Fallout Clan-Through Death we shall prevail
This is the Homepage of the Fallout. We are a small clan of Xbox gamers soon to come.

Memeber 1: Smit, Fun loving, kill loving, Skull smashing People thrashing machine. His favorite games are Kung Fu Chaos, Halo and Unreal tournement, and anything else where you kill numerous alien Scum...

Member 2: Dead Spirit, Loves to drive tanks and blow everything up. His favorite games include, Halo, Unreal and DOA3

Member 3: Freelancer, Loves the sneaky side of games, and enjoys a good shoot-em-up. Favorite Games, Halo, Munch's Oddysee and Yager.

Member 4: Rad Dragon, tactical, keeps his freinds close and his enemies, even closer...

Member 5: Path finder, the team scout, great on counter strike, uses SMG's, he is one of 45,000,000 military recruits on counter strike online, great at tactical assaults.

More member information still to come.
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Name: owned by Josh, Tom and Jack
Email: [email protected]
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws