The Reading Room

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OK, folks, here's the deal. The books below are ones I really, truly enjoy, reading and re-reading. Most I've had for years. Now, has this really cool deal, where if I sell you the book, I get a cut. You don't pay any more than you would if you got it straight from them, but they give up a slice of the profit in exchange for this little bookstore.

Likewise, if you use the finder down below the reviews to search their online catalogue, I get a (smaller) piece of the action. "So," you ask, "this is great for Freemage, but what do I get out of it?" Well, that's simple. In addition to getting some stuff that's been vetted by a fellow otaku (that's "fanboy", for those of you not into the Anime/Manga side of things), you also get some good deals. Their prices beat anything you'll get at a walk-in bookstore, hands down.

Now, on with the parade:


I personally do not own this particular edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide series, mainly because I started reading the "trilogy" back when it only had three volumes. However, now that it consists of five volumes and a short story, I strongly recommend picking up this complete version of Adams' outrageous sci-fi farce about Arthur Dent, an ordinary Englishman forced to endure extraordinary adventures, highlighted by the repeated destruction of the planet Earth. WARNING: If you can't stand Monty Python or "Are You Being Served?", you probably shouldn't bother.
Oh, and committed fans of Douglas Adams should also check out some other titles: The Hitchhiker's Guide Radio Scripts, Dirk Gently's Detective Agency, and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

This is another of those "I don't own this edition" works, but hey, if you're just starting out as a fantasy reader, this is the one for you. Tolkein's Trilogy-plus-prequel about some short fellows who just want a little good cooking, but who keep getting pulled into battles against dragons and dark sorcerors, is must reading for anyone who wants to be able to discuss the genre.

Are you into comics and graphic novels? Tired of trying to explain to friends and family members that it's not just kid stuff? Sick of rolled eyeballs when they see how many of the books on your shelves have artwork that goes beyond the cover? Get this book and get them off your back. A "comic book about comics", this excellent work shows just how complex the elements of the graphic novel can really be. The great thing is that it explains it in language that a non-comic fan can understand.

Ah, Lestat! The (un)living embodiment of sensuality and irreverence, Anne Rice's most loved anti-hero makes a stunning argument for the Damned. And by supplanting Ms. Rice's often lengthy descriptive passages with beautiful and subtle artwork, this graphic novel can only be viewed as an improvement on the original work.

So, you saw the movie and think you know what the Crow is all about, eh? Get over yourself, poseur!! You don't know the true darkness of the revenant until you've read James O'Barr's fantastic journey into the night.

For those of you who have never read the Sandman series, Death is not the dark, skeletal embodiment of all our fears that you've been raised to expect. She's actually a very sweet, somewhat flighty young lady who just happens to be in charge of our final exits. Fall in love with her, as I have, by reading these two compilations of her exploits.

Ranma 1/2 series is by one of Japan's favorite Manga (Japanese comic book) creators, Rumiko Takahashi. These book length English-language translations are an excellent way to catch up on this marvelous series, and see why American comic collectors have gone nuts over the material coming out of Japan.
Currently availible: Vols. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

For those of you who have already discovered the enjoyment to be found from Ranma 1/2, may I recommend the Mermaid series? This story, which is much darker than Ranma, is about the adventures of a young man who eats the flesh of a mermaid, and so becomes immortal. There are hints of Gothic horror and romance in these two collected volumes. Vol. 1: Mermaid Forest Vol. 2: Mermaid's Scar