FSC President's Messages, 99/00

(Updated 11/03/99)

Rae Ehlen
President, May 1999 to April 2000

April 2000 Message

Well, another ski season is winding down. Right now there may be a few of you getting in that last trip on that last bit of snow. I wish I were one of the lucky few. But the end of this season just means we're closer to the next season. Which brings us to the time to elect our next season officers. Currently, the nominees are:

President - Rae Ehlen
Vice President - Bob Schwab
Secretary - Mike Redding
Treasurer - Bob Cote

Board of Directors: (4 will be elected) Charlie Edwards, Jodi Ehlen, Jody Lochmiller, Craig Phillips, Connie Wiley, Linda Wilkinson, and Shirley Wood.

We will hold the election during our next general membership meeting on Thursday, April 20th. We will accept any additional nominations between now and then, so if anyone is still interested, don't hesitate to contact me or any current officer or board member. Please try to attend the meeting so we can have a reasonably sized voting group.

Also on Sunday, April 16th, we will be doing our semi-annual highway cleanup. We will be meeting at Drew Middle School at 8:00 a.m. and cleaning the area from just north of the school to the Falmouth stoplight. Typically this takes around an hour and a half. (Or even shorter, depending on how many show up - hint, hint). After working up a healthy appetite, we will venture to an eatery on US 17 (the name eludes me right now) for a hearty breakfast. If you show up (and I know you will), a pair of gloves and a good pair of work type boots are a plus.

With the warmer weather quickly approaching, it is now time to start thinking of Summer activities to help ease our sorrow that another ski season has gone. Currently we are planning a CRAB FEAST, most likely at Lake of the Woods. More details will follow in the next newsletter.

And remember, we must always THINK SNOW!!!!!

March 2000 Message

Another ski season is winding down. Some of you still have good trips left. Jodi and I hope to squeeze one last weekend to Snowshoe in mid to latter March. Thanks to Bob Cote for leading a fabulous trip to Park City, Utah. Although, there was not a lot of snow, we still had six great days of skiing, and we got there and back event free. (And as usual, it was snowing when we were leaving!!!). And thanks to our wonderful chef Joe Behun for that delicious spaghetti dinner. If you missed out on this trip, just remember, it�s never too early to think about Telluride next year. There has already been tentative interest expressed, so don�t let it slip away.

I�d also like to remind you that it is now time for nominations for next years officers. We will be accepting nominations at the next meeting, so please be there. If you aren�t, you could possibly find yourself unanimously elected to something. So if you KNOW that you don�t want to be an officer, SHOW UP!!!

And keep thinking snow. We still have the month of March.

February 2000 Message

Well, I think telling everyone to think snow has finally paid off!!! I hope we didn't over do it. I would like to be able to get out of here for Park City in a couple weeks. Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy holiday season, and by now, has managed to get ski trip or two, or three in. My wife Jodi and I really had a blast in Steamboat, CO for the Millennium Bash. After a whirlwind Christmas Day, we headed up to Dulles the next morning, bright and early, anticipating increased airport security. Fortunately, there was none, and we were able to check right in, event free, and take off right on time.

Although the snow cover was thin in some places, the ski conditions were great, and the weather was GORGEOUS!!!!!! The sun was bright and the sky was deep blue nearly everyday. Jodi has now become hooked on skiing "OUT WEST", and plans to join us in Telluride next year. In addition to the great skiing, one evening a bunch of us ventured out to the legendary Hot Springs of Steamboat. The springs felt great, but the surrounding conditions were just a little too primitive for me. The only source of light were the stars and a flashlight (If you were lucky enough to get handed one from the bus driver), and the only changing facility was a large Teepee. However, with the lack of light, the entire area was one giant dressing room- just be careful with the flashlight.

For New Year's Eve, we had a wonderful sit down dinner and dance at the Ore House just outside of downtown Steamboat. Billy Kidd paid us a brief visit, and we toasted the New Year twice, once with New York City (10:00 MST), and once at the traditional midnight hour in Steamboat. However many of us did get a head start on the toasting, around 6:00 p.m., knowing that it's midnight somewhere. And guess what? No Y2K shutdowns or disasters!! Imagine that!!

On the last day of skiing, we did manage to have 2 inches of powder. That, and the delicious Bar-b-cue buffet that night was the perfect way to end the week. And as usual, it was snowing as we were leaving, But not enough to snow us in and force us to ski some more. (D'OH!!!!!!).

The following weekend, Jodi and I joined Bob Cote, Gary Kincaid, Mary Cox, Mike Redding, Dave Taylor, and Joe Behun in Snowshoe. We had a good day of skiing Saturday, and while we were in the bar at Auntie Pasta's waiting for our table, we watched the Redskins advance to the next round of the playoffs. (Whether that's good or bad is up to you). The next day, it was raining, and some of us ventured out for a little while, while others decided it wasn't worth it. Either way, it was still a good warm-up for Park City.

Thanks to Bob Cote for arranging the pre-trip party at Pizza Hut. A good time was had by all.

And remember, KEEP THINKING SNOW!!!!

January 2000 Message

I would like to take this opportunity to hope that everyone had a happy and safe holiday season and are having a fulfilling ski season. With the weather turning colder and snow flurries falling as I am writing this, it is much easier to think about skiing (snow, not water). Jodi and I will be back from the Millennium Bash to Steamboat by the time you read this, for which I�ll provide a full report in the next newsletter.

I would also like to extend a special thanks to Bob and Laurie Myse for hosting our Christmas Party. With Marco Wischatta moving to Vermont to begin his career as a ski instructor, we were left without a place, and with Bob and Laurie helping us out, with very little notice, once againm the Party was a success. Thanks again.

Don�t forget about our upcoming general membership meeting (6:30pm socialize, 7:00pm business) on January 20th, 2000. And remember, KEEP THINKING SNOW!!!!

November 1999 Message

Well, I�ve checked the web sites for Killington and Snowshoe a few times over the past couple weeks or so, and a few flakes have managed to find their way to those mountains. Killington actually has 3 trails open. It just goes to show you that you must always THINK SNOW!!!. Don�t forget about our upcoming general membership meeting on Nov. 18th at the Olde Towne Wine & Cheese Deli -- Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel (6:30 dine and socialize, 7:00 conduct business). There�s not a lot on the business agenda this time, other than to hang out and anxiously anticipate the start of the ski season. (ED: Leon, of Leon�s Custom T-Shirts, will be bringing some examples of the clothing and other gear he can provide with the club�s crest embroidered on it. He will be taking orders on the spot, so bring a checkbook if you�re so interested.) We still have 5 spaces left for the Killington trip, so please feel free (encouraged) to bring a friend who might be interested.

Thanks to Mike Redding, Bob Schwab, Bob Cote, Marco Wischatta, Gary & Tina Gemmil, Larry Freeman, Shirley Wood, Connie Wiley, Dennis Chin, and Lois Rose for assisting in the highway cleanup a couple of weeks ago. Because of the great turnout, it was quick and relatively painless, but we still managed to work up a healthy appetite for breakfast afterwards.

Thanks also to Marianne Merrow for again arranging for the use of the Fredericksburg Country Club's indoor courts for our tennis social. A good time was had by all!!

Recently, I received an email from a company in California called Piper Sports, which sells ski equipment at a discount. Currently they are trying to increase business by forming an alliance with ski clubs all over the country, sending the club a 10 percent commission if a member purchases an item from them. If you would like to browse their web site, it's www.pipergear.com. If you place an order, all you need to do is mention that you�re a member of the Fredericksburg Ski Club, and the club will be mailed a commission check. This could be a good opportunity to purchase equipment at a discount, while benefiting the club.

Also, we will be having our Christmas Party on December 10th (Fri.). Marco Wischatta has offered to provide his home for the festivities. As usual, the club will provide beverages (beer, wine, soda, etc.). And possibly a ham, or a main dish of some sort, while the club members will be requested to bring a side dish (and a serving utensil). Details and directions will soon follow.

And remember, keep THINKING SNOW!!!

October 1999 Message

Dear Skiers, our new season is officially under way. Don't forget our next meeting on Thursday, Oct. 21st at the Olde Towne Wine and Cheese Deli on Caroline St, across from the Fredericksburg Visitors' Center. Same time. (6:30 - dine and socialize, 7:00 - business). At this meeting, you must buy your own drinks, but the club will spring for some food. So if you know someone who is considering joining the club, bring them along. Also, the deadline for membership renewal is quickly approaching, so if you're a member, and haven't yet done so (and you know who you are), please do.

FYI, the Park City, Utah trip is nearly sold out. As of the last board meeting (Oct. 6) there was one space available. If you want to go contact Bob Cote (659-2010) ASAP. The Snowshoe trip also has one space available in the rooms already reserved. (More rooms may be reserved if there is sufficient interest.) Contact Bob Cote as well for that one. There is plenty of space available on the Killington trip. Contact Bob Schwab (972-3681) if you're interested. (Let's hear it for the BOBs).

Don't forget, Oct. 24th is our semi-annual ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY cleanup day. As president, I will FINALLY make it to one. The more volunteers we have, the easier it will be. We'll meet at the Falmouth traffic light (US 1 and US 17), and clean up the area from that point up to about 1 mile north up US 1. Typically it takes bout an hour (so they tell me), and then we'll go out for breakfast afterwards. Thanks in advance to those who show up.

Also, on Friday, Oct. 29th, we will be having a tennis social at the Fredericksburg Country Club. See the newsletter (or the Upcoming Events web page) for details.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting for some free food and not-so-free drinks.

And as usual, THINK SNOW!!!

September 1999 Message

Dear Skiers, summer�s about done, and now we really have to think harder about the ski season. Our first general membership meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 16 at the Olde Towne Wine and Cheese Deli- 6:30 p.m. to dine, socialize, drink, etc., and 7:00 p.m. to conduct business. At that time we will be promoting our trips for the upcoming season. Currently, we have trips planned to Park City, Utah, Killington, VT, and Snowshoe, WV. Our respective trip leaders (Bob Cote, Bob Schwab, and Bob Cote) will gladly accept deposits then.

As I�ve said before, we have only a limited number of spaces for these trips, and even though the possibility of expansion is there, don�t delay!! Get your deposits in. You can also send your deposits now to either the ski club or the trip leader.

Sorry to say we didn�t have a huge turnout at Bob Schwab�s party in Lake of the Woods, but for the 7 of us, (and this is including Bob Schwab and his wife) it was a blast. After hanging out at the lake, we went back to Bob S.�s house, had a cookout, and then ventured out on his boat, where we took turns being pulled on the inner tube. Fortunately, because there were only a few of us, we didn�t have to take turns boat riding , and were able to spend the entire afternoon sunning and funning on the lake. Many thanks to Bob and his wife for hosting the party. I guess the rest of the club was actually able to find other ways to vacation other than skiing. (Except for Lois Rose.)

Hope to see you at the meeting.

August 1999 Message

Dear Skiers, I know with this triple digit dry weather we�ve been having, the last thing on your mind is skiing, but the new season is fast approaching. It�s time to think about membership renewal�s and trip sign-ups. Bob Schwab has offered to be the trip leader for the Killington trip, so everyone else is off the hook. In addition, just in case anyone has changed their mind, there are still openings with the Fagowee�s for the Steamboat Millennium Bash (7 according to the last update) and I�m sure other clubs have a few openings as well. If you�re interested, give me a call or email.

Thanks to Bob Myse for hosting a wonderful (and adventurous) party at his King George house. There were a few of us who managed to show up while the sun was still out. We occasionally heard some distant thunder, but no one suspected the magnitude of the storm approaching. The storm hit suddenly, and although wasn�t near as destructive as what hit the Fredericksburg area, we still had to frantically move everything inside. All except Leo St. Jean and Larry Freeman, who, to my knowledge, stayed out on the dock and fought the storm bravely. The good thing about the storm was that it gave us an excuse to stay inside where it was air-conditioned.

The rain eventually did stop, and we were able to move the party back outside, and eventually onto Bob�s nice new dock, which was added since last summer. Carl Ragland, Doug Dougherty, and their families and friends even managed to get in a little water skiing.

Eventually it was time to leave and be devastated by the severity of the storm in the Fredericksburg area.

We were lucky enough to have our power back on, but we did have to put part of our fence back up, and we�re still missing a flowerpot.

Next adventure - Bob Schwab�s, August 14th. And remember, THINK SNOW!!!!!

May 1999 Message

Dear Skiers, after a LONG, LONG, LONG battle of campaigning, I would like to take this opportunity to officially thank you for the opportunity to be your President.

Although summer is approaching, the last thing we can do is to forget about skiing. The Blue Ridge Ski Council meeting was held over the weekend of May 1st and 2nd at Solomon�s Island in Southern Maryland and attended by Bob Cote, Bob Schwab, Jodi Ehlen (my wife), and myself. Among other things, we began finalizing our trips for next season.

The Western Carnival trip for next season will be Feb. 5th to the 12th, 2000. Our board decided to initially reserve 18 spaces. If the trip really sells initially, the possibility of expansion is always there, but don�t wait!!! This trip will sell out (As our west trips always do), and it�s never too early to send in a deposit. Also, due to lack of interest, we decided to withdraw our contract for the Millennium Bash. It looks as though our diehard skiers are saving their leave (and money) for the Western Carnival trip. My wife and I will be joining the Fagowees for the Millennium Bash. There are still openings with other BRSC clubs, so if anyone changes their mind, they can contact me and I will be more than happy to connect them with another club. And of course, you will not be required to join that club or pay a non-member�s fee.

Also, the Eastern Winterfest for 2000 will be Feb. 27 - Mar. 3, at Killington, VT. We are in need of a trip leader for this one. Bob Schwab is pondering the thought, but nothing has been set. So if you�re interested, please contact any board member or me. If you always wanted to see what it�s like to be a trip leader, NOW�S YOUR CHANCE!!!

On a more seasonal note, we have tentative plans for summer activities. Bob Myse has again offered his place in King George for a Ski Club cookout. The date is not etched in stone at this point, but we appear to be leaning toward the same time as last year- the latter part of July. Or whenever the peaches are ripe for daiquiris. Other possibilities are a pool party and/or cookout at Bob Schwab�s place in Lake of the Woods and a pool party at Jody Lochmiller�s. Keep your eyes peeled in the next newsletter for definite dates and times.

Many thanks to those who participated in the highway cleanup: Dennis Chin, Lois Rose, Shirley Wood, Bob Schwab, Margarethe Andersen and Mike Redding. I guess now that I�m president I�ll have to attend the next one. I can supervise real well.

And remember, even though Summer�s approaching, THINK SNOW!!!!!

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