A typical day at the Nerima branch of the Japanese IRS

by Freemage

All right, this is two of these SPAMfics that have resulted from C&C on Gary Kleppe's Hearts & Minds preludes. One more, and I'm gonna start calling 'em HaMfics.


Overheard at in the office of the Individual Returns Auditor, Japanese IRS, Nerima Ward office:

"No, Mr. Saotome, you can't declare a panda as a dependent."

"No, Mr. Tendou, you can't claim Mister Saotome."

"No, Sir. You cannot declare those panties... Hey! Those are my wife's!"

"No, I don't know how to get to the Tendou Dojo."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Saotome, but we will need to see the birth records of this 'Ranko' before you can declare her."

"No, Mr. Kunou, we do not accept pineapples as payment."

"No, I don't know how to get to the Tendou Dojo!

"Excuse me, Mr. Sanzenin? You're claiming _how much_ for lip balm?"

"Miss Shiratori, would you please put back my ashtray?"

"Miss Tendou, would you please put back that stack of money?"

"Miss Tendou, please put away that mallet. Threatening an IRS agent is a serious offense."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kuh, but I cannot allow you to send that much out of the country without some taxation."

"No, Miss Shan. I am most certainly _not_ for killing."

"No, I don't know how to get to the $#&*ing Tendou Dojo! Now get outta here before I call the cops!"

"Really, Mr. Su! That sort of behavior is totally inappropriate here, even if you weren't doing it to my leg!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Sasuke, but how many years have you gone without Social Security payments?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Kuonji, but your father should have declared the lost yattai on his return for that fiscal year."

"Miss Tendou, I'll have you know that a mere plate of brownies cannot sway my judgement. Now if you were to throw in a fresh pie, too...."


Sorry about this.

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