Deb's Page

Hi everyone... For those who don't know me, here's a bit about myself. For those who do, allow me to bore you! :-)

I'm 38, single, no children and live in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada). I have two furry little friends (cats) and am an animal lover. I like to read (Stephen King, Koontz, Joyce Meyers, health/fitness and self help/awareness types), love the beach, outdoors in general. Enjoy exercise and trying new sporting type activities.

I've battled my weight most of my life to one extent or another. What began as a 10 lb problem emerged into a 100 lb problem at my highest weight. I credit the early gains to constant fasting - that need to lose lbs quick!

I've lost the weight 3 times in my life. In 1996 I thought I'd beat it for good. I achieved my goal (147 lbs), discovered exercise for the first time and quit smoking all in the same year - actually it all started within a 2 week period. Luckily I have continued to enjoy exercise - well I enjoy how it makes me feel - let me put it like that! It's not a chore for me to work out and I have also abstained from the cigarettes for over 5 years now, so 2 out of 3 ain't bad! :-)

I have one last war to win. I have learned this year that my problem is I EAT my feelings. I have gained 50 lbs since November of last year. I was laid off after 20 years with the only company I'd ever worked for. I started a new job two working days later at a children's hospital and was, and still AM intimidated by the job. I keep hoping this will pass but have questioned whether I should be looking for another job?!? The severence I received from the company allowed me to buy my first home, which I've been in now for just over a week. Buying a house is it's own kind of stress!!! I'm in a condo actually. that I'm getting settled in I feel more in control of myself. At the mall a few days ago I walked by a mirror (which I normally avoid looking into) and was SHOCKED at who was looking back at me. Why do we look different in our mirrors at home? I've been on track ever since.

It's ONE day at a time and what I KNOW I have to do is find another way to deal with the stresses in life or I will never win this battle permanently...and win this battle I intend to do!

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