Shaperite Up for Success (3 page Career Profile - 713 words)


Who says you have to work a 60-70 hour work week to be successful? Certainly not Melba Washington, a successful executive and major distributor of the nutrition products for Salt Lake City-based Shaperite Concepts. "My husband, Sam and I rarely work an eight-hour day." As an extraordinary distributor of weight loss and other herbal products, she enjoys life to the fullest. Washington, with an annual income well into the six digits, lives in exclusive Bel Air, California in a Spanish Mediterranean-style home.


Things weren't always this good. As the California real estate market dried up, previously sound investments turned bad. As her savings dwindled, Washington had creditors breathing down her neck. Making payments on credit card debt became a challenge. Suddenly there was a struggle to pay for food and rent.


Washington and her family were forced to move from her 5000-square-foot house in Bakersfield, California, to a tiny two-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles.


How did Washington turn things around? "One day, a network marketer approached me about a business opportunity and it totally changed our lives," she says.


Maintaining a Vision


Washington grew up in Northern California with her parents and six brothers and sisters. Ever since age five, she knew she would be rich and successful at something. Throughout the years, she never lost sight of that vision. Says Washington, "All I needed was a vehicle to make my dreams come true."


Under a great amount of financial stress, Washington found herself overeating and gaining weight. After trying several diets and weight-loss programs, Shaperite became the solution.


Finding the Right Vehicle


In just two short week's Washington lost 14 lbs. and felt great. She was especially pleased because the nutrition products consisted of all natural herbs. When she began to show and tell others about the Shaperite, the demand was so great that she purchased $500 worth of products and began to distribute them from her home. According to Washington, "Networking is the most successful form of distribution." She began using the "three-foot rule," talking about the product to everyone that came within 3 ft. of her. Because of the many distributor's, she was instrumental in bringing in the first three residential checks which totaled almost $10,000.


It's All about Consciousness


Using what Washington calls O. P. M. (other people's money), she avoided many of the financial woes of entrepreneurship by collecting money from customers in advance. After payment, she would deliver the product.


Money problems stopped being an issue, but there was rarely a shortage of challenges that Washington didn't meet head on. A primary example, there are over 100,000 distributors of the Shaperite products, and only a small number are African-Americans. Although Washington is happy to assist anyone willing to "put the excuses on hold and just do it", she would love nothing better than to see more African-Americans step up and take advantage of this remarkable financial opportunity. Her philosophy is "All we have to do is make a decision that we want it. It's all about consciousness."


Teaching Successful Principles


Washington assists distributors by conducting two free training classes in her home each week. There, they learn the necessary principles for success. They include:” Being well groomed, having self-esteem, being goal oriented, willing to do whatever it takes, maintaining honesty and integrity, and a willingness to help others." Also, they learn about the Shaperite product line-the Tri-liteŽ Weight Loss System, the Fiber SystemŽ Colon Cleanser, the Re-zoomŽ and Right-LifeŽ. These products build up the immune system and supply essential minerals to the body.


While sipping on high chamomile tea and listening to the soft classical music playing in the background, I marveled at how my unpretentious hostess could remain so down-to-earth and unaffected by her wealth. When asked how can one remain so immune to the fruits of success and wealth, she responded, "Money doesn't change people. I believe money makes you more of who you already are."


The City of Angels Church.(where she attends), and the Downtown Mission are two of her favorite charities. Being a spiritually minded person, coupled with a desire to help others, help to keep her undaunted by her wealth. This gracious lady is truly more than just a picture of success, she is a model for success.





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