These are the pictures of my trip up and down the Mississippi River with the American Wind Symphony Orchestra.
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A couple bad pics of the fireworks they played during the concert.
We got a ride with the American Barge line fleet. This was a blessing because we got to rest for 3 or 4 days. I also got to got to see the inside of the toeboat....very nice!
This is Erin, we just stayed up the whole night. Her with pilot house, me in the engine room.
Mark, Paul, and John. Fixing the prop of barge.
Me and Paul pondering what to do next...
That would be me...those dots...mayflys....swarming everything...YUCK!!!
Just a pic of the top of the boat facing aft. (that's the back of the boat)
A nice pic of lake Pepin, once again, facing aft.
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