FSC President's Messages, 05/06

(Updated 05/10/06)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2005 to April 2006

March 2006 Message

What a busy ski season we are having! Rae Ehlen's BRSC trip to Sun Valley in January was a great success. Then Jim Dow, Catherine Moncure and her son George, Bob Myse and I took off for a week of skiing in Ischgl, Austria. Thirty four of us have just returned from Vail where we had great accommodations, good camaraderie, beautiful weather and a lot of snow. What else could one ask for?

We had a few glitches getting into Ischgl. Jim and the Moncures missed their bus connection from Munich to Innsbruck. Bob Myse and I had to fly from Frankfurt to Munich instead of into Innsbruck because of fog at the airport. Finally we all got to the hotel in Ischgl in time to go for dinner with my cousins.

Sunday, Dr. Bob and I toured the village since my luggage had not yet arrived. Jim, Catherine and George headed up the mountain with my cousins Martina, Stephanie and their families, Martina acted as interpreter and tour guide. Bob Myse and I stopped at Nicki's to check out the apr*s ski gathering and found it to our liking. Martina booked another great restaurant for a hearty dinner.

My luggage arrived that evening and we all skied together on Monday in beautiful weather and good snow. That evening we went to dinner with Martina, Stephie, and my other cousin Joseph and his family who had just arrived. All 13 of us sat down to another great meal and said our good byes to Martina, Stephie & their families as they left for home because their children had to return to school.

The next four days we skied with Josef and his family. Josef, having been to Ischgl many times before, led us to all parts of the area. Many days we would start skiing in Austria, ski into Switzerland and return to Austria. Snow conditions and visibility would dictate where we skied. The Americans all took a round trip, on a double decked cable tram which holds about 180 people, from the top of the mountain to a small Swiss village. We had never seen or ridden a double decked tram. It was quite an experience and the views from the tram were something to behold. In addition to the tram, the Ischgl area had 6 & 8 pack detachable lifts which quickly moved the many skiers up the mountain.

With the children back at school, the remaining adults took part in some heavy apres ski celebrations. We all sang and danced with the disco music which consisted of half European and half American songs. Boy, you should see Dr. Myse, dance (after a few beers). The rest of us also had a lot of fun singing, dancing and enjoying the beer. There were many prosits, zum whol, & cheers shouted during apres ski time.

Bob Myse and I flew home from Innsbruck that Saturday to a 5" snowstorm in VA. Bob and his wife Laurie drove me home in their 4x4 pickup. Thanks Bob & Laurie!! The next day the snow started disappearing as warm weather came back again. The Moncures and Jim stayed another week in Innsbruck. They had a great time skiing several nearby areas, shopping, sightseeing, and sampling good, hearty, well served meals.

All of us enjoyed our stay and hope we can do another European trip again.

January 2006 Message

I hope the weather will turn a little colder in VA so we can get some local skiing in. There has been pretty mild weather here in the Commonwealth.

Marjorie Nass reports that skiing was excellent at Sugarbush, VT, in early December. Rae & Jodi Ehlen reported fair skiing over New Years at Wisp, MD. Have not heard how their trip to Blue Knob, PA, went this past weekend as far as snow conditions. Ray Mees is off to Vail this week skiing with his family so he should be reporting in soon.

I�ll be off to Isghl, Austria, on Feburary 3rd, with Catherine Moncure, her son George, Jim Dow, Bob Myse and maybe Lois Rose. We will be meeting my German cousins there and hope to enjoy the restaurants and aspre skiing there.

Rae will be leading 17 members to Sun Valley for the BRSC Western Carnival in a couple of weeks. I hope they have good snow and an uneventful trip. The Carnival is always a great trip and I hope they win some race medals.

Don�t forget to tune up those skis and make your final payments for trips you have scheduled.

See you at Carlos O�Kelly�s on Wednesday, January 18th @ 6:30pm.

November 2005 Message

A belated Happy Halloween. October has been a great month both for weather and the club. Several members attended the Riverside Theater production of Big River and they all enjoyed it. The general membership meeting at Carlos O'Kelly's was well attended and we all enjoyed the buffet that Marguerite had arranged. Four prospective members attended which is a good sign. For the first time that I know of, we even raffled off lift tickets to local ski areas and some trinkets. Several new members were lift ticket winners. Mike Redding thanks members who showed up for the highway cleanup; Gary & Tina Gemmill, Larry Freeman, Lois Rose, Connie Wiley, Catherine Moncure, Rae Ehlen, Bob Schwab, Wally Morton, and (all the way from Georgia!) Wes Rogers. This was a near record attendance and made the job very easy.

We will be raffling off additional lift tickets at the November meeting and hopefully a free stay at a bed & breakfast at Canaan Valley. So be sure to come to Carlos O'Kelly's on Wednesday, November 16th at 6:30pm.

56 members have signed up for our 3 ski trips that are scheduled for 2006. That's great. Rae Ehlen has only one opening for Sun Valley, and I have 2 spaces left for Vail. The Ischgl, Austria trip is filled up. Sign up now before you get shut out.

The Club's annual Christmas Party will be a little different this year. Instead of having dinner at a restaurant, Lois Rose has volunteered to host a pot luck dinner party at her house. Don't forget to bring a carrot for her horses so they don't feel left out. Marguerite will be sending out invitations that will include information for the party, directions to Lois's home, what the club will provide, and most important, a REQUEST that you RSVP to LOIS if you plan or do not plan to attend. The party is open to all members, their guests, and prospective members.

YOUR CLUB has improved its activities, trips and membership. Keep this going.

October 2005 Message

Our annual membership party will be October 19th. Marguerite has arranged to have it at Carlos O'Kelly's. The Club will provide FREE buffet, soft drinks and beer. Also, there will be door prizes such as a two day lift pass to Massanutten and several other prizes but you must attend to win. Bring an interested guest who will also be eligible for a prize.

To insure that enough food is prepared, please call Marguerite at 540-972-3681 or email her at [email protected] if you are coming.

Keep in mind that availability for our three ski trips to Sun Valley, Vail, and Austria are filling up fast, so get your deposits in now to insure your space.


September 2005 Message

Our last "summer" event is a cookout at 1:00pm on Saturday, September 17th, in the picnic area next to the "beach" at Lake of the Woods. The club is providing the hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and beverages, just bring a side dish (veggies, salad, or dessert) to share. Family and friends are welcome, but please RSVP to Marguerite at 972-3681 so we'll know how much food to get. Also please call for if you need directions. In case of rain, the event is canceled.

Our 2005-2006 ski season is just starting, and already our two western trips are starting to fill up! If you have any interest in either Sun Valley or Vail, you should act quickly to reserve your spot. Also, if you are interested in a trip to Ishgl, Austria, the first full week of February, please give me a call at 972-3681 for the details. The cost is expected to be about $1,500. And don't forget to checkout the trips sanctioned by the Blue Ridge Ski Council. These trips are available to our members at no additional cost. Just contact the host club or trip leader and let them know you're an FSC member.

Our first club meeting of the new season will be WEDNESDAY (not Thursday!), September 21st, at Carlos O'Kelly's on Rt. 3 (in front of the Hampton Inn). As usual, the meeting starts at 6:30pm, with the club business discussions starting at 7:00pm or so. I hope as many as possible show up to kick the season off to a good start.

If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so ASAP. A membership application is on the last page.

August 2005 Message

Hi Members: How has your summer been so far? I*m sure that you feel it has been too hot and you would like to see cooler weather eventually followed by snow.

After canoeing down the Rappahannock River Saturday, August 6th, some of us went to the Bluemont Concert at Maury Stadium in Fredericksburg. Catherine, Connie, Shirley, Dave and I were a little tired, but we managed to stay awake and listen to a good Irish band. There were a total of eight participants on the canoe trip including Jim Dow and his grandson Michael Mann. Wally Morton supplied the canoes and acted as our guide. Unfortunately the water level was a little low, and even Wally had difficulty navigating through the rocks. Wally suggested we do the same trip next year, but make it in June, not August.

Our social chairperson, Marguerite Schwab, has organized several activities this summer. The next social event is the summer picnic. Bob & Laurie Myse have graciously volunteered to host it on Saturday, AUGUST 27th starting about noontime. Please bring a side dish and call Marguerite at 540-972-3681 and tell if you plan to attend and what dish you will be bringing. The club will provide the drinks, burgers, dogs etc. Either Bob and Laurie or Marguerite will give you directions. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!!!

Well, it is time to get to the reason this club exists. GOOD SKIING with GOOD FRIENDS. Last season YOUR CLUB ran two western trips and several day trips. Rae Ehlen ran the council trip to Breckenridge and I ran a later trip to Steamboat. Members who went on them had a great time. This year we are trying to increase our number of trips to 3. Rae will lead the BRSC trip to Steamboat and I will lead a trip to Vail. My German cousins are getting accommodation information at Ischgl, Austria from Feb. 5- Feb. 11. Several members have expressed interest in this trip. I will keep you posted as details are received.

Our first meeting will be at Carlos O*Kelly's on WEDNESDAY, September 21st, at 6:30 PM. We will have some social time followed by dinner and a business meeting. Please let Marguerite know if you will be attending so she can give the restaurant a head count. Please call Marguerite at 540-972-3681 or e-mail [email protected].

Finally, this is YOUR CLUB. To keep the activities and trips interesting, affordable, and varied, your participation is needed. Your help is especially needed in recruiting new members. It is surprising how few skiers in the Fredericksburg area know we exist. When you meet a person that shows interest in the club, don*t just tell that person to look up our Web Site. Get his/her name, address, phone #, email and forward it to Mike Redding or me and we will send out a Newsletter to that person. Better yet, invite them to our meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

July 2005 Message

Robert F. Cote, 1931-2005
On Monday evening, June27th, we lost one of our best members to cancer. Bob Cote was a long time member and his participation in the club was perhaps the best among all past and present members. In tribute to Bob, many former and current members including ex-presidents Bob Myse, Dennis Chin, Ken Scruggs and Kandi Hilliard paid their respects at the viewing and funeral.

On behalf of the Club, I extended condolences to his wife Audrey and their family and asked her to pass them on to �Uncle Bob�s� many nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Jodi Ehlen took care of the beautiful flower arrangement that the club sent as a tribute of our respect and affection for Bob.

At our BOD meeting, Rae Ehlen offered to accept the Treasure�s position that Bob held for many years and performed so well. Thanks Jodi and Rae, for your help.

The BOD voted to expand our off season social activities. Marguerite will expand on dates and activities in her column. As you know the Club will attend the Blue Ridge Ski Council's Western Carnival in Sun Valley, Idaho, next January. Rae Ehlen will lead the trip. If you're interested in going to Sun Valley, give Rae a call right away so he make sure there's space for all. Also, several members have shown interest in going to Vail, Austria, and the BRSC trip to Italy next year. Plans and arrangements are in progress and we hope to give you an update in the next Cheer Lift. The Board of Directors wants to hear from the membership what trips and activities YOUR CLUB should consider. Don�t be bashful, let�s hear those responses. An updated club roster will be published and distributed to all current members as soon as possible. Membership and trip application forms will ask you to provide an emergency number and your birth date.

Our first regular scheduled meeting for the 2005/2006 season will be on Wednesday, September 21st, 2005, at Carlos O�Kelly's, starting at 6:30pm for socializing and dinner. We'll begin the discussion of club business no earlier than 7:00pm.

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