FSC President's Messages, 04/05

(Updated 07/09/05)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2004 to April 2005

March 2005 Message

It is with great sadness that I have to report that Kevin Vosburgh passed away February 7, 2005, while skiing with the club at Breckenridge, CO. Your club expressed our sympathies to Kevin's family by sending flowers.

Shirley and David Grant accompanied Connie Wiley to Massachusetts to attend funeral services for Kevin. They were very good friends of Kevin and instrumental in getting him to join the club and ski with us.

A volunteer for Breckenridge Guest Services, a retired anesthesiologist, was skiing the Peak 10 slope when Kevin became unconscious. This doctor maintained a patient airway and within a very short time Breckenridge ski patrollers with emergency equipment arrived. Despite a very efficient and professional effort, they were unsuccessful in resuscitating Kevin. The club will send a thank you letter and donation to the Breckenridge ski patrol.

I received this note from Kevin's parents:

Dear Friends at the Fredericksburg Ski Club,

Don and I want to thank you for all of the kindness that you have shown us during this most difficult time. Your kind thoughts have helped us with the loss of our son Kevin.
All the thoughtful gestures that people have shown us are wonderful, but it cannot be compared to how appreciative we are for your personal expressions of caring.
We want to particularly thank you for the beautiful flowers. It was so thoughtful.

Fondly, Don and Alice

On the same day of Kevin's passing, Wes Rogers broke his arm skiing on the slopes of Breckenridge. Wes, we wish you a speedy recovery. Lyn, you have your hands full keeping Wes relaxed.

Rae Ehlen did a great job as trip leader on the Breck trip. Plus, he finally won a NASTAR medal! The events and program set up by the BRSC were well organized and we all had a good time. An international group of FSC members (9 Germans, 3 Brits and 12 Americans) are off to Steamboat for the week beginning March 1st. We hope to have new snow, great skiing and fun partying together. The Dow's and Myse's were out there recently and enjoyed their stay.

Don't forget to check out conditions at Wintergreen. With the recent snow, skiing should be good. Call Bob Myse if you are going.

Most of us will be home on time to attend the St. Patrick's Day party at Carlos O'Kelly's on March 17th. I don't know what surprises Marguerite has for the party, but I hope it is making me drink green beer instead of hitting me with her shillelagh.

February 2005 Message

Winter and snow have finally arrived!!!

Bob, Mike, Rae, Jodi, John & Kristy went to Snowshoe last weekend and had a good time. They got about 13" of new snow on Saturday, but Sunday was very cold and windy. The lift at Cup Run was shut down most of Sunday due to high winds. Too Bad.

The Myse's, Dow's and myself went to Wintergreen this past Wednesday. All the trails except one under the Eagles Swoop lift were open. We were surprised to find that Wintergreen replaced the slow chair at the Highlands with a fast detachable 6 pack. With this cold weather, Wintergreen will make plenty of snow and conditions should be good.

The Myse's, Dow's and some King George people are off to Steamboat next week and we hope they have a good time. I'll get a report from them when they return and get it to you.

Are you ready for Breckenridge? Get those skis tuned, do some exercises and maybe take a quick trip to Wintergreen for a warm up.

Hope to see you at Carlos O'Kelly's for the general membership meeting on February 17th. Everybody enjoyed themselves at the January meeting that was held there and voted to return.

January 2005 Message

I hope you had a great holiday season. Marguerite & I rented a 4 BR house for 3 days on the slopes of Whitetail Resort. Our whole family (11 of us) was there and all had a great time skiing together for the first time. Our two granddaughters, who never skied before, took a half-day lesson the first morning. After that, the 12-year-old was able to ski the intermediate slopes. The 8-year-old tried the intermediate slope but felt more comfortable on the advanced novice slope. Both girls enjoyed skiing and were very proud of their accomplishment. Of course we were too. Both girls finished off the second day with 2 hours of tubing.

Whitetail is about 2 hours from Baltimore and 3 1/2 from Richmond via route 70. It's a nice area, similar in size to Wintergreen. It has good snowmaking, ski school, base lodge, cafeteria, and easy access from the parking lot. If you are in the area try it.

The recent warm weather has put a damper on snow making and local skiing. Bob & Laurie Myse left for Florida for 2 weeks, so if you want to ski Wintergreen, check on conditions before you go. Reports from there (January 7th) are not good. Too bad Tahoe can't send some of that 7' dump to us.

I found a good web site for those looking to book flights or hotels. They had some good prices for flights out West. The site is sidestep.com. Check them out.

Rae Ehlen has openings for Breckenridge. Call him if you or friends want to go.

I also have openings for Steamboat. If you can't stay 7 nights, consider going for a long weekend. Our trip is from Tuesday, March 1st to Tuesday March 8th.

Catherine Moncure had a freak accident while skiing at Snowshoe over the holidays. Catherine: we wish you a speedy recovery and will miss you at Breckenridge.

Hope to see you all at Carlos O'Kelly's on Thursday, January 20th.

December 2004 Message

I would like to welcome all our new members to the Club. The club has gone INTERNATIONAL. We have Robbi & Sue Robbins from Great Britain and the Schwab cousins (7) plus the Merz's from Germany. From Virginia we have Patricia Bishop and Judy Herrick, with Stan Wolf residing in California. These 14 will ski with us at Steamboat.

The FSC Christmas party at Caf� DaVanzo was very successful. We had a good turnout and everybody enjoyed himself or herself. Shirley Grant, Martha Dow, and Bob Cote each won a door prize. In addition, Michael the restaurant manager donated the 6 poinsettia plants that decorated the dinner table to the club. These were also taken home by some of our lucky members. Each lady received a Christmas ornament that my wife Marguerite made for her. It was nice to see Carl Ragland and Gayle Dalrymple again. And meet Michaele Morton, Robbi, Sue, and Judy for the first time.

Rae Ehlen still is primarily looking for a single female to fill an empty slot on the Breckenridge trip. Rae has reserved great condos, which are located about 30 steps from the lift. This is the Blue Ridge Council trip and many extras are included in the price package. If you and your friends want to go to Breckenridge, call Rae. He would love to increase the size of his group.

I have 1 opening for a female on the Steamboat trip. Please call me if you or your friends want to come along. It will be a fun time.

The Ehlen's, the Harris's, Bob Cote, and Mike Redding are going to Snowshoe January 21st, 22nd and 23rd. If you want to join them, make reservations on the Web at www.snowshoe.com. Questions: call Rae or Jodi.

Do you have friends that ski? Encourage them to join your FSC club. The more members we have, the better programs we can provide at a reasonable cost. Snow is coming and Bob Myse will be coordinating our mid week trips to Wintergreen. If you are interested in going, call him at 540-371-4489 before 8 PM on Tuesday night.

At the recent Board meeting, my wife Marguerite was appointed Program Chairman. She will have a Club activity each month, which will be announced in the Cheer Lift. Hopefully you can attend one of the events on the schedule.

Marguerite and I wish all of you and your families Happy Holidays. We hope they will be peaceful and blessed and with good health.

October 2004 Message

My wife and I just got back from California and Oregon. What a great trip! We did sightseeing in Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Crater Lake, Mount Hood, and the Oregon/ California coastlines. The scenery along the way was truly majestic. I mention this because it SNOWED in Yosemite and the Tioga Pass was closed overnight. We almost had to take the long route to Yosemite from Reno, but fortunately, they opened the pass the next day. It SNOWED on Mount Shasta and Mount Hood while we were there.

Have you made your ski trip reservations yet? Rae Ehlen is waiting to hear from you if you intend to ski Breckenridge with us in February. This is the Blue Ridge Ski Council's Western Carnival trip and many perks are included in the package. Rae says spaces are filling up (as of October 7th, there were only six left) and if he does not hear from you soon, he will have to give up some great condo reservations.

I will be leading a trip to Steamboat one month after Breckenridge. I have great condos reserved from March 1st to the 8th. The condos, which are very new, are at the base of the Gondola. This trip is selling out fast so send Bob Cote your trip deposit. Several of us are going to both Steamboat and Breckenridge because we anticipate good SNOW and great SKIING. If you want to join us, send in your deposit NOW!

Do you have friends that are interested in skiing or boarding? Invite them to our next membership meeting at the Pizza Hut on October 21st, where all can enjoy FREE pizza and drink. Rae and I will have brochures available for the upcoming trips.

Mike Redding has scheduled our fall highway cleanup for October 24th. You'll find more info elsewhere in this newsletter and on our website.

Our Christmas Party is set for Saturday, December 4th at Caf� DaVanzo. Keep this date open and more details will follow in the next newsletter.

THINK SNOW and sharpen those skis!!

September 2004 Message

I am sorry to report that Dennis Chin's daughter Tracy Moore passed away on August 27, 2004, after battling cancer for seven years. I attended the memorial service and extended my condolences on behalf of the Club to her husband Jim, their two young sons, Aaron and Christian, as well as Randy, Dennis and the rest of their family. Thanks to other club members who also attended the service.

If you wish to personally extend your sympathies, the Chin's address is: 6519 Legacy Park Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111-4699. Donations should be made payable to First Baptist Church of Woodbridge, noting on the check that it is for the Tracy Moore Fund. Send them to First Baptist Church of Woodbridge, P.O. Box 6788, Woodbridge, VA 22195.

Thanks again to Laurie & Bob Myse for hosting our annual picnic. Of course it started to rain just as we began cooking but those few who attended had a good time.

Unfortunately I had to cancel the swim/boat party at the last minute due to my wife not feeling well. Marguerite spent a few days in Mary Washington taking numerous tests, which were all negative. Thanks to all who expressed their concerns. I am happy to report she is doing well and partying with me.

I hope you all had a great summer despite all the rain and hope you are ready for a great ski season. The Farmers Almanac says we are going to have plenty of snow this season. For those who want to take advantage of the snow, we have three trips planned so far this year. Rae & Jodi are leading the BRSC Western Carnival to Breckenridge and Laurie Myse is heading a trip to Steamboat , both in early February. I will be the trip leader to Steamboat, the first week in March. I hope you are able to go on two trips next year.



May 2004 Message

Well, summer is almost here! It's time for the club to switch gears from snow skiing to water skiing. More about snow skiing further down in my report.

We had a hotly contested (for our club) election for the Board of Directors at the April meeting. John Harris and Wally Morton were elected to join incumbents Shirley Grant and Connie Wiley on the Board. Thanks to outgoing Board members Nancy Berg and Dennis Chin for their past service.

Your BOD has come up with a GREAT suggestion - a float trip by canoe or tube down the Rappahannock River on June 19th. The trip is about 6 miles long, with gentle rapids, and places to stop, swim, and eat. The cost per person, at the Outdoor Center on Fall Hill Avenue for canoes, lifejackets, shuttle, and parking is $23 per person, (a rubber tube cost is only $15 per person). The facility requires a deposit, but if we have to cancel due to inclement weather, rain checks will be given. PLEASE RESPOND TO LET US KNOW if you plan to attend by JUNE 8th, either to me by phone at 540-972-3681 or to Jodi Ehlen by email to [email protected].

The club also plans to have a picnic in July to be hosted by the Myse's on Machodac Creek in King George County. The time and date will be announced very soon. I will host the club picnic at Lake of the Woods on August 7th. Your club will provide the food and drink. I will supply the boat and fast tube rides for all attendees.

Now for next years snow skiing. Rae Ehlen will be our trip leader for the BRSC Western Carnival at BRECKENRIDGE, Colorado, to be held February 5th to 12th. The Council has a great tour operator in Dan Ellis of Rocky Mountain Tours and the trip should run without a hitch. Put the week on your calendar and let Rae know ASAP.

On the last week of February, (or very early March) I plan on running a trip to STEAMBOAT, Colorado. I'm anxious to hear from those of you who would like to consider Steamboat.


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