FSC President's Messages, 06/07

(Updated 04/15/07)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2006 to April 2007

March 2007 Message

By Vice President Jodi Ehlen

It looks like another ski season is wrapping up. Although we got a slow start in early January, Mother Nature did finally come around. As for my husband and me, we have managed to get a few local week-end trips in preparation for what should be one awesome finale to the season- Mammoth! Although it was discouraging for awhile, Mammoth now has a 4-6 foot base! This will be a far cry from early January, when Rae and I were dodging the mud at Wisp.

A couple weeks later, Mike Redding, Lois Rose, Rae, and I did have a better weekend at Snowshoe. Although it wasn*t 100% open, there was no mud to dodge. The only catch that weekend was battling the sleet and freezing rain on the ride home, turning a 4.5 hour drive into a 7 hour drive.

As mentioned before, since most of us will be in Mammoth during our normal meeting week, there will be no general membership meeting this month. We will be having our elections during our April meeting, so please let any board member know if you are interested in serving. Your serious consideration will be greatly appreciated.

And remember, Think Snow!!

February 2007 Message

Hi Skiers:

I am sorry to start my message on a sad note, but I would like to inform you that Lois Rose�s sister, Mary Gay Doman, passed away on February 4th. Mary Gay had been ill for several years. Fortunately, Lois was able to spend a few days with her sister and her father in Ogden, Utah, before she joined us in Park City. Lois was informed that her sister�s health had turned for the worst and she returned to Ogden to be with her family. Things temporarily improved and Lois was able to join us at Snowbasin on February 1st. On behalf of all of you, I have sent condolences to Lois and her family.

Now for a lighter note, I am glad to report that everybody had a good time at Park City, The condo location was excellent. We were in the center of town, � block to the Town Chair lift which dropped us off at the mountain lifts. We could also ski home to the start of the Town Chair. Restaurants and shops were within easy walking distance of the condos.

The day trip to Snowbird and Alta on Wednesday was a great diversion, especially since we had some new snow there. Those that went had a good time.

The next day we went to Snowbasin. Well, the bus trip was a little longer than expected because the bus driver did not know the route. But we met Lois and found great snow, beautiful lodges and extensive snow making in progress. Snowbasin and Sun Valley are owned by the same person and the architecture is similar and extraordinary. After skiing all day, we loaded onto to the bus expecting a smooth ride back. Would you believe the bus driver got lost again? Thanks to Ray Mees and Gene Buckwalter for telling the bus driver how to get us home.

Last but not least, when Marguerite & I got to our car which was parked at the Holiday Inn Dulles, we found a dead battery. Some young men tried to jump start the car to no avail so we stayed the night at the Holiday Inn and AAA got us started in the morning. This is the third time we have come back to a dead car battery after ski club functions, once after a meeting at Carlos O�Kelly�s and twice after coming home from ski trips. Please don�t ask to share a ride with us unless we go in your car. It is like asking me to go to Snowshoe and having rain.

Our next trip is to Schladming, Austria. Please PRAY for SNOW. They need it. Wally hopes to see you all at Mammoth. And don't forget our February meeting at Carlos O'Kelly's on the 21st at 6:30pm.

January 2007 Message

Happy New Year Members!

Please put those water skis away. The weatherman says they bring bad luck for the snow skiers. Although the weather here has been as mild as Ivory Snow, our western destinations have gotten plenty of snow. So don't despair.

After a late start, Austria has gotten some of the white stuff, but they could still use more snow before we get there. It's been milder than normal over there also. A couple of weeks ago the Tollners told me that had been snow in the Poconos. I imagine that is gone as well as most the man-made stuff at Wintergreen. Hopefully New England and West Virginia will get snow in the next couple of weeks for some members to enjoy.

Enough Gloom & Doom: Come to Carlos O'Kelly's on Wednesday, January 17th, and have a margarita at the Club's first meeting in 2007. Your BOD will be seeking suggestions for our summer/fall program and next years 2008 ski destinations. Those members living out of town but who will be going on one of this years Club trips, please let your suggestions known to a trip leader or BOD member.

Next year's BRSC Western Carnival will be to Steamboat and some members have already said the club should go. Do you agree? PLEASE give the BOD your suggestions.


November 2006 Message

By Vice President Jodi Ehlen

Now that it's finally getting colder and actually feeling like fall, it is much easier to think about skiing. We have three great trips scheduled to Park City, UT, Mammoth, CA, and Schladming, Austria. If you plan on going, but haven't put in your deposit, you must do so ASAP. Although we aren't totally sold out, we are nearly at a point where we have to release reservation slots in order not to suffer a penalty.

In addition to skiing, we are now approaching the holiday season, which brings me to the subject of the next Fredericksburg Ski Club activity - The Club Christmas Party. You have probably already received your invitation in the mail, so mark December 2nd on your calendar. Lois Rose has graciously offered to host the party again at her cozy home in Partlow. More details are provided on the Upcoming Events page. Try not to miss it. It's a great opportunity to mingle with our ski club friends and guests, spread a little Christmas cheer, and anticipate a great ski season. Please RSVP as requested in the invitation so we'll know how much food and drink to get!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in our semi-annual highway clean-up: Catherine Moncure, Connie Wiley, Gil Wright, Mike Redding, Pat & John Parkinson, and Rae Ehlen (my wonderful husband, who was there representing both of us). As usual (so I was told), the crew finished quickly (this time quicker than usual, since our phantom helpers apparently struck again) and enjoyed a nice hearty breakfast at Perkins.

See you at the next meeting. And remember: THINK SNOW!

P. S. A few of us will be in Snowshoe the weekend of January 19th-21st. Although our condo is filled, if anyone is interested in joining us, let Rae know. If enough people are interested, we could probably get another condo. It's a great start to the season, as well a good warm-up for the big trips.

October 2006 Message

HAVE YOU PROMOTED JOINING THE SKI CLUB to your friends, relatives, neighbors and work associates? Have you told them of the advantages one gets by being a member of a ski or travel club? I realize that your schedules do not always allow you to go on one of our trips. However, when one is a member of the FSC, he/she has the opportunity to partake in the many sanctioned trips offered by other Blue Ridge clubs, without joining those clubs or paying a non-member fee. Some of these clubs even offer well priced trips in the summer and fall seasons to exotic places. For those that wish to ski locally or in New England, one can find a well-priced bus trip on the BRSC sanction trip list.

The Fredericksburg Ski Club is offering three (3) great ski trips in 2007. The destinations are Park City, Mammoth Mountain and Schladming, Austria. All are moderately priced and I am sure you will have a good time if you go on any of them. For those of you departing from cities other than Washington DC, our tour operators have been able to provide low cost air fares from many departure cities. If you and your friends like to ski but can*t fit our trips into your schedule, don*t hesitate to search the Blue Ridge Ski Council web site for sanctioned trips. I am sure you can find something to your liking there for a very reasonable price.

DON*T FORGET: TRIP SIGNUPS are DUE NOW. For those that have signed up already, your second payment is probably due. Based upon the amount of nuts falling off the trees in my yard, I think it will be a great ski season.

September 2006 Message

I hope you enjoyed this summer and will have a great fall to enjoy hiking, *the colors* and cooler weather.

The club will resume monthly meetings again at Carlos O'Kellys on September 20th, starting at 6:30 PM. A FREE BUFFET WILL BE SERVED TO ALL WHO ATTEND. Please RSVP to Marguerite Schwab at 972-3681 if you plan to attend so we'll be sure to have enough food available.

The Club is heavily committed to a diversified ski trip schedule for next year. Trip leaders Mike Redding, Wally Morton, and myself urgently ask that you SEND IN YOUR TRIP DEPOSITS ASAP. This will ensure that you have a reservation. As you are aware, the trip leaders must make decisions by early October as to the number of reservations they hold to ensure that the Club does not incur any penalties. The trip leaders also ask that you promote the trip with friends who are not yet members.

Don't forget the Club Picnic to be held at Lake of the Woods on Sunday, September 24th. Those who want a boat/tube ride should arrive between 11 AM and 1 PM. Please RSVP Marguerite if you plan to attend (540-972-3681) and let her know what "side dish" you would like to bring.

I must end this on a sad note. On behalf of the entire club, I extend our condolences to members Catherine Moncure and George Moncure. George V. Moncure IV, Catherine's husband and George's father, passed away on August 29th. Those of us who had the opportunity to meet George will remember him fondly.

July/August 2006 Message

Well summer is here and I am sure you are all busy entertaining family & friends. Many have travel plans and I hope your trip will be safe and memorable.

The Club had two events already this summer. The first was a canoe trip led by Wally Morton. Because of low water in the Rappahannock, Wally and Steve Konopa had to canoe a different river. The second was a rafting trip on the James River which started above Richmond and ended just below downtown. Although the river was not as high as hoped, Jim Dow, his granddaughter Hanna, Steve Konapa, Pat & John Parkinson, and myself had a great time rafting some rapids.

I will be hosting a picnic in September (date to be announced) at Lake of the Woods. Hopefully it won*t rain as it has done on previous picnics held in August.

Your BOD has been busy planning next winters ski trips. Wally Morton will lead the trip to Mammoth Mountain. California. I will lead a trip to Park City, Utah, and Mike Redding is leading the Blue Ridge Ski Council trip to Austria. Please see announcements on the following pages. Hopefully you can attend one of these trips.

Enjoy the summer and I hope to see you in September. Our first membership meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 20th, at Carlos O'Kellys at 6:30pm. Please let Marguerite knows if you would prefer another day & place. Just drop us an email at [email protected].

May/June 2006 Message

Have you been enjoying this warm weather, working in the garden or getting your pool ready for Memorial Day? I am still trying to get my boat in the water.

Thanks to Mike Redding, Rae Ehlen, Lois Rose, Wally Morton and Connie Wiley for doing the highway clean up. Hopefully we will have a larger turnout in the fall.

At the last meeting, Wally gave us a progress report on the trip to Mammoth next year. He has the lodging picked out and is in the process of getting prices from several tour operators. The trip will be go from March 17 through March 24, 2007. Mark your calendars.

I am getting bids from tour operators for a trip to either Park City, UT, or Winter Park, CO. I hope to schedule this trip to depart late January, early February. I hear that air fares are up considerably from last years prices. Hopefully they will go down.

Mike Redding will lead the BRSC trip to Austria next year. Several members have already said they want to go. This trip departs March 3 and returns March 11. European ambience and apres ski really adds to a ski trip.

Marguerite has a canoe trip on the Rappahannock and a raft trip on the James River scheduled for this summer. They should be fun. See her column is this newsletter.

Our last meeting will be Wednesday, May 17th at Carlos O'Kellys. Hope to see you there. There will be no meeting during June, July and August.

On behalf of the Board and the officers, I would like to thank the membership for showing confidence in our leadership by reelecting us to a new term.

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