
Geocities will be closing down later this year, so please stay tune to my blog for updates on this site (actually, I've looked into a couple of different things that would make it much easier to get this site back up so look for the new link soon!).


I really don't know when I'm ever going to get this done, I've played around with a couple of ideas, but I haven't gotten to work on it much. When it is back, I don't know that it will be as big as it was before.


So I was in the process of rebuilding and rewriting my pages and changing things over to XHTML and my computer crashed (our family one). We had to end up running the recovery cd and all was lost. I do have the CSS format saved on the server, but all the content, and pages that were down are gone. I do have my note on what the pages contained and I'm rewriting from that. I'd really like to try and have the site back up before camp this summer. I'll try and keep you posted.


So here's the deal: I had over forty of the pages for this site written up and ready to upload and now my lovely computer has gone barmy and won't let WIndows open, so those pages, about thirty design layouts for websites/journals and all the graphics for the new site are inaccessible.
I'm kicking myself for not backing up more of the files when it started acting weird. I'm trying to reconcile myself to the fact that I will just have to try and remember the layout and the changes I made to some of the pages.
I won't get frustrated, there's no point. It would be letting Satan get me down.
So the launch of the Freek Page version 3.0 is put off until further notice......
in Christ,

PS~ Spain was amazing! God did some great things in not only the lives of those we came in contact with, but in our lives as well. I'll try to get a picture link up here soon.

Pronunciation Key (b�rmE)
adj. barm�i�er, barm�i�est
Full of barm; foamy.
Eccentric; daft.

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