FSC President's Messages, 02/03

(Updated 05/24/03)

Rae Ehlen
President, May 2002 to April 2003

April 2003 Message

Well we've wrapped up another ski season, as well as my last term as president. Bob Schwab, our current vice president has graciously volunteered to step in as my replacement. My wife Jodi has also agreed to move up into the vice president position. With the rest of the officers agreeing to hold their current respective offices, this will leave an open position on the board of directors. If anyone is interested please get in touch with me. This would be great opportunity for any of our newcomers or veterans to help and learn about our decision-making processes. Also, this would not be a time consuming job. The board typically meets about once a month, usually at the president' s house, or some place mutually agreed upon. The meetings usually last about an hour. Hence, I sincerely ask anyone out there to please consider this. Also, even though we have officer positions filled, anyone is welcome to run for any of these positions. The election will be held at the next general membership meeting.

Although this ski season has ended (for most of us anyway), believe it or not, we have to start planning for next year. The western trip next year will be to Aspen, from January 24th to the 31st. Anyone who has been with us to Aspen before knows that this trip is extremely popular and will sell out. As I've said in the past, it's never too early to get your deposit in. This is true this time more than ever. This time we have earlier deadlines and stiffer cancellation penalties, which means we will need money a lot sooner, most likely having to be paid in full by mid-November. This may mean that we have to have our deposits from the participants by September 1st, without being able to get a full refund upon cancellation- BEFORE OUR FIRST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING! So I will reiterate: IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY TO GET YOUR DEPOSIT IN!

Hope to see you at our next meeting for the "election" at the College Pizza Hut, April 17th, same time, 6:30pm, eat drink and be merry, 7:00pm, business.

Think Snow, and ASPEN!!!

March 2003 Message

Well another ski season is winding down, and as usual, we had another great trip out west. Over the past few years, Jodi and I have developed a reputation of bringing the snow with us, and after this year, the reputation still stands! After landing in Denver, it was hard to imagine that we were going to be skiing the next day with the temperature up to 70 degrees. However, once we got to the ski area, we had several inches of new snow nearly every day, allowing for some great powder skiing at both Copper Mountain and Breckenridge, finishing out the week with nice, bright sunshine! It also seems, that not only did we bring the snow with us to Colorado, but that we brought it back with us. While landing in Dulles, it appeared as though the plane had turned around and gone back to Denver. We were greeted with several inches of snow in the area. Hopefully, that snowfall, along with the 2 to 3 FEET we've had since then will make for some good local skiing in the next couple weeks or so.

Don't forget about our upcoming meeting at the College Pizza Hut on Mar. 20 at 6:30, where we will then get to hear all about the ski trip to Moena, Italy. You know the drill- 6:30-7:00, dine and socialize, 7:00- business.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that at our April meeting we will be electing officers for the 2003-2004 season, and that after 4 terms, I will be stepping down as president. This gives all of you an opportunity to consider running for president (or any office), or to think of potential nominees. The plan is to open the floor for nominations at the March and April meeting, and have the election at the April meeting. And remember, if you're not that the meeting, you can't turn down being nominated! (hint, hint).

See you on the 20th, ready to accept an endless list of nominees.

And remember, Think Snow !!!

February 2003 Message

By the time you read this we should either be on, or just getting back from Copper Mountain, CO. From what I've read on the Web site, conditions should be SWEET!!! Hopefully everyone is getting at least some skiing in.

A special thanks to Bob Cote for again, running a spectacular Snowshoe trip. For those of us people who still work and weren't able to check in until late Friday night, we had the pleasure of driving that last 20 miles or so through a blinding snowstorm. It was pretty hairy at times and added about an extra hour to the drive, but thanks to 4 wheel drive, and the anticipation of how good the ski conditions would be the next morning, John and Christy Harris, my wife Jodi, and myself arrived without incident.

The next morning we were not disappointed. We were greeted with 5 inches of fresh powder, bright sunshine, and blue skies. The great weather managed to hold out for us into Sunday afternoon, making the first Fredericksburg Ski Club trip a great one! Thanks again, Bob.

Don't forget about our upcoming general membership meeting on February 20th at the College Heights Pizza Hut just off US 1, across from the Park & Shop shopping center, at which time we should be reminiscing about a great Copper Mountain Ski trip! Same drill 6:30PM, eat, drink, and be merry, 7:00PM, down to business. See you then!

Think Snow!!!

January 2003 Message

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. Jodi and I sure did. We started our ski season in Stowe, Vermont a couple days after Christmas, where we brought in 2003. Unfortunately, we didn't luck out with that northeastern storm and get all that fresh snow, since the storm didn't make it that far north. However, Stowe was mostly open, and it was still better than not skiing at all. This trip, along with Bob Cote's traditional Snowshoe trip this weekend should get us all prepared for the abundant snow in Copper Mountain, Colorado!

A special thanks to everyone who helped make the Christmas party at Renato's a success. (Namely, the participants). As usual, we were treated to Francesco Renato's wonderful food, bar, and hospitality, where we were able to anxiously anticipate a good ski season. Having more winter-like weather, in the winter no less, makes it much easier to think about skiing.

Again, don't forget about our next general membership meeting, same time (6:30 eat, drink, and socialize), same place (College Pizza Hut).

Whether you're joining us in Snowshoe and/or Colorado or not: THINK SNOW!!!

November 2002 Message

As you well know, the ski season is fast approaching us. Hopefully this cold spell is a sign of things to come. For those of you joining us at Copper Mountain, they have been getting snow in that area. Supposedly up to two feet in Breckenridge!

I'd like to thank the following people for participating in the Highway clean-up: Lois Rose, Connie Wiley, Dennis Chin, Dave & Shirley Grant , Bob Cote and Bob Schwab. All of whom were ably managed by Mike Redding.

DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS PARTY!! With November here already, Christmas is right around the corner. Once again, we will be having our Ski Club Christmas party at Renato's in downtown Fredericksburg. The party will be on Friday, December 6th, with a cash bar starting at 6:00PM, and dinner being served at 7:30PM. Dinner will consist of a salad, and you're choice of either Filet Mignon w/Saut�ed Mushrooms, Chicken Marsala or Shrimp Parmigiana. Also a side vegetable, cheesecake for desert, and non-alcoholic beverage is included. All alcoholic beverages are extra cost and to be paid directly to Renato's.

All this for a nominal fee of $25 for members and $30 for non-member guests. This price DOES INCLUDE tax and gratuity.

Come on out and spread a little Christmas Cheer! I will need to give Mr. Renato a head count by Monday, December 2nd, so I must have the MONEY not later than December 1st. In order to keep an accurate head count, I prefer that you mail your check to me. Make checks payable to the Fredericksburg Ski Club, and mail to:

Don't forget about our upcoming general membership meeting on November 21st at the College Heights Pizza Hut. Same schedule, 6:30PM, dine and socialize, 7:00PM, business.

Hope to see you then, and remember: THINK SNOW!!!

October 2002 Message

As you know another ski season is approaching. Although it's hard to think snow here, I have heard that it has snowed at least twice in the Vail and Breckenridge areas. Just in case you don' t know, Breckenridge is in the vicinity of Copper Mountain, our western destination. Our trips to both Copper and Moena, Italy are selling fast, so, if you're interested, don't let these trips pass you by.

By the time you read this, the semi-annual (sort of) Fredericksburg Ski Club Tennis Social will have occurred. I'm sure a good time was had by all. Many thanks to Marianne Merrow for arranging this.

Don't forget about our next general membership meeting on October 17th at the College Heights Pizza Hut. Again this will be our membership drive where we will provide free pizza and some not-so-free beer and sodas for everyone who attends the meeting. So if you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming a member, bring them along.

Also, there are two dates you need to circle on your calendar: October 27th and December 6th. October 27th is our semi-annual highway clean-up. As most of you know, we have adopted the highway section on US 1 from the Falmouth light up to Drew Middle School. We meet at 8:00 a.m. at the school (if you can get up at 0 dark thirty for a ski trip you can get up for this) and spend a relatively painless hour and a half picking up trash. Afterwards we venture out for a hearty breakfast. If you decide to join us, gloves and durable footwear are recommended. December 6th will be the Fredericksburg Ski Club Christmas Party. It will be at Renato's again. For a price yet to be determined, you will enjoy a nice Italian dinner, complimentary wine (probably), and access to the cash bar. More details to follow in the next newsletter.

Hope to see you on the 17th. Think Snow!!

September 2002 Message

Well another summer's about to end, and we're gearing up for another ski season. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Bob and Laurie Myse for hosting the July Summer bash. As usual, a good time was had by all. I would also like to thank Leo St. Jean, Bob Schwab, and Richard Snoots for helping out with the crab feast by reserving tables early. Although we got rained on, AGAIN, it was still a success. Also, a special thanks to everyone who showed up to both events. Obviously, a party is only as good as the people who show up, so THANKS A LOT, PARTIERS!!!

As you've seen in the previous newsletters, we have two big trips planned- one to Moena, Italy, and one to Copper Mountain, Colorado. You will also notice that the trips do not conflict, so if you can't decide, do both!!

My wife, Jodi, will be the trip leader for Copper Mountain, but as her unofficial assistant, I will take this opportunity to pitch the trip a little. First, notice the price tag - UNDER $1000, $970 to be exact. Since I've been going out West with the club (since '93), we've never been able to offer a price that low. And this includes the usual amenities (a welcome party and a catered group dinner), and various lift ticket upgrade options (for a nominal fee), giving a choice of 4 mountains to choose from. We've set up a payment schedule as follows: $300 (due Sept. 26), $300 (due Oct. 25), $370 (due Nov. 29).

And as usual, it's never too early to get your money in. The travel agent has informed me that lodging is tight that week, so expansion may be limited. We currently have 24 spaces reserved, so DON'T DELAY, GET YOUR DEPOSIT IN TODAY!!! Also, we will need at least 20 participants to get that great price with all the amenities, so we need all you diehard western skiers, as well as any of your friends, relatives, co-workers, et cetera who might be interested.

Don't forget about our upcoming general membership meeting on September 19th, at the College Heights Pizza Hut. This will be a great time to make your first payment for Copper (HINT, HINT).

Think Snow!!

July 2002 Message

Although we�re in the middle of July right now, you all know that the ski season will be here before you know it. For those of you who may not know, we will not be participating in the trip to Lake Tahoe with the Blue Ridge Ski Council, due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead, we are going to do what we did last year, and set up our own western trip to Copper Mountain in Colorado, on February 1st to the 8th. The total cost for this trip will fall in the neighborhood of just under $1,000 per person. This will include: Here are the Copper Mountain stats: For more info, check out the web site: http://www.ski-copper.com/home.html. This will be a great trip, and as you can see, considerably cheaper than our past western trips.

If you�re interested, contact Jodi or Rae Ehlen by phone (891-8639) or email ([email protected]). Our initial reservation is for 24 people. The travel agent has informed us that lodging is a little tight that week, so the possibility of expansion will be limited, so don�t delay, send your deposit today!!!!

Also, Nancy Berg and Dennis Chin are setting up a European trip to Val Di Fassa/Moena, Italy, to run at the end of February thru the beginning of March. Contact either one of them if you�re interested.

To help pass the time until the ski season gets here, Bob and Laurie Myse have again offered to host a summer bash at their King George hideaway on Machodoc Creek, on July 27th. The party will begin at 1:00pm and go until... As usual the club will provide the burgers, dogs, fixin�s, drinks, and paper products, while asking the guests to bring a side dish (and something to serve it with). Other items you might want to consider bringing: lawn chairs, bug spray, and any picnic necessity you can think of. We will need a head count, so please RSVP to me via phone or email (see info at the top of the newsletter) NLT Monday evening, July 22nd. Hope to see you there. If you would like to secure your spot on either one of the trips, our trip leaders or I will gladly accept deposits then. Directions to Bob's place are on the Upcoming Events page.

Don�t forget: The third annual Ski Club Crab Feast - Auust 24th, details in the next mailing. And in the midst of this drought, by all means, Think Snow!

May 2002 Message

Well, another season draws to a close, and I begin my fourth term as president. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Dennis Chin back to the board, and to thank everyone who participated in the highway clean-up last month; Dennis Chin, Lois Rose, Larry Freeman, Connie Wiley, Jack Hughes, Gary & Tina Gemmill, Shirley Wood, Dave Grant and Mike Redding.

As usual, we need something to occupy ourselves until the next ski season, so we have two summer activities planned. Mark July 27th and August 24th for our cookout and crab feast, respectively. Both will probably start at 1:00pm. The cookout will again be at Bob& Laurie Myse� s house in King George and the crab feast at Lake of the Woods. For the cookout the club will provide beverages, meat, and fixin�s, while requesting that each person bring a side dish. And as usual, with crabs being the price of gold, we will require a fee from everyone planning to eat crabs to help defray the cost. Final details will be sent out within the next month or so.

Hope to see you on the July 27th and/or Aug. 24th. These are also good times to reserve your spot for Lake Tahoe next year. It�s never too early. Right now, we have 24 slots available, with a total package price of approximately $1080. A real bargain!!! And remember, Think Snow!!!

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