FSC President's Messages, 98/99

(Updated 10/11/99)

Suzy Baker
President, May 1998 to April 1999

April 1999 Message

It is with sadness that I write my last column as president. I hope to see a lot of you at our April meeting when the board will change hands and new officers will be in place. Please come and give your support to our new leaders. I have enjoyed serving on the board as president this past year. I was pregnant the month after I took office so I have never really been able to give this position all of my attention. I know our new officers will do a great job and hope that someday in the future I will have the opportunity to serve in a position and have more time and energy to offer.

We ended our ski season with some great local skiing. Our little burst of snow gave us all a chance to enjoy some great conditions without too much traveling. I hope everyone enjoyed their ski season.

I, for one, am looking forward to summer and getting outside again We have a few summer activities lined up and are open for any ideas. Be sure to continue reading your newsletter for information on these gatherings.

Hope to see you at our monthly meeting - be sure to check the newsletter for the location.

March 1999 Message

Hello Skiers!
I hope everyone has had a good ski season. As I am writing this, I'm heading to wild wonderful West Virginia where two feet of snow has fallen and they are expecting great conditions.

We had a great trips to Sun Valley and Mont Tremblant with only minor injuries.

There are still some positions left for the FSC board. Please check the newsletter for more details.

See you at our March meeting.

February 1999 Message

Now that the ski season is upon us, where is that SNOW??? I hope everyone that went to Sun Valley had a great time. Unfortunately, the local skiing has not been very productive. Let's hope February is better. It was great to have some new members at the January meeting and several have already joined us on the Sun Valley trip. Welcome aboard!!

Time is running out for the Mt. Tremblant trip. Check out the newsletter for the information on this great trip.

We have some important events facing the FSC members now. We are already doing the planning for the Millennium Trip in December 1999. We desperately need anyone interested in going to contact Rae Ehlen as soon as possible. More details are in the newsletter so look for that information if you have a desire to go.

Also, we are now at that time of year when we need to plan for the election of officers. There are several positions that are being vacated this year. With regret, I feel the club would benefit from a President that will be able to give more of their interest to the FSC and with a new baby in hand, I am unable to give the position the time and attention it needs. Thanks to the other board members who have carried me through while I have been too busy to concentrate on the job. It is not a hard position to take on - it only requires a little time and attention and can be very rewarding. If you have any interest, please notify one of the board members. As with any position, please let one of us know of your interest so we can get together our list of candidates for March.

I hope to see more of those smiling faces at our February meeting (which will be at Pizza Hut again). I hope we are fortunate enough to see some snow in February so we can get in some local skiing. Have a GREAT month.

January 1999 Message

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Our little bit of snow sure put most of us in the ski mood. It's now time to gear up and head out to the slopes. Be sure to check the newsletter for the trips that are still open - we don't want anyone to miss out on some great skiing.

Some of us have already hit the slopes - the Killington trip without much luck - or snow. Our first day trip to Massanutten turned into some great skiing for those who went. Don't forget to call Bob Myse before 9:00 pm on Tuesday if you are interested in going skiing on Wednesday.

We had a nice turnout at our Christmas Party. We even had some members from out of town. We're glad so many could make it.

Our next general meeting is back at Pizza Hut and we hope to see you there.


November 1998 Message

And we know what is right around the corner - my baby being born - oh no - I mean ski season. I do hope to be on the slopes by mid February but I am sure envious of those beginning the season the second week of December. There might still be a few spots left on that trip - contact Dennis Chin if you have any questions. It certainly is going to be a great trip for anyone wanting to take a few lessons - no matter what level you are. As for the other trips, some are sold out and others are filling up fast. Check the newsletter for other information on the trips.

Our October meeting was really exciting. We saw a lot of new faces and a lot of old faces - I guess I should say - regular faces. It was nice to see everyone there. We did have a good turnout of new members - some have already taken advantage of our great trips. Welcome to the club.

Thanks to all who participated at the highway clean up. "It was certainly nice to see more faces and get finished a lot faster, " says all that were there. Also, thanks to Marianne and Dennis for planning the tennis social. I hear everyone was kept busy on the courts and had a great time.

We are busy planning the Christmas Party for the FSC this year. We are planning it the first weekend in December so mark your calendars. A special invitation will be coming in the mail to you soon with all the vital information.

Our November meeting will be at The Lone Star Steakhouse on Rt. 3. I hope to see everyone there - before the snow hits!!!

October 1998 Message

These couple days of cold weather has made us feel that fall is here and we know what's next - ski season. We are getting quite a list of trips for this year but they are filling up fast. Be sure to get your deposits in quick so you don't lose out on the trips you want.

FSC Memberships expire at the end of October so don't forget to renew for the 98/99 ski season. Members make the club what it is. We need to continue to bring in new members and renew current memberships. October is our open meeting where we try to encourage visitors to join us. Please think of your friends that ski and would like to join us for free food and a chance to see what the FSC is about. We have a great list of trips this year plus the other activities throughout the year that make it worthwhile. Its always more fun to ski with friends. Our October meeting is back at Pizza Hut on Rt. 1. See the newsletter for more information if needed.

Thanks to Leo, Rae, & Marco for attending the BRSC meeting. They came home with lots of information on trips this year plus our trips for the year 2000. We'll share this information with you at the meeting and throughout the newsletter so watch for details on these GREAT trips.

Again, I hope to see everyone at the October meeting. Please try to bring a new potential member - let's keep membership up.

September 1998 Message

It's that time of year again and I, for one, have been looking forward to the beginning of ski club meetings for some time. I hope everyone had a great summer and have rested up for our monthly meetings and to start planning for some great trips this year.

Thank you to Bob and Laurie Myse for providing the ski club with a wonderful outing. For those of us who couldn't make it, I hear it was a real good turnout of members, a beautiful day, and a great place on the water.

Your board members have been hard at work to find a meeting place that would benefit everyone. We found a nice room at the Lone Star Steakhouse on Rt. 3. After meeting and dinner, there's a great bar where we can mingle and catch up with everyone on how things are going. Check the newsletter for all the information. Hope to see you there.

Highway cleanup is coming October 25th. Mark you calendars now and join us for this fun, easy way to exercise and help the community.

The club is always looking for new ways to attract new members. Please let your board know of any ideas you may have to help us keep the membership up. The More - The Merrier!

And, as always, trips are planned and deposits have already been coming in. The newsletter will cover all the trips and information so check it out and get your deposits in so your sure to get the trip(s) you want.

See you September 17th.

May 1998 Message

It's May and I think our ski season is sadly over. We did have a few stragglers who were just finishing up some skiing in April. (Lucky Guys!) The rest of us are looking forward to summer activities with the club and anxiously awaiting next year's snow.

Elections for the club's Board of Directors were held in April and all nominees were automatically selected. I look forward (as do the rest of the board) to serving FSC this year. I appreciate the other officers who have graciously offered to accept their positions on the board. They provide years of knowledge and experience to the FSC and without their help to guide the club my job would be impossible.

We hope to add several summer activities to our agenda and will be advising you on the dates as soon as possible. Also, if anyone is interested in leading an activity, please let me know.

We have set up a committee lead by Charlie Edwards to find ways to promote the FSC. If anyone is interested in helping please contact Charlie as soon as possible. I hope everyone has a great summer and look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

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