Chapter Seven


    Ranma's cry pierced the night as sharply as Mousse's blades
 had pierced the okonomiaki chef's body.  He ran across the yard,
 heedless of possible attacks.  When he reached the spot where
 she had fallen, he slumped to his knees, which were suddenly
 unable to support his weight, and cradled her head in his lap.


    Slowly, cautiously, the others approached.  He could feel
 them, could feel their presence, surrounding him, and it made
 him want to vomit.  All this hatred, this violence, this
 stupidity, and what had it come to, in the end?  An innocent
 girl, his best friend, cut down by a vicious, unwarranted

    Through his tears he noticed she was still breathing.

    "Somebody call an ambulance--Now!"  Soun Tendo broke from the
 others and went inside to call.

    "Saotome...."  Mousse's voice, sounding apologetic.
    Ranma didn't care, didn't want to hear the pathetic
 rationalizations, the revival of petty quarrels.  "Go."

    "I...Alright.  We will return to the cafe...."

    "No.  I want you to leave.  Permanently.  Take Shampoo and
 Cologne and get out of Japan.  Go back to China."

    Shampoo looked stunned.  "But Shampoo cannot go back to
 village without husband...."

    "Then go to Hong Kong.  Or Beijing.  Or go to America.  Or go
 to Hell for all I care.  But if any of you is still in Nerima by
 morning, I'll kill you."  He paused, looked up at them with ice
 in his eyes.  "Do you understand?"

    Eyeglasses or no, Mousse could feel the venom in Ranma's
 voice, and he knew Ranma was telling the truth.  "Come, Shampoo.
 We must pack."

    Shampoo looked like she was thinking about arguing, and then
 gave in to the inevitable.  Quietly, head hung low, she followed
 in Mousse's trail.

    "Ranma...."  It was Akane.

    Ranma turned that icy stare on her.  "What?"

    Akane whispered, barely audible, "Nabiki...."

    The concern in her voice cut through the haze of Ranma's
 pain.  He gave a sickly grin.

    "Of course.  We can't leave her in Kodachi's hands, can we?" 
 He paused, considering his options.  "Ryouga--you and I will go
 over to the Kunou mansion, I can fill you in on the way there."

    He stood and faced Akane.  "I need you to go with Ukyou to
 the hospital."  He cut off the protest he could see forming on
 her lips.  "I know you want to come with, but I need someone I
 can trust to go with her."

    Akane's eyes seemed to cloud with doubt and indecision.  He
 took her by the shoulders and gave a very gentle shake. "Please,
 Akane--I need you to trust me, and I need to be able to trust
 you, too."  His voice broke as he reached the end of his plea.

    Akane hesitated just a moment more, then gave a mute nod. 
 "Thank you," Ranma said, gratitude flowing through his eyes.

    Genma's voice broke the delicate equilibrium.  "What do you
 want me to do, Boy?"

    "I want you to stay right here."  Again, ice had entered
 Ranma's voice.

    Genma stammered, confusion stifling his usual verbosity.

    "Because, you see, if you were to go with Ukyou, or come with
 Ryouga and me, then I'd be counting on you."  He faced his
 father and Genma saw that the ice was in his eyes, as well. 
 "And we have finally proven that I can't do that, haven't we?"

    Genma fell back, his son's words hurting more than any of the
 blows the older man had received in any combat.  "What do you
 mean, Boy?"

    "I trusted you to handle things here.  I counted on you to
 keep it from getting serious.  And you blew it.  Again.  How
 many people do you have to fail, Old Man, before you finally get
 it?  How many have to suffer from your cowardice, your lack of
 honor, your betrayals?"

    Genma was in full retreat, now, backing away from his son.
 "I'm sorry--you--You're right, I...."

    "You're sorry, all right.  You're the sorriest excuse for a
 man to walk this Earth."

    Ranma turned and faced the outer wall to the yard.  "C'mon,
 Ryouga, we've got work to do."

    The two of them leapt silently into the night, leaving Genma
 weeping on the grass.  Soun came out and tried to comfort his
 old friend, while the night was lit up by the lights of the
 newly-arrived ambulance.


    Pain.  Darkness.

    {Well, I should be able to do something about one of

    Carefully, Nabiki opened her eyes.  The sight before her did
 nothing to ease her concerns.

    She was, as near as she could tell, in the Kuno's wine
 cellar.  She could hear the labored breathing of the room's
 other occupant, whom she suspected was the senior Kuno.  It was
 hard to tell for sure, though--he was naked, and covered with
 dried blood.

    The coppery smell had mixed with the vinegar scent of the
 wine, and the combination caused her to gag.  {I am in serious
 trouble here.  The "Black Rose" is obviously a few petals short
 of a full bloom.}

    Nabiki turned her head up to look at the handcuffs holding
 her wrists to the wine rack, the movement sending another wave
 of throbbing pain echoing through her skull.

    She was so distracted that she actually failed to notice
 Kodachi come in until the gymnast spoke.  "So you are awake.  I
 was beginning to fear that I had killed you too soon."

    The rage she had experienced in the graveyard returned,
 white-hot and numbing the pain.  "Yeah, well, glad I was able to
 stick around long enough to spit in your face," Nabiki hissed,
 matching deed to the words.

    "Oh look, it wants to play.  Isn't that cute?  I shall enjoy

    Kodachi pulled out another of her ribbons.  Even in the gloom
 of the cellar, Nabiki could make out the gleam of the razor-thin
 wire that made the ribbon's edge.

    "Feel free to scream, dear girl.  After all, self-expression
 is healthy."

    It took five minutes for Nabiki to take her up on the offer.


    Ryouga ran next to Ranma, passing through the darkened Nerima
 streets.  He was worried.  "Ranma, about what you said to your
 father, before...."

    "I don't want to talk about it.  Right now we have more
 important things to worry about than my old man's feelings,

    "Ok, I understand...."  Ryouga paused.  "How do you want to
 tackle the mansion?  That place is a madhouse."

    "You said it.  Our best hope is the element of surprise.  I
 figure that Kodachi won't be expecting us this soon--that should
 be an element in our favor.  Remember, if you see Sasuke, take
 him out, fast.  He may not be as cracked as Kodachi, but he'll
 do whatever she says--and he knows that place better than anyone

    "Got it.  I just wish we had more going for us than the
 possibility of surprising them."

    "It'll have to do."


    Kodachi was skilled at what she did--Nabiki would have to
 give her that.  In an hour-long session of torture, the gymnast
 had never once pushed her over the edge into unconciousness. 

    Nabiki had been aware of every cut, every bruise, every
 broken bone.  When it had looked like any more abuse would push
 her over the edge, the Black Rose switched targets, working her
 father over with the same attention to detail.

    Just when Nabiki was sure she could take no more, the little
 portable phone rang.  Kodachi paused in her efforts, then set
 down her tools and went over to pick it up.

    "Hello, this is Kodachi Kuno, the Black Rose, rising young
 star of the Martial Arts Gymnastics scene, speaking...Yes, I
 know who this is...WHAT?!? How did they know....Of course, it
 must have been that...Thank you."

    Hanging up, Kodachi walked back to the hapless pair.  "It
 seems I shall have to rebuke Sasuke.  It would appear that his
 carelessness earlier this evening has resulted in a valiant
 rescue attempt.  But do not worry, my dear."  She drew close,
 looking Nabiki square in the eyes.  "I shall make certain that
 no one interrupts your visit.  Never let it be said that the
 House of Kunou was lax in its hospitality." 

    "Now you wait right here, and we'll continue our fun when I
 return from preparing for our 'guests'."

    {Like Hell I will, you refugee from from a Clive Barker


    Moving silently, the two boys leapt over the fence like a
 pair of panthers.  Without a word, they moved into the garden of
 the Kunou mansion, eyes searching for any sign of the dreaded

    Oddly, the trip to the back door of the house was uneventful,
 even boring.  Somehow, this only put Ranma's and Ryouga's nerves
 even more on edge.

    Ranma was puzzled.  {Why haven't we been challenged.  I'd've
 bet anything that that psycho put Sasuke on guard duty someplace
 around here....}

    Working in absolute silence, Ryouga eased the glass door
 open.  {Surely we will face some kind of obstacle here....}

    Suddenly, a whisper of wind warned the two boys to leap to
 the sides as the form of the Kunou's ninja guardian dove toward
 them, katana outstretched to pierce the flesh of anyone too slow
 to escape.

    Then he was gone.

    Ranma stood, confused.  "Where did he go?"

    He jumped as he felt an oddly weak kick strike the back of
 his head.  He whirled in mid-air, and confronted...

    ...the corpse of Sasuke, pierced with meat hooks and hanging
 from the ceiling by chains.

    Ryouga was looking ill.

    "Man, I never thought Kodachi would go this far.  Her
 brother's death must have messed her up even more than I
 thought..."  Suddenly, Ranma remembered that odd, feral look
 Kodachi had given him at the funeral.  {Now, where else have I
 seen that look...?}  Ignoring a deep-seated instinct that he was
 missing something important, he pushed the conundrum from his
 mind.  {Can't let myself get distracted.}

    "C'mon, Ryouga, we have to find Nabiki--fast."  The fanged
 boy just nodded mutely, seeming grateful for any excuse to get
 away from the grisly deadfall.


    Kodachi descended back into the cellar, smiling.  The traps
 she had activated after...disciplining Sasuke would be adequate,
 she was sure, to the task of capturing any intruders, without
 killing them.  After all, her darling Ranma might be among them,
 and she certainly did not want to hurt him.  She had such
 wonderful plans for their wedding night....

    Enthralled by her nuptual speculations, Kodachi entered the
 wine cellar, prepared to continue her "work".

    And stopped dead.

    The Tendou Bitch was gone.


    Nabiki ran through the labyrinth that ran beneath the

    Getting out of the handcuffs hadn't been easy, but Nabiki had
 had a couple of years to practice the fine art of lockpicking. 
 The handcuffs had been tougher than her classmates' diary clasps
 and locker padlocks, and the pain had made movement almost
 unbearable, but the principles had remained the same.

    She had considered stopping to help the senior Kunou, but she
 wasn't sure how long she had before Kodachi returned.  Besides
 which, if even half of Kodachi's ramblings during the last hour
 had been true, the wretch had been the ultimate cause of all
 this.  {Dammit.  You'd think that somebody in this town would
 have a father that was worth something....}

    She ran, not knowing what to look for.  And that's when she
 found it, leaning against the wall in a small alcove.

    A wooden bokken.


    Ranma and Ryouga passed through trap after trap, looking for
 the middle Tendo sister.  After a brief discussion, they had
 decided to start in the attic and work their way down.

    Time after time they worked together to escape cages, avoid
 darts, spot trip-wires, and otherwise avoid the dangers of the

    Now they stood at the doorway to the cellar.

    Ranma's only words were, "It figures."

    And without a thought for themselves, the two plunged into
 the darkness.



    Nabiki spun about, trying to find the one who had spoken her
 name.  For a moment, it had sounded like...


    {I am here, with you}

    Nabiki stared at the wooden weapon in her hands.  {No way.}

    A sense of Kunou's presence flowed over, through her.  {It is
 true.  I have returned to help you finish what I failed to do. 
 For too long I allowed myself to be blinded by love to see my
 sister's true condition.  I will not allow that mistake to
 consume you, as well.}

    {Oh, Kunou...I-I loved you so much.}

    {And I you.  But our time is short, if we are to stop my
 sister's dementia before it claims any more victims.}

    Suddenly Nabiki's rational side asserted itself.  {And how do
 you propose we do that?  In my hands, this stick of yours is
 little more than a crutch.}

    {It can be more than that, if I guide your hands.}

    An instinctive revulsion, buried deep within Nabiki's soul,
 came to the fore with a rush.  {You mean... like possession?}

    {No, not really.  It is more like a joining of the souls, so
 that you can draw upon my experience.}

    Nabiki considered for a moment.  {Well, that sounds a little
 bit better....}

    {Yes, but there is something you should know.  In order for
 you to be able to respond with the instinctive level of a
 master, the gestalt will have to be almost total.  Nothing will
 be held back.  You and I will share secrets that two lovers
 would not share after a lifetime together.}

    Again, Nabiki was given pause by Kunou's implication, until
 cold, hard reality hit her.  {I don't really have a choice, now
 do I?  Besides, I think... I think you deserve to know it all.}

    {Very well.}


    She saw it all.  The day the Kunou house had shattered, an
 innocent game gone so horribly awry.  Later encounters, when he
 tried to comfort his weeping sister, and she had turned the
 contact into something more primal.  The pain when he realized
 that the child of one of those encounters had been aborted by
 their father's private doctors, over Kodachi's screams of

    She also saw with him the shadow-enshrouded blackmailer who
 had somehow managed to learn all of this, and the shame he had
 felt at the absurd tasks he had been required to perform to keep
 it secret.  The pompous posturing, the isolation of Akane from
 the company of her male peers, even his alleged ignorance of the
 "pig-tailed girl's" identity--All of it a lie, an act at the
 bequest of his unknown tormentor.

    She felt him knowing her, as well.  The shame of thephotos. 
 And again, the unknown extortionist, the one who had forced her,
 time and again, to commit innumerable crimes to keep the
 secret--blackmail, theft, forgery, once even prostitution in a
 slum district of Tokyo.  And she realized, to her horror and
 confusion, that their tormentors shared the same voice....

    And she felt his love.  Warm, healing, it embraced her and
 filled her until she thought she would burst with it. 

    As they reached a state of gestalt, she felt herself
 rejuvenated.  {This one last time, my love, we will stand
 together.}  Neither was sure whose thought it was, or if it even


  Chapter Eight

 Hmmm....It looks like this thing is going to
 run a little longer than 10 chapters--but, hey,
 it was originally gonna be a wild one-shot, so
 who cares about schedules, right?

 OK, so I wimped out on killing Ukyo.  I told
 you she was my favorite.  Besides, I think I
 see other things on her horizon....

 I'm seeing three more chapters, right now, but I
 can't guarantee that more won't slip in.

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