FSC President's Messages, 09/10

(Updated 07/22/09)

Connie Wiley
President, May 2009 to April 2010

May 2009 Message

If it was snowing rather than raining as I write this, we could be skiing now. There is just that tiny issue of 70 degree temperatures. But, summer gives us time to anticipate trips this winter. And do we have great trips to look forward to!

The FSC will participate in both Blue Ridge Ski Council trips in 2010. Rae Ehlen will lead the club to the Western Carnival at Lake Tahoe, February 20-27. This trip is a bit later than normal, but snowfall in the Sierras can be fantastic later in the season. Rae has reserved 20 places but he can "grow" that number to accommodate everyone who wants to go.

Mike Redding will be leader of the Eurofest trip to the northern Italian resort of Bormio, March 6-14. Bormio is just south of the Swiss-Italian border. You don�t ski? I am sure there will be plenty for non-skiers to do as well, not least of which is admire the awesome Alpine scenery. Find information about both BRSC trips in this newsletter and on the club Web site. Or, call Mike or Rae.

Bob Schwab expects to lead a third club trip this winter, perhaps in January. He is considering some of the Colorado mountains. When more details are known, you will read about them right here.

Events closer to home�.

FSC elections were held at the April membership meeting. The slate of candidates was approved by acclamation. Steve Konopa is the new vice-president, Mike Redding was re-elected as Secretary, Rae Ehlen as Treasurer and Wally Morton, Bill Rowe, Marguerite Schwab and Lois Rose were re-elected as Board members. And I am honored to be the 2009-2010 president.

Many thanks to Wally Morton and Mike Redding for their contribution to the trash pick-up day on April 26. Our group was small, but it was mighty. Club Social Chair, Marguerite Schwab, has a full summer of activities planned. Check this issue of the Cheer Lift for details. A couple of them require early reservations (especially for the evening at Riverside Dinner Theater for Evita), so don�t delay.

Stay cool this summer and think snow!!

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