FSC President's Messages, 01/02

(Updated 05/27/02)

Rae Ehlen
President, May 2001 to April 2002

April 2002 Message

Well, another ski season draws to a close, which means it's time to re-elect our ski club officers. Although everyone currently on the board is willing to serve another term, we strongly encourage new blood. If you think you might be interested in serving as an officer or a board member, please call me or email me. We will also welcome any nominations at the next general membership meeting (April 18th, The General Store Restaurant).

Another item coming up is our semi-annual highway clean up on Sunday, April 21st. As usual, any help is greatly appreciated. We will meet our usual time and place (8:00 am, Drew Middle School) and clean up the area from just north of the school to the Falmouth light. Typically we spend about an hour and a half picking up trash, and head over to the Paradise Diner on US 17 for a hearty breakfast. A RELATIVELY painless morning.

Since it's never too early to think about next year's trips, I'll take this opportunity to inform you that we will be going to Lake Tahoe next year, with the rest of the Blue Ridge Ski Council. Right now, we have a tentative reservation for 24 people, with a package price of approximately $1080. My wife Jodi will be the trip leader. The dates will be February 1st to February 8th. And, either Jodi or myself will gladly accept trip deposits any time.

Please try to attend our next general membership meeting. Same time, same place (6:30pm dine, drink and socialize, 7:00pm business, at the General Store). Since we will be electing officers (if necessary), you're presence will be appreciated. And even though summer is right around the corner, THINK SNOW!!

PS: Keep your eyes open in the subsequent newsletters for summer activities.

March 2002 Message

Well, another season is drawing to a close, but not without a BANG!!!!! Yes, I' m referring to our recent trip to Big Sky, MT. Our first independent Western trip was a huge success. Although it was a little on the chilly side, we powder hounds were more than satisfied. I will now take this opportunity to give a full report.

As usual, we met in the wee hours of the morning at Dulles Airport, dragging our luggage with our eyes shut. The plane took off on time, and after a short stop in Salt Lake City, where we picked up the out-of-staters, we landed in Bozeman, MT, where we found Lois Rose waiting for us. From there, we boarded our bus, made a grocery/beer/wine/liquor/Burger King stop, and headed to Big Sky. As we got off the bus, the snow began to fall. Several inches fell throughout the night, which gave us a good first day of POWDER!!!

During the first day, everyone enjoyed getting acquainted with the mountain, and trying to get used to sub-zero (Fahrenheit, not Celsius) temperatures. Who says it doesn't get cold out west? Although no new snow fell the next two days, it was extremely clear, with some breathtaking views from Lone Peak. Some of us were brave (crazy?) enough to venture down Liberty Bowl.

Tuesday evening a bunch of went to a restaurant called Buck's T 4, which specializes is wild game. Although many people stuck with traditional fare, there were a few of us who tried something exotic. I became particularly partial to caribou, actually craving it the rest of the week. (What do you mean you can't get it on a pizza??!!)

The next day way was our snowmobile trip through Yellowstone Park. In addition to the gorgeous scenery and the fun of driving a snowmobile, we had the pleasure of seeing much wildlife. Mainly bison, bison, and more bison and an occasional elk, coyote, and swan. At one point, many of us snowmobilers had a staring contest with a herd of bison that weren't ready to clear our path anytime soon. When it became apparent that bison move wherever and whenever they want, and not before, a very brave park ranger eventually inched his snowmobile toward them, convincing them that we just wanted to get by, and nothing else. From there we headed down to Old Faithful, where, apparently, some eruptions were better than others. For the rest of the afternoon, we saw plenty more wildlife, and although we occasionally shared the road with some bison, we never had to give a password to get by. A very splendid afternoon!!!!

And next came, the big POWDER day! Although snow was in the forecast the evening before, on the ride back from Yellowstone, some of us were a little skeptical on the possibility, and at first glance the next morning, it didn't appear to have snowed much. However, the daily grooming report had reported 10+ inches!!! Once on the slopes, the skepticism was buried (along with our skis). This was possibly the best skiing conditions I've ever experienced.

That evening, our condo hosted our traditional pizza/beer/wine party, and this time, we were treated to some entertainment! We had the pleasure of experiencing both the vocal and guitar talents of the one and only Butch Boswell. In addition to his repertoire, he took requests from us, and even if he wasn't sure of the song, he was able to wing it, even with our less than adequate voices. After enough wine, everyone sounded fine. Thanks for a fun evening Butch!!

Although, we only had a trace of new snow for the last day, there was still plenty of powder to be had. Dave Dewitt and I managed to milk the last day for all it was worth, catching a last run at 4:00 when the lifts close (actually 4:02 by my watch), keeping us on the slopes until 4:30. What a way to end it!

Once again, I would like to extend a special thanks to everyone who joined us. A trip is only as good as the people who sign up for it, and you made our first independent western trip a huge success!

Think Snow

PS: Well, a week has passed since we returned, and 10 of us decided to venture to the Harvest Restaurant in Manassas to enjoy the talents of Butch Boswell once again. Along with a nice Italian meal, we again enjoyed some fine music. A couple of us even joined in once or twice (of course we won't mention David Whitney's or Rae Ehlen's name) in songs ranging from Margaritaville to The Ballad of Davy Crocket. It' s amazing what a couple glasses of wine will do! (For both the singers and the listeners). Thanks again Butch!!

PSS: Also, don't forget about our next general membership meeting at The General Store, March 21st, 6:30-7:00, dine and socailize, 7:00 business. At this meeting we will be accepting nominations for next season' s officers and board. If you're interested, give me a call or email.

February 2002 Message

Hopefully by now, you've gotten at least some skiing in. By the time you read this those of you who went to Banff, Canada will be back, with what I'm sure will be some great stories. I did receive an email from Mike Redding with a basic "I'm here and you're there" kind of theme. From what he said, the weather was really nice, and not your typical sub-zero Canadian Rockies temperature. Glad to hear the Banff skiers had a great time, even if it does make the next two weeks the rest of us have to wait for the Big Sky trip that much more unbearable.

However, what this means is, that Banff is over, and Big Sky's next!!!! Currently, Big Sky has been having gorgeous weather, a little on the brisk side, with a 58"-88" base. For those of you lucky enough to participate in both trips (because of envy, I won't mention Bob Schwab's and Mike Redding' s names), you have just enough time to recuperate for Big Sky. I look forward to giving a full report in the next newsletter. For the time being all I can do is:

Think Snow!!!

PS: Hope to see everyone at the next meeting at the General Store, on Feb. 21st.

January 2002 Message

I hope everyone enjoyed a happy and safe holiday season. I would like to thank everyone who helped make the Christmas party at Renato's a success. We had a good turnout of 29 people, all of which enjoyed a fine Italian meal, along with some complimentary wine served by Mr. Renato himself.

Well, the ski season is officially upon us, and I must say that warm spell through most of December was scary. After canceling an evening trip to Wintergreen, and nearly having to cancel our New Year's Eve trip to Killington, VT, Mother Nature has finally come through. Although in Vermont, we weren't as lucky as the year before when we received two feet of snow, snowmaking did resume a few days before we headed up there. With the several inches of natural snow they had also received, we had a pretty good cover, although thin in some places. Throughout our stay up there, we were able to enjoy a fresh layer of natural snow nearly every morning, allowing us a great first trip of the season.

Although we weren't ready to leave Vermont, the start of the New Year does bring us closer to our upcoming trips. By the time this you receive the letter, several of our club members will have returned from Snowshoe, which is 100% open. In addition to any local or Northeastern trips, we have Banff, Canada and Big Sky, Montana awaiting us. With the snow they've received we won't be disappointed there either. Not only for the skiing, but for the SNOWMOBILING!!!! That's right. Most of the diehards who normally ski 6 days (myself included) have opted to give our ski legs a rest one-day, and spend a day in Yellowstone on snowmobiles.

Don't forget about our next general membership meeting at the General Store on College Avenue on January 17th. Here's to the start of another ski season.

And remember, KEEP THINKING SNOW!!!!

November 2001 Message

With the weather starting to turn cool, thinking about our upcoming ski trips is a lot easier. Both the Big Sky and Banff trips are selling well. It is safe to say that Big Sky is sold out. The possibility of expansion is always there, however, at this point I would need 4 or a multiple of 4 people with money in hand for me to even attempt to reserve more slots. There are still spaces available for Banff, so if Big Sky slipped away from you, it's not too late to still ski the Rockies. Reservations for both trips will definitely be cut-off by the end of November, before non-refundable cancellation penalties kick in.

A special thanks to Bob Cote, Connie Wiley, Lois Rose, Tina Gemmill, Larry Freeman, Margarethe Andersen, and Mike Redding for their participation in our semi-annual highway clean-up. This time I have to assume that it was relatively painless, since I haven't been lynched for not being there. I would also like to thank everyone who helped make our last meeting a success. With the free pizza, we managed to entice some new members.

Don't forget about our next meeting on November 15th. This will be at the College Heights Pizza Hut again. The pizza won't be free this time, but we plan on having a sales representative from Timberline Resort in West Virginia. In the past, we have had popular trips to Snowshoe, but the interest has significantly dwindled over the years. Maybe some new scenery is what we need, so if you can make it, come on out and see if Timberline would interest you.

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we will be having our Fredericksburg Ski Club Christmas Party downtown at Renato's on December 7th. 6:30-7:30pm drink and socialize, and 7:30, a sit-down, elegant dinner. Menu details are in this newsletter. The cost will be $26 for members and $32 non-members. As I've said previously, this fee is to help defray the cost to the club. So please come out and spread a little Christmas cheer. I will also reiterate that I need the money in hand NLT November 30th, so that I have an accurate head count. So the next meeting will be a good time to pay. (Hint! Hint!) If you don't plan to pay at the meeting, please mail the checks to me at: Rae Ehlen, 10628 Bent Tree Dr., Fredericksburg, VA 22407. Again, advance purchase is required, and no drop-ins will be allowed.

Hope to see you at the next meeting, and Think Snow.

October 2001 Message

Well, now that the new season is officially under way, there are just 4 things I'd like to remind you of. First, don't forget about our next meeting on October 18th. This will be our annual membership drive where we' ll be offering free pizza to anyone who attends. You will need to pay for your own beverages. This does include people who have not yet joined the club, so if you know of anyone who is thinking about joining us, this meeting would be a good time to bring them. The meeting will be at the Pizza Hut on US 1 Bypass, by the College, across from the Park and Shop Shopping Center. Also, this meeting is the deadline for current members to renew their membership.

Second, the Big Sky trip is currently sold out. Right now, I'm in the process of expanding it to accommodate some late sign-ups. If you're still interested, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Of course, the longer you wait, the less likely the possibility of getting more spaces.

Third, I would also like to remind everyone of our semi-annual highway clean up on October 21st. As usual, we meet at Drew Middle School in Falmouth at 8:00am and clean up the area from there south to the US 17/Butler Road intersection. Your help is greatly appreciated. It typically takes about an hour and a half, which gives us a nice appetite which we satisfy at the Paradise Diner with a hearty breakfast.

Fourth, as many of you are aware, last December we had a wonderful Christmas party at The Zone. Because of its success we have decided to have another one this year. Circle December 7th on your calendar. Because The Zone is no longer open, we have decided to have the party downtown at Renato's. This party will consist of a cash bar from 6:00-7:00pm, and a sit down dinner consisting of a salad, your choice of a seafood, chicken, or beef entr�e, and a desert, in a nice elegant setting. We will need to charge a fee of $26 for members and $32 for non-members. Please realize that this fee is simply to offset (partially) the amount that the club will be paying. More details will follow in the next newsletter. For now I can tell you that I will need your money in hand by Friday, November 30th. Please make the checks out to the Fredericksburg Ski Club, and mail them to me. I prefer this since I will be giving the restaurant the final head count. This makes it easier for me to keep a running tally. Also, you must sign-up/pay in advance. No drop-ins will be allowed.

My address is: Rae Ehlen, 10628 Bent Tree Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Hope to see you at the next meeting for some pizza, and anticipation of a great ski season. And remember, Think Snow!!!

September 2001 Message

Well, another Summer has come to an end. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make our Summer parties a success, from the planners to the attendees. In particular, I want to thank Bob and Laurie Myse for once again hosting the cookout at their King George estate. We had an excellent turnout of around 30 people, and as usual, a good time was had by all. Dave Taylor and Jim Schiller, did you ever get that boat started up? Unfortunately, they had a mechanical failure on their boat, so they were forced to stay and party some more. Life's tough sometimes. For our second bash, the crab feast, I'd like to thank Leo St. Jean, Bob Schwab, and Richard Snoots (my father-in-law) for going down to the lake early and staking claim to three picnic tables. Even though there was a distinct possibility of rain, the weather managed to hold out, and the 20 (more or less) of us who showed up had a great time.

Which brings us to the start of another ski season. Don't forget about our upcoming meeting on September 20th. We will be meeting at another new location, The General Store on College Avenue, behind the Rt. 1 Pizza Hut where we used to meet. If you're not sure where it is, feel free to give me a call (891-8639). Also, our trips are selling, FAST. We are now up to 19 participants for Big Sky, which leaves only 5 spaces available. The possibility of expansion is there, but I will only do so if there is a demand. If you're interested, I do not recommend waiting until the next meeting to let me know. There are 14 spaces left for Banff. Contact Mike Redding (899-3688) for details. For both Banff and Big Sky, if the available spaces don't sell by a certain date, we will need to give them up to avoid cancellation penalties. (Another reason not to delay getting your deposit in).

Hope to see everyone at the next meeting, and of course...THINK SNOW

July/August 2001 Message

Well summer is officially here, so that's good for two reasons:

1. Our Summer parties are quickly approaching
2. We're that much closer to next year's ski season.

Regarding item 1, our first bash will be on July 21st, at Bob Myse's King George home on the water. The party will begin around 1:00 pm. The club will provide the burgers, dogs, beverages, and the fixin's, and anyone joining us is requested to bring a side dish to share (something to serve it with is always nice), along with any necessities you fell may be necessary (volleyballs, lawn chairs, suntan lotion, etc.). So the club knows how much food and beverages to provide, we must know how many people will be there, so please call me NLT July 18th (the previous Wednesday) and let me know if you plan to attend and how many guests you will be bringing. Directions are in this newsletter. I hope to see you there. And remember, the trip leaders will gladly accept deposits then.

Which brings me to item 2. I've already begun receiving deposits for Big Sky, so if you missed out on Telluride because you didn't act quickly enough, don't let it happen to you for Big Sky (or Banff, if that's where you plan to go). We have 24 spaces for Big Sky, and 20 for Banff, and both are BRSC sanctioned, so THEY WILL SELL OUT!! I'd also like to remind everyone that we will be requiring a $300 deposit per person, due upon signing up for the trip due to increased upfront fees by the travel agents, airlines, resorts, et cetera.

So, have a great Summer, see you on the 21st (hopefully with deposits in hand), and THINK SNOW!!

P.S. Remember August 11th - the 2nd Annual FSC Crab Feast

May/June 2001 Message

I�d like to take this opportunity to thank you for electing me to a third term as president, and to congratulate the rest of the newly elected board; Bob Schwab (Vice President), Bob Cote (Treasurer), Mike Redding (Secretary), and BoD members Jodi Ehlen, Connie Wiley, Shirley Wood and Jody Lochmiller. I�m also moving up in the world, having just been elected vice president of the Blue Ridge Ski Council. This actually was a closely fought race. A tie, believe it or not, which had to be decided by the president, Wayne Homens. I guess he likes me for some reason.

Again, don�t forget about our upcoming Summer Bash at the King George home of Bob Myse, July 21st. (Did I get the date right this time?). Final details will follow in the next newsletter. And circle August 11th, for our 2nd annual Crab Feast at Lake of the Woods. Again details will follow.

Special Thanks to Mike Redding, Bob Cote, Dennis Chin, Larry Freeman, Lois Rose, Bob Schwab, and Linda Wilkinson for helping in the semi-annual highway clean-up. Since we did it a little later this year, it was warmer than usual, and there appeared to be more trash than usual, but everyone�s help made it relatively painless.

Even though summer is quickly approaching, and you�ve probably put your skis away, you mustn�t forget about skiing entirely, this year in particular, because next season we will be offering TWO Western trips. One to Banff, Canada, which will be the annual Blue Ridge Ski Council Western Carnival trip, led by Mike Redding and the other to BIG SKY, Montana, led by myself. Yep, for the first time we will be offering our own Fredericksburg Ski Club Western Trip, to beautiful Big Sky. Here�s just a little info about Big Sky: Elevation- 11,150 feet, Ski Terrain- 3600 Acres, Vertical --4,350 feet, Longest Run - 6 miles from Liberty Bowl to Mountain Mall, Frequently recognized by ski magazines for virtually non-existent lift lines, average annual snowfall, 400+ inches. Our package will include round trip air from DC to Bozeman, MT, along with round trip bus transportation from Bozeman to Big Sky (a short 1hr 15 min ride, one way), and a 5 out of 6 day lift ticket. We will be staying at the Cedar Creek Condos, 2-bedroom/2 bath. Not quite ski in/ski out, but reasonable walking distance to the slopes. These luxurious condos are only a little over a year old! We will also have access to the outdoor pools and Jacuzzis at the Huntley Lodge. I will also work on arranging some group activities for us.

The total package price will be approximately $1,165 per person. The trip dates will be from February 23rd through March 2nd. (Right about the beginning of the peak season - oooohhhhh!!). Initially, we have reserved 24 spaces. We will sanction this trip with the Blue Ridge Ski Council. In case you don�t know what that means, it means it will be available to any member of a BRSC affiliated club without having to join the Fredericksburg Ski Club. This trip will sell out.

I would also like to add that this trip is two weeks after Banff, so if you just can�t decide which one, GO ON BOTH!!. And remember, in addition to thinking SUMMER PARTIES and CRABS, THINK SNOW and BIG SKY!!!

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