Meredith, Mattie, and Lara-takin a bath together...ok not really but ya know what I mean     ^^Katie, Kristen, Kathleen, and Danica at Band Camp 2 years
                         ^^^ Mattie, Lara, and Meredith-We took this picture ourselves....aren't we talented! :):) yes we are!!
^^Liz, Lindsey, Molly, Jacqui, and Kristen---Yes, aren't we (Mattie, Lara, and Meredith) Trend setters...yeah-we are! :):)
              ^^^^^Molly, Katie, Lindsey, and Kathleen ~~at the formal~~ Don't they look cute!?!
^^Bellman, Justin, and Jonathan...and they took this picture themselves...they are talented too
Hey Hey-It's Benny T from the CPT, along with Benson and Plum!! :) Gotta love these guys!
<<--Lara, Mattie, and Meredith...Good God you don't wanna know how long it took us to take this picture!!!! Or what we went threw to take it.  (above) Jon, Luke, Sam, and Tyler-at school.
Rudie , Plum, Benson, and Ryan
4th period walters. "the gang" (backrow) Ashley, Julian, Sarah, Roma (from) Jacqui, Junele, Britt
Molly, Kristen, and Lindsey at school one day!
(below) Lara, Meredith, Frankie,Maxie,  Austin, and Mattie outside of Austin and Frankie's house!
Alex, Drew, and Chris at Lunch.
Keri-Boozer- and KT at socker
Meredith-Lara-and Mattie with Maxie
Meredith-Mattie-and Molly
Tessa-Sadie-JR-MT-and Ashley
<--Lisa, Shane, Molly, Maria, Liz, Aaron, Danica, Courtney, and Kristen at Liz's party
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