Harvesting Leaders of Tomorrow

Welcome to the 2007-2008 year of the Fresno-Washington FFA. We hope that everyone will become "Wild About FFA" through the many opportunities and programs this organization has to offer. The officer team has worked hard to form a list of goals to which we can make a positive difference for our chapter, as well as the FFA as an organization, in this relatively short period of time.

The goals for our chapter follow the format of promotion, improvement, and involvment. We as a chapter hope to increase not just our membership, but our attendance at our chapter's functions through methods that positively promote the chapter and excite kids to get involved. We also hope to extend our influence to the community of Easton and gain the respect of members and non-members alike towards the FFA.

I am excited about what this year has to hold and feel privileged to be representing this chapter for the 2007-2008 year!

Ben Peterson
Fresno-Washington FFA Chapter President
Created by Ben Peterson, 2008
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws