FSC President's Messages, 03/04

(Updated 05/31/04)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2003 to April 2004

April 2004 Message

Well, it is getting close to the end of the ski season. As your President, I will be attending the Banff/Lake Louise Group Leader �Rockies Rendez-Vous� from April 19th to the 25th. I have scheduled 20 appointments to speak with resort operators and tour group agencies. Going out early I also hope to get in a few days skiing.

At the Rendez-Vous, I will speak with resort reps regarding what they have to offer in the way of ski in/out facilities. Several of our members have indicated to me that they would prefer ski in/out lodging. Hopefully the Club will be able to offer this next year at a reasonable price. Of course, this trip will be in addition to the BRSC Western Carnival at Breckenridge, the first week in February, 2005. Rae Ehlen will lead the Western Carnival trip for the club.

To date, members have expressed interest in going to Steamboat, Alta/Snowbird, Whistler/ Blackcomb and Vail. I would also like to hear if there is interest in going to Big White, Silver Star, or Sun Peaks in BC, Canada. The snow is usually great there and travel to these resorts has improved. Tell any Board member or me what area you prefer, as well as the week you'd want to go.

At our April 15th meeting, we will have our election of officers. We presently have only three candidates for four spots on the Board of Directors: Shirley Grant, Wally Morton, and Connie Wiley have said they are willing to serve on the Board. As you can see, we still need more nominees. Please consider running for the BOD. All incumbent Officers are standing for reelection.


This summer we will have our annual picnic and either a tubing/canoe trip down the Rappahannock or a white water raft trip at an appropriate nearby river. Please come to the April meeting to make your opinion on these activities heard. Look for details in upcoming newsletters and on our web site.

March 2004 Message

Well, we are coming up to March and there is still some great skiing left which some of our members will be taking advantage of. Wally Morton is off to Copper Mountain for a week; Mike Redding is off to Alaska where he will do some whale watching and skiing. Martha & Jim Dow will join Nancy Berg and Heidi Hamrick in Florida for a week of sailing before Jim goes with Wally to Mammoth for a week of skiing. I will be going to Canada to ski Whistler-Blackcomb, Banff, and Sun Peaks during March and April.

Bob Myse, Dennis Chin & I are still taking advantage of the great skiing at Wintergreen.

The club is planning a day trip to Wintergreen either March 14th or 28th, conditions permitting. Hopefully we can have a good turnout for a fun day on the slopes.

The next newsletter should have some reports from members who were fortunate to get away on trips during March. Stayed tuned for more information.

February 2004 Message

Welcome back Aspen/Snowmass skiers. I hear you had a great time and plenty of snow. Aside from a weather problem departing Eagle Airport, which Connie Wiley resolved very well, there were no other glitches. Thanks Connie for a job well done.

David Grant prepared a slide show on the trip which the BOD had a preview of last Thursday. I think Dave Taylor may have made a video of the trip. Come to the membership meeting on February 19th at Liberty Lanes to see both presentations and share your pictures with others at the meeting. Bob Myse is making arrangements with Liberty Lanes to put the presentations on their video screens.

It seems impossible that one half of the ski season is over. Some of us are still taking advantage of the second half. Jim Dow left for Zermatt, Suisse (i.e., Switzerland) this week, Bob Cote is off to Killington for his family reunion/ski trip, and Ray Mees and I will be going to Whistler/Blackcomb the first week in March. Of course, Bob Myse is still organizing day trips to Wintergreen, which by the way has plenty of snow cover. Come ski with him. Call it a mental health day, call in sick, and find some stress relief.

Anyone interested in taking a long weekend trip to Vermont in March? Let me know so I can look into making plans. Friends, non club members, can come along at no extra charge.

Hope to see you at the next meeting. The BOD is always looking for new ideas and suggestions.

January 2004 Message

I am writing this article two days before Christmas and to my dismay it does not look like snow is on the way for the next several days. Well, at least it makes for easier traveling during the holidays.

Good snow reports are coming in for Snowshoe, Aspen-Snowmass, and Wintergreen. This is good news for all those signed up for these trips. Sorry I can't join you, but I'll be going to Wintergreen as often as possible.

My wife and I will be going to Londonderry, Vermont, for a few days in early January. I hope to ski Stratton & Okemo while Marguerite shops. My snow report for New England will be sent out upon our return.

Ray Mees, Bob Myse, and I plan to ski Whistler/Blackcomb (British Columbia) this winter. We plan to depart Washington around Feb. 20, 2004 and return a week later. Anyone wanting to join us is welcome. As I now in the process of making reservations, I would appreciate very much if you want to come along, that you contact me at (540-972-3681) ASAP. The cost is estimated to be $1300 US and that includes airfare, ski in/out lodging, and airfare.

Our January club meeting is moving again! We're going to be trying the upstairs meeting room at Ukrop's supermarket on Rt. 3, just west of the Spotsylvania Mall. Food and beverages can be purchased in their caf� on the first floor and brought up to the meeting. As usual, we'll start at 6:30pm and be finished by 8pm.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and on behalf of your BOD and myself, wish all of you great snow, ski trips and especially good health.

October 2003 Message

Well, I pray we saw the last of hurricanes this year and hope none of you experienced damage to your homes or loss of a favorite tree or car. Dennis and Randy Chin had a large tree fall on their house and it sustained considerable damage. They were out of power for an extended period of time and had to endure quite of bit of hardship. Dennis managed to attend our rescheduled Club meeting this past week and is back in good spirits. Jim Dow could not attend the meeting as he was busy repairing his daughters house which also was damaged by several falling trees.

Our last meeting was held at Liberty Lanes and all those attending enjoyed the food and camaraderie. We welcomed 2 new members, Pam & Geof Marshall who live in Stafford. Pam hopes to ski with us on Wednesdays. Dave Taylor also attended and reported one of the lodges near Killington is offering a great ski package for January, which he will look into and get back to me with the details. I will then send them to you via E-mail. I mentioned that Quebec is also offering great packages and ambience. This might be a good trip for late February or early March.

For those who we have not seen over the summer, don't forget to attend our next club meeting in October. Seeing new and old faces at these meetings and hearing their suggestions, planned ski trips, etc. is what your BOD is trying to achieve. The BOD works hard to give you a year round program that is interesting and fun. Support them by coming to a meeting.

After several days of cool weather these past few days, we know summer is over and winter is just 73 days away. I bet some of you even took to wearing a ski sweater during the recent chilly mornings. Connie Wiley tells me the BRSC Western Carnival to Snowmass is sold out. Those wanting to go must go on a waiting list or make arrangements to go with another club, who we hear are also selling out fast.

Party Bob

September 2003 Message

Well the summer vacation season is about over and it is time to think about winter skiing. Rae & Jodi Ehlen have. They went to Ski Chalet and purchased new outfits. They took advantage of some "early bird" specials and will probably win the award for the best dressed club members. The Farmers Almanac predicts a great deal of snow for the upcoming season.

With this prediction, Connie Wiley hopes you have marked your calendars and reserved you spot for our Snowmass trip with BRSC in January. Her reservation list is filling up fast, so don't hesitate and get your deposit in NOW. (ED: Too late, it's full!)

Due to rain we rescheduled our club picnic for August 25th. The day was "Beautiful", one of the best all summer. After having to endure three years of eating in the rain, we finally lucked out with the weather and all that attended really enjoyed themselves. Low humidity, a nice breeze coming off the lake, great food, and a boat ride all contributed to a great day. We even got to witness a wedding ceremony. No it was not one of our members. Cary Chen, Jim Schiller (in the area on business from Atlanta) and Catherine Moncure's cute granddaughter Hanna were among the surprise attendees. Leo St. Jean did a great job grilling as usual and hopes to cook for more people next year.

Jim Dow returned safely from his Chili ski vacation and we hope to hear his report at our September meeting.

Don't forget to attend the first meeting this season on September 18th at the Box Seats Restaurant in the new Liberty Lanes at Southpoint (near the DMV and the Marquee Cinemas). Bring a perspective member with you.


July/August 2003 Message

Hi all you skiers:

First, on behalf of the club, I would like to thank Rae Ehlen for the great job he did as president these past years. I hope I can be as successful, but he is a tough act to follow.

Well, did you get all your indoor jobs done this monsoon season? I hope that you did so you can attend our bowling night on July 19th at the new Liberty Lanes bowling/restaurant center in Massaponox. Bob Myse has assured us that we will all have a great time. Even if you don�t bowl, come and join the fun. Please call Rae Ehlen at 540-891-8639 by July 14th if you plan to attend.

The drought is over, the Lake of the Woods lake is high and I will again host the club picnic on August 9th. Don�t forget your bathing suit, boat shoes and a side dish. Also, bring along the kids & grand children. The club will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, and beer, soda and paper goods. RSVP me at 540-972-3681 or email to [email protected] by August 5th if you intend to come and what side dish you will bring.

The 2003 ski season is not over for Jim Dow. He has been skiing in Colorado, Virginia, Vermont, and Italy with Martha. Now he�s off to ski the Chilean glaciers with his granddaughter this summer. What a lucky girl to have a skiing grandpa. We wish both of them a safe journey and good snow.

While Jim is skiing in Chile, Connie Wiley is finalizing our contract with the tour operator for the BRSC 2004 western trip to Aspen/Snowmass. Connie reports that deposits are coming in early so mark you calendar and reserve early. Don�t be shut out!

Dennis Chin won't be able to lead the BRSC Eurofest trip to Cortina, Italy next winter, but I would like to hear from any who are interested in doing that trip in March 2004. Think hard about this one before you say no.

For other summer fun rafting, tubing, biking, etc. see the list of events on our web site. You can also call me for unpublished trips.

Hope to see all of you this summer.

May/June 2003 Message

[Jodi Ehlen, VP] As your newly elected vice-president, this is my first (and probably my last) newsletter column, since our newly appointed president Bob Schwab is in Germany.

The first thing I would like to do is thank the NUMEROUS people who showed up for the highway clean up on April 27. I don't know if there is enough room to list them all but I'll try:

I'd also like to thank my father for making our clean up easier by constructing several "trash pick-up sticks" (Whatever you call them). And of course, we ended the adventure at the Paradise Diner.

Moving on to bigger and better things, ASPEN!!!! First of all, I will reiterate that signing up early is imperative. You most likely will be left out if you wait until our first general membership meeting in September. We have 32 slots available, but anything not sold by September 1st will have to be cancelled. If you're interested, we will need a $300 deposit BEFORE THE SUMMER IS OVER! Connie Wiley is our trip leader, so contact her if you are interested at 540-899-9868.

Second of all, since the airline rates have come back much higher than originally estimated, we as a board felt it was necessary to switch from our original ski-in/ski-out accommodations to something more affordable. We will now be staying in the Snowmass Mountain Condos. Although they are not slope side, they are minutes away from Snowmass and every bit as luxurious. In making this switch, we have brought the total package price from around $1360 down to $1140.

We hope this switch still makes ASPEN inviting.

Now, on to our summer activities: We have planned a bowling party for July 19th at the new bowling alley Liberty Lanes (partially owned by our own Bob and Laurie Myse) and a picnic on August 9th at Lake of the Woods. More details will follow in the subsequent newsletters.

Well, thank you for my moment of fame. Now, back to being VP. THINK ASPEN!!!

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