Old News
24 Aug, 2005
Disturbing news... for us appartment dwellers anyways. My friends in the appartment building over have discovered this. And it's only an infant we're told. It's been nice knowing you guys, I think the adult would be able to eat me in one sitting.
25 Aug, 2005
I just created a guestbook account for all you wonderful people that visit the site. As of now, I don't really have too much of a clue as to who views it. So just write a little message here and there, I like to hear from you guys back home!
View my Guestbook!
28 Aug, 2005
Quite the busy day for me. We went to the Southern Highlands today and it was quite amazing. I wrote about it and updated (I know, it's been a while) Australia Adventure.txt...
Don't be alarmed, I deleted all of the pics from my flickr account. I did this because I found a program that allows me to upload large batches of pictures at a time. So there are going to be heaps in a little while!
Not really an update, just thought I'd get excited and remind the world (or at least the bit of it that comes to this site) that I'll be getting the faster internet tomorrow! This means a ton of pictures will be up by the weekend... Hopefully
31 Aug, 2005
Ok guys, I fibbed. It turns out that our internet connection can't be upgraded until a month after the date in which the contract was origionally signed... That means no fast connection until who knows when. So I'm going to take the laptop into campus and use the connection there and upload a massive amount at one time. Soon enough guys... Also, I add a good bit of stuff to the Australian Adventures.txt, and added a place for old updates just in case you wanted to take a look back.
4 Sept, 2005
5 Sept, 2005
Great news, I should have all of my pictures uploaded by the end of the day. I am at the liberary right now and uploading is going much faster than I thought it would. So there are going to be about 500 pictures for all to see. A great improvement from the 25 I had before. I hope you all enjoy! The next step is giving them names and sets... As it stands, I have them arranged in sets by date taken. So you can at least follow them with the text file. Also, I'm going to change the layout of the site a little to make it a little nicer.
Sept 12, 2005
Allrighty, I finally got the good ole' fast intenet now. I'm starting to upload pictures that's I've taken over the summer and some that I've had for some time. You'll see eventually. On another good note, I'm also officially certified as an open water scuba diver. I'm going to write about it soon. I just have an ecology report that I've been putting off for wayyyyy too long.
I also saw something interesting today. I was walking home from class today and I saw one of the huge white birds that seems to be everywhere around here. He was pecking at the ground so I decided to watch him for a little while. He ended up comming to a pop can that was crushed. He picked it up with his feet and put the opening in his beak. He then tilted it up and drank the last few drops that were in the can... I was quite shocked. Maybe next time I'll have my camera...
Sept 16, 2005
Tomrrow I'm leaving for the two week spring break. It's going to be a blast. The 3 people I'm going to be traveling with are Liz, Tim (the one in the middle), and Jess (I can't seem to find a picture of her.)Anyways, we are starting off on Saturday morning at some uneartly hour of 6am wake up time to catch an 840 flight to Hobart, Tasmania. When we get there, we're going to check out the city the first day and sleep in a Hostal. On the second and third day, we're going to be camping. After that, I have to break off for a few days to do the Ecology field trip while they get to go to Brisbane. I'll end up in Brisbane, but only on the connection to the Whitsunday Islands. Where we'll spend the rest of the vacation sailing, sea kayaking, or just laying out on the beach. I can't wait!
Sept 24, 2005
Hey guys, I've survived both Tasmania and my Ecology field trip so far. I'm soon to be off to the Whitsunday coast for scuba diving and sailing. I've updated Australian Aventure.txt with some real adventures. I'm still not done just yet. I have a few more days of Tasmania to include and then the field trip. I should have all that up by tomorrow night your time. Until then, I'm going to sleep!
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