Road to Snowshoe

by Mike Redding

Friday, January 8th, 1999, dawned cold and icy, but that didn't deter six intrepid FSCers from embarking on the annual trip to Snowshoe. Gary Kincaid, Craig Phillips, and Mike Redding put themselves in Bob Cote's capable hands (and new 4WD Blazer) for the long trip starting at 5:30AM. By the time they arrived at mid-day, the occassional snow had begun turning to rain. In fact, it continued to warm through the night and the rains came down! Rae and Jodi Ehlen arrived late Friday night.

Saturday dawned foggy and wet, but the skiing wasn't too bad since the slopes were well covered from recent snowstorms, as well as considerable snowmaking during the December cold spell. Charlie Edwards showed up after leaving F'burg at 3AM, just to ski for the day.

As the day progressed, the temperature began to drop and the precipitation reverted to solid form. The snow guns came to life as the overnight low reached single digits. The result was that Sunday was a picture perfect day. Fresh snow and clear skies! And the addition of two new high-speed quads kept lift lines to a tolerable level.

The only fly in the ointment was Bob Cote taking a little spill on Saturday. He didn't want to risk missing the upcoming trip to Sun Valley, so he sat out on a great skiing on Sunday. The trip back Sunday evening was a cakewalk compared to the drive up on Friday.

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