Aims & Objectives

Aims and Objectives

1.  To promote through preaching; the full Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus to
the whole wold such that the entire human race will be brought to the saving
knowledge of our Lord Jesus.

2.  To act as a forum where pastors, ministers and ministries can interact to share
ideas and principles with the aim of breaking Church barriers and winning souls for
Christ through preaching, unaduterated, the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

3.  To support Christians, pastors Churches all over the world through building the
Holy Bible at seminars, retreats, and especially organized Bible schools from time
to time.

4.  To enhance Church growth--spiritually and numerically--through organizing revivals,
crusades, evangelism and seminars on church growth.

5.  To raise pastors with the vision to preach, heal, save and deliver men of all nations
from the kingdom of Satan and to strengthen such pastors by enabling them to take
their messages to the entire world.

6.  To foster and protect the rights, duties and obligations of members of the Network
within the context of the Holy Bible while providing for and promoting their spiritual and
general welfare.

7.  To promote and foster family, healthy relationship with other ministries, Churches,
groups or networks with similar objects.

8.  To print, publish and distribute Christian religious literature as well as evangelize
through every form of medium like television, newspapers, and the Internet all over the

9.  To establish, maintain and operate educational, social and health institutions
revelant to the development and growth of Christians living worldwide.

10. To establish and maintain suitable administrative machinery for the management
of this network and for the supervision of any ministry of institution established by the

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