Ride the Waves to Freedom




"Why Calvin Graef repeated the horrors he endured at the outset of World War II to author, Melissa Masterson, is a mystery to me and many others. Over the years, many attempts to pry the knowledge from Calvin failed or provided only small bits and pieces of this important part of history. Such is the nature of Calvin Graef and others who suffered the horrors of being a prisoner of war. Their modesty and value of privacy kept many of the details of the hell endured by the "Battling Bastards of Bataan" locked away for those many years. Well, here it is at last. The true and final chapter told completely and with a dignity, which only the truth can bring forth.
--Harrison D. Taylor, Col., Retired
Former Director of the Bataan Memorial Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico
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To the veterans, living and dead, of Bataan and Corregidor.
--Calvin Graef
To the memory and life of Calvin Graef, and to the men and women, who served the United States in World War II and every other war or conflict, giving of themselves so we might experience the freedom so many take for granted.
--Melissa Masterson
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