Book Summary

I liked the book the Giver a lot. It was a very eventful book and got very interesting very quick.

In the novel The Giver, the plot is set in a community very different then ours. It is very precise in there language and there whole community is controled by sameness. Everyone is the same and has equal possessions. Also pain, suffering, hunger are very different then how we get it there pain is quickly taken away by speical pills that take the pain away instantly. They get cildren by placing in a want for one and then at the next december ceremonie they get it. They don't have mothers, only birth mothers in which they have a baby and then that baby is put into a family of one boy and one girl. In the community you must also apply for a marriage, you cannot choose your spouse. The elders in the community choose it for yo.

It is a very safe place to be. One of the biggest things in the community is that no one has memories of older times, of things like the sun cold warmth, war, fear or anything else. The only people that know the truth are the reciever of memory (jonas) and the giver.

Jonas gets chosen to be the reciever of memory this is important because it is the most important job in all the community. When he turns twelve he gets to start his training. His first couple of memorys are nice gentle ones and then eventually he asks about the pain and then he has to transmitt it. The first couple aren't that bad but then he gets to stuff like war. Jonas can hardly handle it. He starts to see colours and then more and more until he see's them for good.

The giver and Jonas had to make a plan to get everyone the memories, because they don't feel it's fair that they don't get to learn things and have things hidden from them. So they make the plan to have Jonas leave and then he memoies come back and everyone will be like before when there were colours.

Jonas left with Gabriel and all the memories we back and everyone was like before.

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