Chapter Two

Heaven Cries

* Illuminations *

* A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction *

* By Freemage *

 *Author's Note:  This story draws on both the anime and the
 manga.  For continuity purposes, it should be noted that: 
 Ryouga and Ranma have each mastered their ki-blasts;  Nodoka is
 unaware of Ranma & Genma's curses and;  Akari, Tarou and Konatsu
 have not yet been introduced.

 This is a dark story, with several sexually suggestive scenes,
 although no outright Lemon scenes.  If such material offends or
 disturbs you, please consider not reading this story--Unless, of
 course, you like being offended and/or disturbed....

  Thoughts are denoted by {X}.
  Text denoted by [X].*
                         * Chapter Two  *
                         * Heaven Cries *

    The casket slowly sank into the ground, rain spattering
 as it struck the lid.  As it passed the lip of the grave,
 Kodachi threw a single black rose across the top.

    The Tendou/Saotome clan watched in silence, still stunned
 by Kunou's sudden death.  Akane clutched P-Chan on her lap,
 and neither of them objected to the arm that Ranma had
 draped over her shoulder, while the other held an umbrella
 over all three.

    {Man,} thought Ranma, {I never would have thought he'd
 be the first to go.  Poor Kodachi, finding him in the gutter
 like that.  This is just the kind of thing that could push
 her over the edge for good.}

    Kodachi passed by the other mourners, her eyes briefly
 meeting Ranma's.  He was chilled by what he saw there.  No
 despair, not even grief.  He couldn't even have called it
 attraction.  It was more like pure, animal lust.  Then she
 broke the connection, stepped into the limo, and was gone.

    Akane had felt his arm tense, until it felt like there
 were a bunch of strained steel coils across her shoulders.
 She looked up to see what had caused such violent emotion,
 and she, too had seen the...the *hunger* in Kodachi's eyes.

    Most of the rest of the mourners walked back in twos and
 threes, and no one noticed that only Nabiki had stayed
 behind, standing in the rain.

    Alone at last, the tears--tears she had held back since
 Kasumi had first brought the news--now flowed freely, as
 her shoulders heaved with the force of her sobs.  She
 slowly slipped to her knees, her cries muffled by the
 endless patter of the rain, which seemed to her like the
 tears of heaven itself.

    {Oh, Kunou-Baby, how could you let this happen?}


    The worst of all was that they had been so close to
 breaking the walls that had stood between them.  She had
 gone to the place where his body had fallen, and found the
 bouquet where it had blown under a bush.

    The card in Kunou's handwriting--Nabiki made a study of
 just about everyone's handwriting, you never knew when 
 something like that could come in handy--The card had said
 so little, yet so much.

    "To Nabiki, my one, and only, love--Kunou"


    It took a while, but routine finally settled into the
 Tendou Dojo again.  Kodachi had not been seen for a week,
 now, and Ranma had shaken off that feeling of dread.

    The phone rang, and Nabiki answered before anyone else
 had even moved.  She spoke quietly so that Soun and Genma
 would not overhear (The rest of the house was eating at
 Ukyou's tonight).

    "Yes, I know."  Pause.  "Can't it wait, just this once?"
 Another pause.  "No, I don't mean that."  A grimace. 
 "Alright, just give me little more time, OK?"

    Nabiki had to retain every bit of self-control in order
 to keep from slamming down the phone.  {Why this, why
 *now*?} she thought despairingly.


    One year before Ranma arrived at the Tendou Dojo.

    Nabiki found the flyer offering big bucks for teenage
 models in the morning mail.  Christmas was around the
 corner, and she could really use the money.  Making up her
 mind, she headed down to the studio, where she joined a line
 of about fifty other girls.  She was one of the few to make
 the final cut.
    The photographer (a woman) had been delighted to see her,
 saying she was perfect, and laying on all sorts of flattery.
 The photographer was very patient and careful in explaining
 everything, and started Nabiki out in summer dresses and
 fur coats.

    As she got more comfortable in front of the camera, they
 worked her up to mini-skirts and backless evening dresses.
 Then the photographer said she paid more for swimwear shots.

    The money was right, and after all, Nabiki might even get
 to keep a few of the suits, too--although she had to admit,
 a few of the ones the older woman came out with were a bit
 more revealing than Nabiki had expected.

    After an hour or so, the photographer wrapped up the
 shoot, and said she could come back next week, too.  The
 cash felt good in her hand, and she quickly agreed.

    She decided not to tell Soun just yet, because she
 wanted to surprise everyone after it was all over.

    When she got back to the studio, she was surprised to
 see that they were the only ones there.  The photographer
 explained that Nabiki was the only model she needed, making
 the girl's head swell with pride.

    They started right in with the swimming suits this time,
 by mutual agreement.  Several of these were even skimpier
 than the first batch, including more than a few thongs.  The
 lights were really hot, but there were plenty of bottles
 of mineral water--Nabiki thought they tasted a little odd,
 but the cold liquid was really good under those lights.

    Then came the next offer:  Even more money in exchange
 for lingerie shots.  Nabiki was unsure, but the photographer
 made so much sense when she pointed out that the underwear
 actually covered more than some of the suits she had been
 wearing, so what was the big deal?

    Her thinking was a little fuzzy by now--{Must be the
 lights}, and it was hard for her to think of any convincing
 counterarguments.  So she agreed.

    After getting her relaxed, the photographer picked up the
 pace gradually, forcing Nabiki to make faster and faster
 clothing changes between shoots.  The only way she could get
 breaks was to ask for more mineral water, which she needed

    Of course, she wasn't completely oblivious, and was not
 particularly surprised when the subject of nude photos was
 brought up.  To this, fuzzy head or no, she had answered in
 a firm negative.  The photographer just chuckled, and told
 her to look down.

    Nabiki was shocked to realize that the bra and panties
 she had on (and, as she looked around in dismay, several of
 the previous ones as well) were so sheer that they seemed
 more indecent than plain nudity would have been.

    That was when she started to panic.  She threatened to
 tell her father, and had been even more frightened when the
 photographer just laughed.

    "And when he gets here, along with the police or
 whoever, do you know what he'll find?  An empty studio,
 rented in the name of someone who doesn't exist.  But cheer
 up, maybe I can send a few of the pics to your school for
 their yearbook."

    Nabiki realized she was trapped.  In exchange for the
 negatives for the lingerie pics, she agreed to do some
 "body-only" nude shots.  She didn't even protest when the
 photographer joined her in front of the automatic camera
 for some "bonus shots", although the touch of the woman's
 hands and the feel of her tongue made her want to vomit.

    But she did get the negatives, and she made sure the
 camera was always low enough that it missed her face.  She
 was such a fool.

    It was less than three weeks later that she got the
 package.  In it were pictures from the shoot, but taken from
 further back, apparently from a concealed camera.  The pics
 showed everything, including her face.  She had barely
 recovered from the shock when the phone rang.

    The obviously disguised voice laid out very simple terms:
 She could either make regular ``security deposits'' on the
 more explicit shots, or they would be made available to the
 male population of Furinkan High, and to her father as well.

    "But look at the bright side--At least you won't have
 trouble finding someone willing to `date' you," the voice
 had mocked.

    She broke down, and had asked how she was supposed to get
 that kind of money.  The voice had been impatient:  "The
 same way I'm getting it from you."  It had gone on to
 explain that many of the students at Furinkan would pay
 dearly for photos of Akane while she was sleeping...


    Nabiki shuddered at the memories, and sat down at her
 computer.  Typing quickly, she called files that only she
 could access, graphic files that were the product of the
 digital camera she had installed in the tub before Kunou...

    {Stop that,} she ordered herself.  {You can't think
 about that now, you've got work to do.}

    She started opening the files, one by one.  And then the
 world dropped from beneath her for the second time in a


    A bus pulled up to the stop outside the motel.  Dressed
 in Chinese military garb, a stout man stepped out, drew a
 key from one of the Mao coat's innumerable pockets, and
 went to the room he had rented since his arrival.
    His worst suspicions had been confirmed.  Now all he
 needed was the courage to act.  This he would do tomorrow.

 Chapter Three    

  Thoughts & Reflections

    Well, I said Nabiki was taking on a bigger role than I
 had planned.  The seduction depicted above is actually
 based on a news account of a real-life scenario.  I swear,
 though, I have no idea where this dark stuff is coming
 from!  I'm really a happy person, I think....
    As to the whys and wherefores, I guess it's because I
 have always wondered what Nabiki did with all that money.
 I mean, she doesn't even buy her own meals!  The idea
 that she is using blackmail to pay for blackmail contains
 an appealing irony.
    This story is also taking longer than I thought it
 would.  Hell, at this rate I may never finish....

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