Hi all! I’m Gloria I lived in California all my life until 1993. My husband’s employer transferred him to Maryland and we’re here to stay!

I’ve always thought of myself as chubby. I remember getting ready for school and having breakfast of oatmeal and toast with lots of butter! My favorite lunch was peanut butter and jelly with chips! I don’t remember eating very many healthy foods. I do remember one time my mom served spinach! Yuck! My dad made me sit there until I ate it….but mom let me leave the table when I started gagging! Dinner was usually meat and potatoes.

I think the only thing that kept me from getting too big was sports! I loved PE in school and loved to ride my bike at home! We also had a pool that we enjoyed every summer! I hated bathing suits though!

Gloria and Bob In 1975 I married Bob. In 1980 I had my son Brian. My weight was around 160 for many years. I still felt fat, but when I look back at my pictures I don’t look too bad!

I’ve joined WW many times. The first time was the only time I made Lifetime. I only had 14 pounds to lose. Each time I joined the amount of weight I had to lose became more and more! In May of 2000 I joined and started the 123 program. It was a lot simpler than any of the other plans I’d been on. In the first few months I’d lost 20 pounds. I have another 40 to lose. Maybe this will be the year!

But it's not! Here is it 2001 and I gained back 10 pounds! Yipes! Here I go again!

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