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School Pics

Formal Pics!!!

to send formal pics email to 

[email protected]

Freeman Website


Upcoming Events

25th November: Year 12 Formal at Doltone House

17th December: HSC results obtained by telephone, Internet and SMS

18th December: UAIs released, available on the Website and Infoline

21st December: HSC results arrive by mail


Something worth seeing



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Welcome... Freeman Class of 2004

20th December 2004
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! On receiving your HSC results and UAI, remember that you have done so
well and should be proud of yourselves whatever you get. Although, if you think about it, all these
years of education is to prepare us for the real workforce, which is interesting. Please share your
thoughts, comments and results....
14th December 2004
As we nervously await the results of the H.S.C. - our death sentence to be handed down 6am this
Friday, keep in mind that Christmas is near and the year is almost over and that this won't matter so
much in a few months. But until then, please to quiver in your board shorts as you anxiously await 
your results....the stench of failure inevitable (for some).
26th November 2004
I write this as I have just come home from formal after events. The time is now 4:59pm and The Bold
and the Beautiful television series is nearing to an end, making way for the Channel Ten news. I lack
sleep and food. Please email any formal pics you have. Email your comments about formal and what 
you did afterwards. Did you go home? Did you stay in the city? Did you go to Con's afterparty? So, 
this really is the end. Was it as sad as you thought? (Sad, as in crying sad, not in pathetic)
22nd October 2004
To all former Freeman students of Class of 2004,
	This is for you. Essentially, this is so that we are all able to keep in contact with each other
because I have this deluded idea that we all want to keep in contact with each other. Just email things 
you want to say or announce. Almost nothing will be censored. Important dates, birthdays and events 
will be posted. If you want to organise an event feel free to advertise here. This could run for years 
and maybe in 10 years time we'll still all know what each other looks like.
	Keep in contact and keep us up to date with what you're up to and how you are.

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