There Can Be Only One

This little slice of SPAM was the result of a challenge issued by James, aka [email protected], on the FFML, which is reproduced in its entirety below:

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 01:10:19 EDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: [FFML] [Challenge] Anime Celebrity Death Match

OK the challenge is this:

Do an Anime Celebrity Death Match with two characters going at it.
The characters can be from the same series or different series.
Well have fun and LET'S GET IT ON!!

You know, I have to believe that someone, somewhere, has done this particular concept....

Disclaimer: If you are even thinking of suing me for this, get a life.

Silent as Death in a graveyard, the ninja passed beneath the flickering fluorescent lights of the parking garage, a shadow among shadows. He knew his enemy was near, and he was taking no chances.

Concealed among the parked cars, the sorcerer waited. He knew he could not win through direct combat, but he was certain that his mastery of the dark arts would grant him victory.

The ninja picked his path carefully, rarely facing the direction he moved, his weapon prepared to strike at the first hint of an attack.

His alchemical mixture ready, the warlock prepared himself for a desperate strike. There would be only one opportunity. He watched the ninja's feet as they slowly crept closer to the car that provided him with shelter.

The assassin paused. Slowly, he turned to the Honda on his left.

"I know you are there. Come out and face me."

Realizing his cover was blown, the mage rose and looked at his foe. "What gave me away?"

"Those ridiculous candles were sticking above the hood of the car."

"Well, at least I'm drawn in more detail."

"Yes, but I'm in full color!"

"Enough of this banter!" And with that cry, Hikaru Gosunkugi threw himself (and his spleen bombs) at his Nemesis, Sasuke, each shouting the immortal call:

"There can be only one!"

Author's Notes:
No, as a matter of fact, I don't feel like trying to justify that....

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