Report From Vail, 2006

by Margurite Schwab

What a great week! We gathered at Denver airport where we welcomed a number of new members from different areas: Dr. Bill Green (riddle meister) from Myrtle Beach, SC (who provided entertainment on the bus ride to Vail), Bob & Janet Tollner from the Poconos, PA, Craig & Kathy Wilson from Mooresville, NC, Steve & Ann Young from Big Canoe, GA, Todd Moore from Sterling, VA, Barbara Simmons from Fredericksburg, and Bob McMahon from Charlottesville, VA.

The weather was warmer than we would have liked but the skiing was good. We had one day of new snow but there was enough on the mountains to keep us going the entire week. Most of us skied at both Vail and Beaver Creek.

The lady non skiers enjoyed the shopping and a number of us enjoyed the many fine restaurants.

Cooking for the entire group last year at Steamboat worked out real well, so we decided to try it again! We started off on Wednesday with a lasagna dinner which Tina Gemmil & Andy Whitney planned and hosted. They were helped with cooking the lasagna by Lois Rose, Barbara Simmons, Catherine Moncure, & Martha Dow. Shirley and Dave Grant prepared the bread. A delicious salad was also served and the meal was topped off with Andy*s chocolate, cream dessert (a copy of the recipe may be found on the FSC website (Special Reports -> Exotic Telluride Dessert).

Friday was Joe Behun's turn. He served his famous chili with corn muffins & a salad. He also made Cincinnati style chili. The entire group was again invited to share supper. While we ate we watched a slide show (with music) of the club's Sun Vally trip that Joe had put together.

Saturday Bob & I hosted an Oktoberfest at our condo. We have to thank Janine Kennedy (Ray Mees's daughter) who picked up all the food from Denver and brought it to Vail, so we could have truly authentic wurst, potato salad, & sauerkraut. Imported German beer and wine was also provided. Gloria from stopped by the party to say hello, donate some beer and wine, and see if everything was going well, which it was.

The group decided to share everything that was left over and have a pot luck supper Sunday night (our last night). It was a delicious mix of chili, wurst, deserts, snacks, beer, wine, etc. It proved to be a great ending to a wonderful week!

During Sunday evening we talked about coming events including the possibility of going to New River Gorge, WV, for a white water rafting trip. A second annual canoe trip on the Rappahannock led by Wally Morton was also suggested. Gloria and Wally chatted about the club going to Mammoth next year. Besides skiing Mammoth, some members expressed interest in going on the BRSC Eurofest ski trip to Austria next year.

The camaraderie during all these gatherings was wonderful. Thanks for a wonderful week.

If you have any suggestions or desires, please inform a BOD member via email, or come to the monthly meetings. The Board of Directors needs your input! Their job is to please the members and this can only be accomplished if they know what you want! Please communicate!

PS: I wish Marjorie Nass and Larry Freeman a speedy recovery from their injuries. We missed you at Vail!!

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