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ZigHello! Hallo! Hola! Pick a language you like! I’m Zig, and this is my story.

ZigI was born in Germany. My parents and I emigrated to the USA when I was very young. Although I grew up in the United States, I had a European upbringing which included the abundance of food, the dysfunction of stuffing feelings with food, the love of learning, and the ethic of working hard. I am an only child. Consequently, I was a lonely, heavy teenager who was considered a "brain", and spent quite a bit of time reading!

I first joined WW in college after I saw myself on video during pre-student teaching. I lost 40 pounds and got to LIFETIME on the really old, really restricted program, but I left WW when I graduated college and moved away from my hometown. I taught school, got married, had two kids, and entered the viscious cycle of lose weight / gain weight on my own for 20 years doing the usual stupid diets.

In 1992, I went back to WW, got to LIFETIME again losing 46 pounds, and proceeded to gain the weight back, about 30 pounds of it. So, for the last time in 1998, I went BACK to WW, got back to LIFETIME ( 10 pounds lower than goal), and decided one of the ways to keep accountable and keep the weight off was to become a leader when they asked me.

ZigNow, I still teach school...still have two kids ( but, I am going to be a grandmother)...I am superintendent of my Sunday School, and I have kept off the weight for 2 years and 3 months as of this writing. I have been a WW leader for 2 years, and hope I am helping people in their weight loss journeys. Many things have changed this last time I have gotten to goal, included a burned down house...but I have learned so much about so much...I hope to continue working for WW...I love it!

In my rare spare time, I love to walk...read...draw...and get on the computer with my friends.
One of Zig's Graduate Drawings- she does these for each senior every year!  This one should look familiar, it's Jeffery, Sarah's son. Another one of Zig's drawings! This one should also look familiar, it's Joshua, Sarah's son.

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