Member Activity Survey

I've been asked to be the Monthly Activity Planner for the upcoming year. With your help and suggestions I think we can have a fun-filled year and that's besides all the skiing that the rest of you do. I would like to think that if we have ongoing activities we may very well get additional interest in the FSC. I am willing to give it a try - how about you?

We have a few suggestions and I'd like your input. Depending on the time of the year, the availability of tickets and the number of people interested, we can do any or all of the following:

On a scale from 1 to 5 (#1 having the most interest), please indicate your interest in the following suggestions

Your name____________________

Please add any additional suggestions that you think the club members would be interested in. Bring this list with you to the next membership meeting or e-mail or snail mail it to me. Let's work together for a wonderful, fun-filled year for all the members.

Thank you, Marguerite Schwab

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