My Trip to the Land of Oz!!
About a year ago I was invited to visit Australia by Murray Willis, the owner of Australian Opal Mines, who I have been purchasing my rough opal from for years.  Here is a link to Murray's website:  Take a look at his site if your interested in seeing some fantastic opals! 

His offer was too good for me to pass up as I have wanted to visit Australia for many years.  I booked airline tickets and made arrangements with my employer for a month's vacation right away.  I left home on the 13th of Sept., 2003 and arrived in Adelaide, SA(South Australia) on the 15th.  Dont forget that pesky International Date Line!  Below is a picture of the hotel I'm staying at while in Adelaide.
My stay in Adelaide was planned for one week with lots of looking at rough and finished opals.  Of course, I could'nt pass up the chance to pick out some rough in person from Murray to ship home!  So far I have viewed literally MILLIONS of dollars worth of opal, rough and cut.  It's an "Opal-holic's" dream!  The shops downtown have some of the most beautiful opals I've ever seen in person and some very interesting jewelry designs.

Over the last year I have made many aquaintances online on various Australian online message boards and groups.  One of the groups that I frequent often had decided to have a social gathering here in Adelaide and lucky for me it coincided with my stay here.  On a trip to the airport to meet one of these people I was shown a small brick building which said "War Memorial" on the outside.  I had assumed it was simply what the name said, but upon viewing what was inside I was astonished.  As many of you know, I have been persueing my private pilots license.  In the lessons for my license there is a chapter on aviation history milestones.  One of these was the first flight from London, England to Darwin, Australia in 1919 with a "Vickers Vimy" WW1 bomber.  Much to my great surprise, when I entered the building there sat the actual Vimy that made that historic flight!  Below is a picture of that lovely airplane.  Sorry about the quality of the photo but the aircraft was enclosed with glass inside an unlit room..
Friday, September 19th, 2003
I decided to take a stroll down North Terrace Ave. this afternoon to check out the Museum of South Australia.  The have a collection of Opalized fossils like no other on earth.  This was only a short walk of about 3 city blocks and I made it there in no time.  The museum has wonderful exhibits on Aboriginal culture and also a fantastic section on the south sea islands.  Of course, they also have sections for the flora and fauna of Australia, particularly of SA.  But, being the rockhead that I am........I went straight for the fossil collection!  On display are many fossilized mollusks and marine animals.  The keystone of the exhibit is an almost complete opalized skeleton of a Plesiosaur!  Here are a few pictures from the fossil section of the museum.  Pardon the poor quality as my camera isn't an expensive one, but they will give you a good idea anyway.
Opalized Icthiasaur (spelling?)
Opalized Belemnite's (prehistoric squid)
Opalized Cockle's
Opalized Plesiosaur called the "Addyman Plesiosaur" in honor of John and Molly Addyman who discovered it in Andamooka in 1968.
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Reconstructed Plesiosaur.
Opalize Sea Floor, mainly mollusks.
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