FSC President's Messages, 08/09

(Updated 05/12/09)

Bob Schwab
President, May 2008 to April 2009

April 2009 Message

At the last Club meeting at Carlos O'Kelly's I expressed a desire to step down as President. I felt that holding the office for the past 6 years was long enough and time to move on. In addition, I feel that that change is good and new ideas from new leadership will help Your Club.

I am proud of our accomplishments these past years. Your Board of Directors has been very supportive of changes. When I took office, the Club primarily sponsored one Western Trip, usually the Blue Ridge Western Carnival. Now we schedule two trips and have had excellent participation on each trip. In addition, various members have gone on Council Eurofest trips as well as small trips organized by one of our members. Hopefully, these traditions will continue.

Our Treasurer Rae Ehlen informs me that our finances are in order and most important our Trip Account has maintained a healthy balance to provide deposits for upcoming trips.

My only regret is that our membership has declined rather than increased. Speaking to other ski club's leaders, they say their clubs also struggle with declining membership. I don't think it is because of the economy (declines started many years ago) but primarily due to younger people not interested in joining clubs, which may take time away from their family. Persons not willing or able to commit to distant itineraries which ski clubs generally require, also have a negative effect. Those booking last minute on the Internet does not help recruiting new membership.

In conclusion, I am glad to announce that Connie Wiley has been nominated to serve as our new Club President. Since Connie will be vacating her VP chair, Steve Konopa has accepted the nomination to be Vice President. Connie and Steve will make a good team and along with your BOD, the Fredericksburg Ski Club will flourish.

Thanks for your support and help through the years.

March 2009 Message

Once again, the FSC participated in the BRSC Western Carnival in Keystone, and had a wonderful time. The local group was joined in Denver by the other participants from Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Florida. The day trips to Vail, Copper and Breckenridge gave us the right amount of time at other mountains. A big hand goes to Robert McMahon, who was awarded the club's only BRSC medal --silver--for his speed during the NASTAR race. Thanks to Rae Ehlen for running such a great trip. But we need your photos! Please send the newsletter editor copies of your photos, in JPG format if possible.

At this writing, FSC president, Bob Schwab, is leading a trip to Telluride, CO. We hope those skiers' week is as much fun as the Keystone trip. Also this week, a few FSC members are heading to the slopes of Davos, Switzerland, after stopovers in Paris or Budapest. We know they will have wonderful tales of their travels.

Several have asked about the Western Carnival destination next year. Tahoe and the surrounding mountains have been selected for 2010. Bormio, Italy will be the Eurofest destination. Watch future issues of this newsletter for details.

Be sure to attend the next membership meeting at Carlos O'Kelly's on March 18th at 6:30pm. The agenda will include highlights of the Telluride and Davos trips. Nominations for the 2009-2010 Board of Directors will be taken. Would you like to be more involved in the club and help to make decisions on future trips? Commitments to the Board of Directors involves about fifteen hours per year, and duties are extremely light. If you can't make it to the March 18th meeting, but want to make things happen in FSC, contact President Bob Schwab (540-972-3681).

January 2009 Message

HI MEMBERS: I hope 2009 will bring all of you happiness, good health, prosperity and good skiing. Conditions out west and in Europe look real good at this time and hopefully they will stay that way into March.
Those who were able to attend the Club Christmas party enjoyed the meal and good fellowship. A long time member, Robert LaChance, even attended. He now resides primarily in New Hampshire and reported that skiing in New England was in full swing with good conditions.
Rae Ehlen has just reported a cancellation on the Keystone trip, so he has exactly one spot left to fill.  If you (or anyone you know) would be interested, give Rae a call as soon as possible!
I went to Wintergreen on January 4th. Snow conditions were pretty good on the limited open trails.  Hopefully we will get some cold temperatures that will enable the area to make more snow and cover all the trails. I am told Massanutten is in similar shape. Overall, my daughter Trish, my 4 1/2 year old grandson Will and I had a good day. Will got on skis for the first time and took a lesson in the AM. My daughter and I spent the rest of the day taking him down the beginner slopes between out legs, occasionally letting him go on his own. Trish and I did get some skiing in on Eagles Swoop while Will was in ski school.
For those who have not finalized their ski plans and plan on flying out west, check out American Airlines. My daughter just booked a flight to Hayden airport (close to Steamboat) for $243.  I saw similar prices to other areas with American.
In closing, don't forget to exercise, try to recruit new members and attend the next membership meeting at Carlos O'Kellys, on Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30 PM.

November 2008 Message

"It's beginning to look a lot like Snow Time, everywhere we turn."  Oh, wait.  Wrong song.  But that is how you must be feeling as we head into ski season.  Both club trips are selling well and the anticipation is growing.  Eighteen skiers have registered for the BRSC Western Carnival in Keystone, CO.  Western Carnivals are always fun trips.  What is better than skiing with 350 of your closest friends?  Trip leader Rae Ehlen says there are still a couple of spots on this trip.  Look for the details in this newsletter.
The Telluride trip (leader:  Bob Schwab) also has a few slots left and there's been a price reduction!  Telluride is a terrific mountain and an interesting town.  Call Bob for details.
We are looking forward to the FSC Christmas party.  This year, it will be held on Thursday, December 4th, at 6:30 PM, at the Vita Felice Restaurant in the Lee's Hill Shopping Center.  Mark your calendar for this special evening.  You will soon receive an invitation with a choice of meals and return envelopes for the RSVP.
November's monthly membership meeting will be held at Carlos O'Kelly's at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 19th.  Join other Fredericksburg skiers for a meal and chat about upcoming events.

October 2008 Message

Sorry that more of you were not able to attend the Club picnic hosted by Bill & Pat Rowe.  It was a beautiful day, no rain and we spent a nice afternoon overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains and partaking of some good food.  Thanks Pat & Bill, for hosting this event.

The day before the picnic, Rae Ehlen, Wally Morton and I attended the Blue Ridge Ski Council fall meeting hosted by the Richmond Ski Club.  It was decided that the Council will go to Lake Tahoe, California and Bormio, Italy in 2010.  Judy Miller of Group Trips Unlimited will be the tour operator for both.  It is expected that Snowbird/Alta, Utah will be the BRSC Western Carnival destination in 2011. 

Skiers, would you like to take some ski lessons from Professional Instructors?  The Ski Club of Washington DC provides extremely cheap, professional lessons with video at Ski Liberty, Whitetail, Timberline, Canaan and Snowshoe.  Call 301-529-5484 or email to [email protected].

Don't forget the next club meeting.  It will be at Carlos O'Kelly's on Wednesday, October 15th, at 6:30 PM.  GUESTS (non-members) signing up for membership that evening will receive a COMPLIMENTARY DINNER as well as a ski club banner.  Plan to bring a prospective member.  Door prizes will be raffled. We also hope to see many of you at our Adopt-a-Highway cleanup on Sunday, October 26th, at 8:00am.  And don't forget to renew your memberships!

We're starting to plan our annual Christmas dinner party in December.  If you a suggestion for a restaurant for this event, please call Marguerite Schwab at 972-3681 or email to [email protected].

September 2008 Message

Did you have a good summer? I did! Marguerite and I spent a month in Europe. While there, we celebrated 3 birthdays, a wedding, and a family reunion.  We went to Rome for 6 days, Cologne for a 1st birthday party and the day after the wedding we drove to Croatia with 8 cousins. The ten of us had a great week there, staying in a fine resort and enjoying beautiful weather. The Adriatic Sea is really just as blue as the travel ads tell you it is!!

Now to SKIING: Rae Ehlen reports that he is seeing a lot of interest in the BRSC Western Carnival to Keystone, Colorado. Get you deposit and reservation in early for this trip.

As you know, Telluride, Colorado was the resort chosen by most as the destination for the Club's second Western ski trip. The trip will depart either Saturday, February 28th, or Sunday, March 1st. It is a six day trip and will return either Friday, March 6th, or Saturday, March 7th. I have solicited proposals from 2 tour operators. The cost for air, ground transportation, and ski in/out lodging will be about $1690. I know that this trip is pricey but we are going in high season, air fares are up and we are staying at the Mountain Lodge, a top notch property. Check out their website at http://mountainlodgetelluride.com/index.phpPLEASE GET BACK TO ME ASAP IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GOING ON THIS TRIP.
It's time to renew memberships for the coming year.  Thanks to all of you who have already renewed.  For the rest of you, your membership will expire on October 31st, so please take a few minutes to fill out the membership application on page 4 of this newsletter and mail it in ASAP!


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