Kristine's Home Page.
Here is a link to my page with pictures of me from when I was a baby and to now.
If you want to see the best joke I have ever  played on anyone just click here!!!
To see the worlds biggest brat click here. ( My son Michael.)
Now this is the party page. I love all my friends and miss them dearly.
Just click on the hearts to see more.Please let all pages load before you look at them!
Lets see..... It's time to update my homepage as much as I can. I now live in Il. I have found the love of my life. We now Have a six month old little girl. She looks just like her daddy. I have a 8 year old son almost 9. I am now 26 and will be turning 27 in july. I have my baby Aug  2, 2003. I am alot happier where I am now then I was about 2 years ago. If you know who I am you know what I am talking about. For all my friends that come and look at my homepage from time to time I miss you all and luv ya guys!!
These are my other babies my pets!
This Page is from when my friend Robyn was last here.
This is my newest page not much but more to come.
Wanna see pages of pretty girls click here!
Pictures of the Crazy Girls!!
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