Friday Review

I give this movie a 5 * rating, read my review below

Lets start off with the movie. This movie was made in 1995. It is a comedy about smokie (Chris Tucker) worrying about paying big worm back the $200 dollars he owes him for selling Big Worms weed. On Friday Smokey and Craig (Ice Cube) decide to get high because Craig just lost his job, they said he was stealing boxes. When Big worm confronts Smokey about his money, Smokey gets scared and tell's Big worm that him and Craig smoked it all up. Craig only smoked a little bit but Big worm now says that they have until 10pm to get his money or he is going to kill him and Craig. Smokey and Craig both try to get the money but fail. While all this is happening they still have to deal with the neighborhood bullie which is Deebo. Deebo goes around looking for stuff to steal off Craig and Smokey. Well at the end, Craig and Deebo get into a street fight because Deebo hit the girl Craig liked which is Debbie (Nia Long). Craig dont put up with that stuff and hits Deebo with a brick in the eye. Well Smokey takes the $200 dollars that him and Deebo stole earlier in the movie from his next door neighbor. Before the fight between Craig and Deebo, Big worm came and had one of his homeboys try to kill them both. So after the fight, Smokey called big worm and told him he had his money. And also Craig hooked up with Debbie and dumped his old girlfriend Joy. This is just a small review of this movie and i recommend that you see it, its just so funny. i would have to say my favorite actor in this movie is Willie Jones (John Witherspoon) Craigs dad. He is just so funny, he has the funniest parts and i also like Craig and Smokey and Deebo, they all did a great job to make this movie.

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