By Amy Aldridge

I spent the week of 25th March to 01 April 2006 skiing at Schladming with my husband and brother. It is the fourth time I have been there and it was by far the best season I have had yet and both of the boys had a brilliant time. It is a great ski area for all abilities, it was my husband's second time skiing and my brother's third.

We stayed in the village of Haus just a few hundred metres walk from the Hauser Kaibling cable car. For the first couple of days we caught a bus to Reiteralm and skied that mountain, and then for the rest of the week we walked to the local cable car. On our final day we skied the whole chain from Reiteralm back to Hauser Kaibling - it took us nearly the whole day with food/drink stops and time to mess around in some of the fun parks. We were very lucky to have had approximately 10 inches of snow fall a few days prior and so all the lower slopes were open. Several people in our group actually skied from Hauser Kaibling to Reiteralm and back - although this does really take a whole day skiing. If you go just one way it takes about 3/4 hours - which is fab. The runs are long and comparitively unbusy.

I have attached a couple of photos to show what a beautiful place it is. Click on the small image for a larger picture.

The first was taken from the top of lift #2 on Hauser Kaibling.

This second one was from the top of lift #9 in Plainai.

The third from the exit of the cable car in Reiteralm. We did not ski on the glacier; it takes nearly 2.5 hours to get there and there are only a few runs, although they are supposed to be fantastic - it never seemed worth giving up the extra skiing time!!!

I would recommend Hauser Kaibling as the best of the four mountains to ski on, especially if there are quite varied abilities. It has long and wide runs which are just fabulous. There is also a black run down to the valley which was part of the women's world cup downhill course, which is just brilliant on blades!!! It also has great restaruants at nearly every lift and if you ask my dad probably the nicest blue run to practice on (no. 3 on the piste map).

We were very lucky to have such a big snow fall, the second day we were there was so hot I skied in a t-shirt and sallopettes, no gloves even, it was baking - so was great to get the fresh snow a couple of days later. The season is good there until quite late, have only been once (the very first time) out of the four that we haven't been able to ski to the bottom of the mountain. The whole place is fabulous.

I hope you all have a great time - it is definitely worth it!

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