FSC President's Messages, 07/08

(Updated 09/20/08)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2007 to April 2008

April 2008 Message

DON'T FORGET ELECTIONS which will take place at our next meeting. The place: CASTIGLIA'S on April 16 at 6:30 PM.

I received some information from Dan Ellis, a tour operator the club frequently uses which I would like to pass on to you. Your BOD already discussed later flight departing times and shorter trips at our last meeting. Most board
 members were in favor of later flights but some had concerns how they would affect price.

Here is what Dan wrote:

"My other suggestion is to consider a 6 night trip with 5 days of skiing instead of 7 with a 5 day lift ticket. It generally saves $100+/person and gives people more weekend time at home with either a Sunday to Saturday or Sunday to Friday pattern. A related fact is that generally speaking a Sunday to Sunday trip has a lower airfare than Saturday to Saturday.

These special fares have not been finalized by the carriers at this time. Fares from Delta and United are expected by mid-April while fares from Northwest, American and others are not expected until late April. The proposals we are currently preparing include the price in effect for 2008 with an expectation of a $20 to $60 fare increase for next season. We suggest that clubs ask other tour operators to price this way or tell the club how much of an increase they have included in the price.

Ski Contract Fares for 2009 --
These special fares have not been finalized by the carriers at this time. Fares from Delta and United are expected by mid-April while fares from Northwest, American and others are not expected until late April. The proposals we are currently preparing include the price in effect for 2008 with an expectation of a $20 to $60 fare increase for next season. We suggest that clubs ask other tour operators to price this way or tell the club how much of an currently preparing include the price in effect for 2008 with an expectation of a $20 to $60 fare increase for next season. We suggest that clubs ask other tour operators to price this way or tell the club how much of an increase they have included in the price.
What about 'fuel surcharges'?
No matter what fare is offered now, a fuel surcharge is possible later. This is a sad fact of life as we all witness rapidly increasing energy costs. Each club should be sure to inform participants of the possibility of added charges between when the trip is offered and the date of travel. Historically, fuel surcharges have been fairly modest in the range of $10 to $40 domestically. But, events in the past are no guarantee of future events.

What's going on with extra bag fees for 2009 ---
As you likely know, United and US Airways have announced that they will start charging a $25 fee for a second checked bag starting in May. (This will apply for most customers except those with elite status in that airline*s mileage reward program.) Delta and Northwest have recently matched this fee and it is likely that all other major airlines will do so. This is going to hit skiers and other sports groups hard as it will cost $50 extra (roundtrip) to take your skis and boots. (We understand that a ski bag and a boot bag with a combined weight of less than 50 pounds will still count as one item.) Because we expect that all major airlines will have a version of this fee, we urge clubs to disregard the issue in terms of selecting an airline for trips next winter. We don*t think your members will escape the fee by being on one carrier versus another. By the time the dust settles it will likely apply no matter how you fly."

March 2008 Message

Did you have a good time at Panorama? I did and I know Mike Redding did. Although the snow conditions could have been better (we got spoiled at Steamboat), the 4000' vertical drop was ideal for cruising. Those Canadian Rockies are so majestic and when you couple in the lower elevation of the valleys, what sights!! For many of you who had never skied in British Columbia or Alberta, I think this was a treat.
Our condos were truly ski-in, ski-out and the heated pool and spas were accessible from inside the condo complex. Nobody froze going to and from the spas. The day trip to Kicking Horse went well and we found some fresh snow there. Those who went felt the area was not serviced well with lifts and it would need improvements before it can be considered a destination resort.
Hopefully we will schedule a trip in the near future to some other areas in Canada.

George Moncure reported that the Eurofest at Interlaken was a disappointment. The area had very little snow and only the upper half of the mountain had snow which was mostly hard packed. The bottom half had bare spots where George gauged his skis on the rocks and slush. Access to the slopes from the hotel took about 2 hours. Bob McMahon was not as critical but he did not ski the bottom half. He did agree with George that the food was not as good Schladning and drinks were very expensive. George and Bob did praise Chris Gilman, the trip leader for Richmond and enjoyed staying with the Richmond Ski Club.

I just want to say a few words about travel insurance. For me, it was money well spent. Marguerite hopes to have her entire Steamboat trip costs refunded. Myself, I hope to recover both the extra costs I incurred by leaving one day late for Steamboat as well as the trip interruption I and others experienced in Toronto. Fortunately many of us bought trip insurance for the Panorama trip. Keep this in mind for next years trips.

February 2008 Message

Your prayers to the Snow Gods really were heard and had an outstanding result. If you went to Steamboat, you had, on top of about 80" to start, 53" of new snow at the top of the mountain for the week and 55" at mid-station, for an average snowfall of 9" per day. To boot, it was all POWDER. Steamboat expects to set a record for total snowfall for one season, well over 350".

Several of the members went to the back bowl where they were skiing and falling in snow that was up to their waist. Others like me tried to find groomed slopes with limited powder on top. With the constant snow fall, slopes with no powder did not exist.

Every member said they had never seen so much snow in many years of skiing. The Buckwalters skied at Winter Park, CO. the same week we were at Steamboat. They said they had a little less snow than we did but conditions were excellent.

Another plus were the Canyon Creek condos we had at Steamboat. There were no 'caves', 'dark rooms' or basement laundry rooms to contend with. The condo staff was GREAT; shuttle service to the slopes and town was excellent. The Council activities went off without hitches. The Club even had several medal winners in the Nastar race. Bob McMahon earned an individual bronze as well as a Council bronze medal for placing third in his category. Scott Arnold and Steve Konopa also won NASTAR bronze medals and the club took the BRSC 3rd place award for participation.

I hope Charlene Crumrine, Catherine Moncure, her son George and the McMahon's will have good snow and weather at the BRSC Eurofest at Interlaken, Switzerland. Accommodations are always fine in Europe and going with the Richmond Ski Club will make it a fun time.

In closing, I resolve to exercise and lose some weight before going to Panorama. I expect the powder will be just as deep there as in Steamboat. Being out of shape was no fun. I am sure you will do the same.

On behalf of the Club, I extended our condolences to the Chin family. Dennis passed away while skiing with us at Steamboat. Dennis was a good friend to all of us and his camaraderie, skiing and dancing will be missed by us all.

January 2008 Message

I wish all our members and their families a healthy, happy New Year and a GREAT SKI SEASON to come!!

Was Santa Claus good to you? Did he bring you a pair of skis or a new ski jacket? He didn�t bring either one to me, but I did get some new high tech underwear.

A REMINDER: Final payments as well as completed trip applications are due. If you haven�t gotten your payment to Rae Ehlen, please do so ASAP.

Don�t forget the next club meeting will be at Vinny's on Wednesday, January 16th. Hope to see you there.

November 2007 Message

RENEW, RENEW, Renew your membership. By doing so it entitles you to take advantage of our club trips as well as Blue Ridge sectioned trips, which are many.

Being a member also entitles you to a $10 discount for the annual Holiday Party, which will be held this year December 8th at AMY'S CAFE in Falmouth. Several of your Board members recently met with Amy and we came up with a great dinner menu, I know it will be a great evening so plan to attend. Marguerite has sent out invitations with directions to Amy's, and they are also posted on our Web site.  (See the Upcoming Events page.)

Have you booked a ski trip for next year? Rae Ehlen still has a few openings for Steamboat. Delay and you may get shut out. I have openings for Panorama and hope you consider signing up.

NOTE; THE NEXT CLUB MEETING will be held at CARLOS O'KELLY'S on Wednesday, November 14th at 6:30 PM. The meeting was rescheduled due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
After our recent rain, we can pray for snow, and for those living in Southern California.

October 2007 Message

Have you noticed the leaves are starting to fall, football is in full swing and the World Series will start soon? Fall is always a great time of year, great weather, beautiful vistas, and the time to start thinking where you want to ski.

To get the ski club going again after the summer hiatus, Marguerite has arranged for a FREE BUFFET dinner at Carlos O'Kelly's on October 17th. I hope you will spread the word to prospective members and those we have not seen for a while to attend the meeting. All the club ski trips for next year will be discussed as well as a report from the Blue Ridge Ski Council meeting. It will also be a good time to discuss the arrangements for the Council trip to Interlaken, Switzerland.

Rae Ehlen has had a good response from those wanting to go to Steamboat. If you intend to ski Steamboat, make your reservations early.

For those who are interested in a new destination, the Club is offering a trip to Panorama in British Columbia, Canada. This is the first time your club has sponsored an independent trip to Canada. Those of us who have skied western Canada are sure you will enjoy the great powder snow there.


September 2007 Message

Welcome Back Members:
I hope you had a good summer and all of you are healthy. Bob & Laurie Myse once again hosted our summer cookout at their Machodac Creek home on July 21st. Despite the fact they had been without electricity for the 2 days prior (it was restored during the cookout), a good time was had by all and IT DID NOT RAIN.
I'm sure you know that Rae Ehlen is leading our Steamboat trip. This trip is the Blue Ridge Ski Council's Western Carnival and should be a great success. I highly recommend the condos Rae has reserved as many who were there previously said they were the best condos ever. Get your reservation check to Rae ASAP.
For those that are interested in going to the BRSC Eurofest at Interlaken, Switzerland, I suggest you contact the Richmond Ski Club for details. It is a great club to travel with and they usually offer many amenities.
After getting input from several members, I investigated a ski trip to British Columbia. I got a GREAT PRICE going to Panorama, with an optional day trip to Kicking Horse. Air travel would be on Air Canada/United to Calgary and then to Panorama by bus. The cost for six (6) nights lodging in the BEST LOCATED condos, 5 days lifts, air, and ground transportation is only $1,100. The one day excursion to Kicking Horse is an additional $75. Helli skiing for beginners and advanced skiers is also available at Panorama, at addtional cost. I have reserved 14 spots for this trip at no cost (at this time) to the club, but I NEED TO KNOW ASAP if there are sufficient members interested in going. The DATES are February 23rd thru the 29th. PLEASE CALL ME at 540-972-3681 or e-mail me at [email protected].
Finally, if you intend to go on any trip, skiing or otherwise, think seriously about purchasing trip insurance. Many airlines are overbooking flights, canceling flights, etc. I suggest that you take out insurance when you make your initial deposit with the Club or your travel agent. You will then most likely be covered should an unforeseen circumstance arise that may cause you to cancel your trip or have your trip delayed. As with anything of this nature, READ THE FINE PRINT on the policy to know what is and, more importantly, what is NOT covered.

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