This part of my page is dedicated to the 4 sexiest guys.  Lauren and I met them at the beach this past summer.  We hung out with them for like 6 or 7 days and we had a blast, and they gave us so many memories to remember.  So we (lauren and i)  decieded to give them this little dedication page.
Justin (Corbitt) and Ryan on the last day (well morning) at the beach!
Justin on the last morning at the beach. He's such a stud.
Ryan and I on the last night!
To your right is Derek. He is posing for me. This is his "sexy" pose! Doesn't he look sexy?  And ladies, yes...Derek is single.  Hold yourself back. But, you might  have to fight off lauren for him. And Derek has a very sacure job at Wal*Mart!!
To the left is Jared and his "sexy" pose.  He's a very studly pimp, it took everything i had not to run away with this watch sales man.
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