Adventures with Rob
Oct 6, 2005
Sorry for the lack of updates. After I got back from my trip I had to put my brain on full school mode. I had three assignments due in three days. So there wasn't much time for updating. I have one more paper to write for tomorrow afternoon and then I'll be able to start uploading pictures and the Australian adventures.txt. Until then, enjoy the abundant pictures from Tasmania!
Sept 25, 2005
I've addied all of the pics from Tasmania today and I've updated the txt file. Off to the Whitsunday coast tomorrow! Leave me some messages to come back to!
Australian Adventure.txt (still not wordwrapping)*
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About the txt file not wrapping, 'right-click' and 'save as' somewhere onto your computer. Then look around in the txt reader program for a word-wrap option. It's much easier on the eyes. Another option is to copy and paste the words to some other txt reader.
Here is an idea of where I'll be during the day:
All the cool kids are saying things like this:
Aussie Lingo.txt
My Pictures
My Mississippi River Trip
My Pheonix Band Trip
Australia Pics
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