I began this life without a weight problem. I was born the first of twins weighing in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. (followed 20 minutes later by my twin sister weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz......my poor mom!!) According to my mother, the first nine years of my life my grandpa worried about "poor little Janie" as I was skinny and pale. My first problems with gaining weight occurred when I was in the 4th grade. I think that I was trying to eat as much as my two older brothers whether I was that hungry or not!! Anyway, I still remember a brown and white checked skirt that I couldn't button any more so my skinny twin asked my mom if her best friend could wear it. Then they dressed alike. My mom didn't realize what an impact this made on my self esteem but I still remember it 45 years later. It marked the beginning of my years of trying to manage my weight.

I'm a Lifetime Weight Watcher member who joined years ago, got to goal and Lifetime status, then quit going to my meetings which resulted in my regaining the weight. The cycle has repeated itself periodically but this time I have my friends at The Coffee Break plus I have vowed to continue with Weight Watcher meetings every week as I need all the help I can to maintain the loss.

Jane I'm 54 and have been married to Vince for 35 years, have three children and three grandchildren. I live in Kansas in the country. I work 3 days a week as a secretary in a small hand tools manufacturing company. My hobbies are reading, flower gardening, playing on my computer (especially here at The Coffee Break) and enjoying my grandchildren when they visit. I enjoy walking 3 days a week (after I leave the office) with Mima. We walk and talk and it's my favorite "painless" exercise.

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