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Sultaana Freeman's Struggle Inspires

July 8, 2003
by Rosetta Scott

I'm probably not what you view the typical Muslim woman to be. I'm not oppressed. I like to shop and I love surfing the web. But, I am also a Niqaabi - a Muslim woman that chose to cover her face to please Allah.Veiled Woman

I still get weak at times. I still feel the pressure of being 21 years old living in the United States.

Most of my peers are "hanging out" at the beach. Half-clothed, chasing the opposite sex for a hook up. Yes, I still get hot, despite what some may think and I do have a mouth underneath my veil. ... click here for more

One's Religious Views Should Be Identified as Part of an Established Religious Institution,

But They Do Not Have to Be Shared Identically by Anyone Else To Be Honored by the Court

Numerous states throughout the United States provide religious exceptions from a photo requirement on a driver's license. These states have accommodated an individual's First Amendment rights and have not found that the state's interest is so compelling as to require an individual to choose between violating a fundamental religious tenet or surrendering their driver's license.

Each state has different law on how the exemption is to be acknowledged and implemented. Florida could make it as restrictive as they wanted within reason. For instance, in some states you just fill out a form... click here for more

Arguments in veiled drivers-license lawsuit

June 9, 2004
By Pedro Ruz Gutierrez

DAYTONA BEACH -- Judges at the Fifth District Court of Appeal heard arguments today for and against a veiled Winter Park Muslim woman who refuses to unveil or show her face for a drivers license photograph.

The case of Sultaana Freemen attracted nationwide attention last year by pitting her religious beliefs against the security concerns of the state. At today's hearing attorneys for the state and for Freeman argued for about 15 minutes each before a three-judge panel.

The judges may issue an opinion months from now.

Howard Marks, Freeman's attorney, argued that the state should not substantially burden his client with the requirement that she appear without her veil on her drivers license. Conversely, Assistant Attorney General Jay Vail relied on the decision last year in an Orange County circuit court that favored the state's argument that 9-11 security concerns must outweigh a person's individual rights.

Orange County Circuit Judge Janet Thorpe last year sided with Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, which originally had issued her a license with her wearing a veil in 2001, but later suspended it. ...


The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "After my time governors
will arise whose falsehood will be believed and who will be assisted in
their oppression by those who enter their presence. They have nothing to do
with me and I have nothing to do with them...But they who do not enter
their presence, believe their falsehood and help them in their oppression,
those belong to me and I belong to them."

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1039

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