have three representatives, but we probably could use some assistance in helping register the attendees, setting up the meeting, etc. The meeting is usually called to order at 9:00 am, so we would need just a few extra hands about a half hour or so before that, and you wouldn't have to stay for the meeting, so please give me a call if you can help.

Finally, I would like to offer special thanks to Marianne Merrow for arranging the Tennis Social last month at the Fredericksburg Country Club. As usual, we had a great turn out with 8 tennis players, and about a dozen or so kibitzers (including myself). A great opportunity to hang out with fellow skibum wannabees.

Hope to see you on the 22nd. If not then, the 26th. So for next season, THINK SNOW!!!

March 2001 Message

Well, we've returned from a wonderful trip to Telluride, Colorado, where we started the week out with beautiful warm sunny weather on great snow, and ended it with two feet of fresh powder!!!. As I said in the previous newsletter, the snow seems to follow Jodi and me this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dennis Chin for all his hard work as the trip leader. Somehow he managed to keep us all in line on the biggest trip we've ever had. We van-pooled in the wee hours of the morning up to National Airport, where we caught our on-time flight and made it to Telluride event free. After the first three days of skiing in the beautiful Colorado sun, thinking that Telluride could use a little more snow, the latter snowfall was more than welcome. In addition to the great skiing we were able to enjoy the rustic Old-West feel of the town of Telluride along with the great restaurants, an apres ski beer blast, and Karaoke night at one of the establishments, where some of us (Christian Gomez, Gen Lee, and myself) provided some entertainment. It's amazing what a few beers can do - both for the singers relaxed state and the listeners' tolerance.

Of course all good trips things come to an end. If you missed out on this trip because you didn't get signed up in time, then hopefully you've learned the lesson that it's never too early to start thinking about next year. In addition to the regular Blue Ridge Ski Council Western Carnival trip next year in Banff, Canada, which will be February 2nd - 9th, 2002. We are also trying to schedule an additional western trip ourselves, separate from BRSC. The two possibilities are Vail and Crested Butte. The dates for this trip will be from February 23rd - March 2nd, 2002. Details will follow in the subsequent newsletters.

Don't forget about our tennis social on March 9th, for those of you who won't be skiing (shame on you). This will be at the Fredericksburg Country Club, from 7:00-11:00pm. If you choose to play tennis, we are requiring a $5.00 fee to help defray the cost. Spectators are welcome (no fee required). We do request that everyone bring a munchie and a beverage.

Also, the next meeting will be March 15th, at the Villa Capri. At this meeting, we will be taking nominations for next year's officers. Just remember that people who don't show up tend to get nominated and, in many cases, elected.

Thinking ahead toward the summer a little, mark July 21st and August 11th on your calendars. On July 21st, Bob Myse again has offered his summer home in King George for a picnic/bash, and on August 11th, we will be having our 2nd annual Lake of the Woods Crab Feast. Details to follow.

The winter is winding down somewhat, but hopefully many of us will be able to squeeze some more ski trips in. See you at the next meeting.

February 2001 Message

Well, as anticipated in the last newsletter, Jodi and I were not disappointed with our post-Christmas/New Year's Eve trip to Killington. As fate (luck) would have it, of the 4 days we spent skiing, we received close to two feet of powder on the last two days!! And I mean powder. Like Old Milwaukee Beer claims - "It don't get any better than this. Also, Jodi and I, along with Bob Cote, Craig Phillips, Dave Taylor, Joe Behun, and Rich and Kirkland Humphreys, enjoyed a nice weekend at Snowshoe. The rain they had been receiving stopped just in time for our visit, and guess what? We got snowed on again. Not quite the same quality as we got in Killington, but enough to make it a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Hopefully, Jodi and I have started a trend, so the 36 of you joining us at Telluride should have a great time, since the snow seems to follow us.

Also, for those of you who might not be skiing that weekend, circle March 9th on your calendar. We will be having our semi-annual (sort of) tennis social at the Fredericksburg Country Club from 7-11 p.m. If you play tennis, come on out and show that there is life after skiing. (There is??!!!) Even if you don't play tennis, come on out and hang out, socialize, and/or cheer the tennis players on. More details - directions, cost (if any), etc. will follow in the next newsletter.

Don't forget about our next meeting on February 15th. Being the nomadic club we are this year, we have decided to meet at a new location- The Villa Capri on rt. 3 west. When you go through the Salem Church Rd. light, then the light immediately following that light, move to the right lane, and look for a gas station called XTRA fuel. Turn there and proceed to the shopping center behind the gas station. The Villa Capri is about 1/3 the way down. For those of you coming from the other way, talk to Bob Schwab. They serve Italian cuisine ranging from classy entrees to pizzas and subs.

If you're joining us in Telluride, or if you're skiing elsewhere, Happy Skiing, and Think Snow.

January 2001 Message

By the time you receive this newsletter, we will be in the year 2001 (The ACTUAL start of the new millennium). I hope that everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. I guess my telling everyone the last year to think snow has finally paid off. Although there's only a little snow, it's still cold enough to actually make it easy to think about the upcoming ski season. I've checked out a few web sites both out west and in Vermont, and this should be a great season. Hopefully those of you joining us to Telluride, CO will be able to get some good warm up trips in beforehand. By the time you read this, Jodi and I will have returned from a post Christmas/New Year's Eve trip to Killington and Sugarbush, and from what I've read on the internet, we will not have been disappointed. After several years of atypical winter temperatures, hopefully this will be the start of a new trend.

I would like to thank everyone who helped make the Fredericksburg Ski Club Christmas Party a success- The 32 members and guests whose attendance made the party what it was- A BLAST!!! Although The Zone has closed down as a restaurant, they still honored all prior special commitments, which included us. Fortunately, no one who signed up noticed the place was closed and assumed the party was cancelled. The Zone provided a fine evening of a delicious buffet, beautiful d�cor, festive music, and of course, a full cash bar. I believe I can speak for everyone when I say that a good time was had by all!!

Don't forget about our upcoming general membership meeting on January 18th. Also, NOTE THE NEW LOCATION -

SPANKY'S (downtown, on Caroline St.) - (in the downstairs meeting room), 6:30, dine/drink and socialize, 7:00, start the meeting.


November 2000 Message

Well we are approaching our third meeting, with a nearly sold out Telluride trip. As of recently, we still have 4 slots available, so if you originally missed out, now's your chance. If you, or anyone you know is interested, please let Dennis Chin or me know.

Hope to see you at the next meeting at the Spotsylvania Mall Pizza Hut on Nov. 16. Of course, the pizza won't be free this time, (sorry we missed a few of you last month) but we can still enjoy ourselves as we anxiously await our trip to Telluride, and any other trips some of us may have planned.

Remember, CHRISTMAS PARTY AT THE ZONE, DEC. 8. As I've mentioned previously, for a nominal fee of $15.00 per member ($20.00 per non member), you will receive a delicious buffet, a cash bar, music (CDs and/or tapes), and a great opportunity to spread some Christmas cheer, and count down the days until our first ski trip. Again, I will need money by DEC. 1 in order to give an accurate head count, and ABSOLUTELY NO DROP-INS WILL BE ADMITTED.

A special thanks to: Dennis Chin, Linda Wilkinson, Bob Cote, Mike Redding, Larry Freeman, Gary Gimmell, Tina Gimmell, Shirley Wood, Connie Wiley, and Dave Grant (a non-member visitor from the UK that Shirley talked into helping us) foor their assistance in our semi-annual highway clean-up. As you saw in the last newsletter, VDOT sent us a letter of recognition for 10 years of service. Because Mike Redding was the man responsible for having us there two Sunday mornings a year (after many years under Bob Myse's leadership), Larry Freeman felt it only appropriate the Mike be presented with a framed certified copy (actual size from the newsletter) of the letter. In a well thought out, heart-felt speech, Larry did so at the Paradise Diner. I know you'll cherish it forever Mike.

See you on the 16th. And remember ... Think Snow

October 2000 Message

Well, here we are again into our new season, and for the first time, our Western Carnival trip is nearly sold out. As of the last board meeting (5 Oct.), there was one space available, and who knows, it may be snatched up as I'm writing this. If you or someone you know has the least bit of interest, you must let me or Dennis Chin know. This trip has sold like hot cakes!!! From what I've heard, we don't even have the luxury of referring people to a fellow Blue Ridge Ski Council affiliated Club. They are virtually sold out as well. There is the possibility of expanding the number of slots, if, and only if, enough people can put money up front to justify reserving another condo. Otherwise, if you've missed out, just remember: IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY TO SIGN UP!!!.

Don't forget our next meeting is our annual membership drive. The meeting will again be at the Spotsylvania Mall Pizza Hut. Free pizza will be available for everyone attending the meeting. Although we really won' be able to entice people to sign up for Telluride, many other clubs affiliated with the Blue Ridge Ski Council have sanctioned their trips with the council, of which any member of our club is eligible to participate. We also have our Snowshoe trip, which still has openings (subject to availability). So please, encourage anyone you can think of who might be interested to come join us for free pizza and not so free beer and/or soda.

I would also like to remind everyone of our semi-annual highway clean-up on Oct. 22. As usual, we meet at Drew Middle School in Falmouth at 8:00 a.m. and clean up the area from there to the Falmouth intersection. Your help is greatly appreciated. It typically takes between an hour and an hour and a half, which gives us a nice appetite, which we satisfy at the Paradise Diner with a hearty breakfast.

Also, please remember that the deadline for membership renewal is approaching, and that the renewal rate only applies to those that are currently members. This means that if you let your membership lapse, and wait a season (or more) to re-join, then your dues will be that of a new member. Enough Said!!!!!

Now I would like to talk about our Christmas Party at The Zone on Dec. 8. The cost will be 15.00 per member and 20.00 per non-member. For this nominal fee, you will receive a nice buffet, access to a cash bar, music (CDs and/or radio), and access to a cash bar. This will be in lieu of our general membership meeting for the month of December, so this will be a great opportunity for the Telluride participants to anxiously anticipate a great trip. Please send your checks to me, made out to the Fredericksburg Ski Club. My address is:

Rae Ehlen
10628 Bent Tree Dr.
Fredericksburg, VA 22407


And remember, THINK SNOW!!!

September 2000 Message

Well, we are now at the end of Summer, but the good news is that we're quickly approaching the start of another ski season. I'd like to thank everyone who helped to make the crab feast a success. We had a nice turnout, and even though we got rained on briefly, everyone enjoyed themselves. During the rain most everyone seeked shelter with the exception my father-in-law Richard Snoots who didn't let the short down pour interfere with his crab eating.

As I've said many times, it's never too early to send in the deposit for a ski trip. This year, my advice was heeded more than I'd ever dreamed of. We now have 34, count 'em, 34 deposits for Telluride. To my knowledge this is a club record, both for the amount of participants on a trip, and for the number of sign-ups before our first general membership meeting. Dennis Chin, the trip leader, has increased the available slots to 40, so if there is anyone out there who still may have procrastinated sending in the deposit, and is still interested, obviously, get in touch with Dennis or me, ASAP

Don't forget about our first general membership meeting on Sept. 21. Note the new location of the meeting. We'll be returning to one of our old stomping grounds at the Pizza Hut in front of Spotsylvania Mall, in the downstairs meeting area.

Also, circle Dec. 8, on your calendar. Why? Because this is the date of the FSC Christmas Party. The reason I want to bring it up now is that we will be doing something a little different. We will be celebrating at The Zone (formerly The Cambridge Inn and Danny's River Road Pub) on River Road. For a nominal fee of 15.00 per person, there will be nice buffet, a cash bar, Christmas music and d�cor, and a great opportunity for all of us to spread a little Christmas cheer. More details will follow in the next newsletters. (And like the ski trips, it's never too early to send in your money).

See you on the 21st.
Think Snow.

July 2000 Message

Now that we are well into the Summer, the first annual Fredericksburg Ski Club Crab Feast is right around the corner, July 22, to be exact, at 1:00 p.m., at Lake of the Woods. As I mentioned in the last news letter, if you are eating crabs, I will need $20.00 per person by JULY 8TH!!!!. To make things a little simpler, please make the checks out to me, and mail to:

Rae Ehlen
10628 Bent Tree Dr.
Fredericksburg, VA 22407

If you plan on attending, and don�t plan to eat crabs, I will need an RSVP by JULY 15. Please try to be prompt with these dates, particularly if you�re eating crabs.

Please bring a side dish to share. For you non crab-eating types, or if you manage to work up an appetite eating crabs, there will be other food available (Burgers, Dog, Chips, Condiments, etc.). The club will also provide beer and soft drinks. You might also want to bring a lawn chair, any blasting device to crack open the crabs, suntan lotion, and swimming attire. The lake will be available for swimming, and there are also changing rooms.

To get to Lake of the Woods, follow Rt. 3 west. After you cross the Rt. 20 intersection, the next light will be the Lake of the Woods light. Turn left, and get in the left lane, closest to the guard station. Tell the guard that you�re with the Fredericksburg Ski Club, and also mention the name of either Bob Schwab or Richard Snoots. When you come to the 4-way stop, go straight through. Follow this road a little ways, until you see a pool on your left and a parking lot on your right. Park in the parking lot. Then head up the steps, around the pool, and down to the lake. We�ll be at the picnic tables over to the left.

Look forward to seeing you there!!!!

I guess I can manage to talk about skiing now. The one thing that I would like to mention, is that the Telluride trip for next year has already started to sell. Bob Cote has informed me that he already has 8 deposits. Just a simple reminder that it�s never too early, and we will gladly accept deposits at the crab feast.

See you on July 22!

May 2000 Message

Well I managed to get reelected after battling some fierce competition. I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our new board members, Jodi Ehlen, Connie Wiley, and Linda Wilkinson. I would also like to thank Mike Redding, Lois Rose, Bob Cote, and Connie Wiley for helping out with our semi-annual highway clean up. Their help, along with that of a phantom street cleaner allowed us to get it done in a little over an hour.

Of course the rule is to always think snow, (even with last weekend's hot spell), in addition to that, I would like you to THINK CRABS!!!!! Yes, on July 22nd, we will have the first annual Fredericksburg Ski Club Crab Feast!!! Time - around 1:00 p.m., place - Lake of the Woods. We will need to charge a fee of $20.00/person, and request that people bring a side dish. And you may want to bring some crab eating utensils (mallets, knives, dynamite, etc). The club will provide beer, soft drinks, hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, etc. If you want to join us and not eat crabs, you don't have to pay the fee. If do plan to eat crabs, I will need the money no later than JULY 8TH!!!! Also, whether you are eating crabs or not, I will also need an RSVP, and the names of anyone you're bringing to provide to the guard at Lake of the Woods. It is my understanding that people will not be allowed in if their name is not on the list. (Bob Schwab, let me know if that is not correct). Directions, along with another reminder will be in the next newsletter, so circle July 22nd (and July 8th) on your calendar. I will gladly accept reservations (and money) anytime between now and July. My phone numbers are:

I would also like to inform everyone that the club has put in it's deposit for the ski trip to Telluride, CO next February, and that we have decided to reserve 30 spaces. Enough people have expressed tentative interest, and we strongly believe we will fill them. Don't let yourself get left out. Also, since travel agencies want more money up front, we have found it necessary to increase the deposit required from each participant to $300.00. However, this will allow us to more evenly stagger the subsequent payments. Like for the crab feast, I (or the trip leader Dennis Chin) will gladly accept deposits anytime. Hope to see everyone on July 22.

And remember, Think Snow (and Crabs!!)

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