^^Mattie and Aj.  It's our yearly picture...ever since 6th grade!
(above) Jacqui, my dad, and me! (that really isn't my dad) Yah Jacqui and i enjoy walkin around the mall when it's closed takin pictures with cardboard cut outs
Mattie and Mere at lindsey's goodbye party.
Me & Mere at Homecoming-yah we know we're sexy
me and liz at aaron's' party
These 2 pictures  are from the day me, Meredith, and Lara all decieded that we wanted to have a parade.  Yah, that was interesting.
Lauren and me, just being studly
lauren and I at the beach after a wild night! yah baby!! ((and no, NOT with EACHOTHER!! we all know she wanted Derek))
Aj kickin Sam's @$$!! Gotta Luv it!
<Kathleen and Katie...so cute!
Danica and Becca!! Water Chickies
Mo-mo and Mattie! Best buddies forever
Danica and Kristen, they've been together awhile now! :)
(Below) Me and Austin...we are too cool!
Mattie And Austin below again..yeah we're crazy!!!
   Kristen and Liz.
Mattie & Mere- Best friends Forever
Me and Liz (below) we are just the best when it comes to modeling! :)
^^Jonathan and Becca...they are the smartest duo anyone will ever see!! :)
Lauren and LIz ^^ what a Duo we have here...Who needs a microphone when you have these two??
^^^Aj and Burner..The vampire picture.
^^^ Jessica and Frankie

<< These 2 senoritas are deffenatly a dueo! Lauren and Ashley (sam-e)
(below) Mattie and Mr.Ryan.
Lindsey and Liz, so cute>>
Agata and Molly - True dynamic duo right here.
^^austin and mattie in the band room        
Jeff da G and David...The most Ghetto Dueo!((below))
Aj and Aaron...God, if they aren't a dueo I dunno what is!
^^Aaron and Liz~wonder when they'll go out.
AJ and Mattie--always a dueo--->>
Jessica and Kristen at homecoming
((below)) Mattie and Rocco
(below) Zac and Lara, we all know that these two are ALWAYS together! They are such great friends
^^JR and MT the 2 most perverted girls on the soccer team
(below) Kristen and Lindsey back in 5th grade
Maya and Mary: Morgantown's two biggest skanks, other than me....Keep on Rollin!
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