***Scroll to the bottom for new pictures***
David! ~>
Gotta love him!
I love you too AJ
Majorette Eva!!
Shujah...Wow! Such School Spirt!! >>>
Lauren (below) Such a babester!
Lauren!! With a spoon...on her nose!! Wowza!
She's my talented senorita!! (Below)
Kristen with her Pads! >>>>>
Jonathan...being such the model!!
< It's Lara!

(below) MEREDITH!
mattie after>>> soccer one day!
' Miss. Jacqui
Mattie and her fish Superman fish! ~~>
<~~ Kristen cleaning Ritz Camera Shop...Dont ask
Kristen and her snail...(below)
<-- Mary in my brother's clothes! i knew she always wanted to get in his pants.
(up and down) Mattie and Mere in LeAtHeR!
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