** This Page is more for Lauren's ONE *&^%  friend-than mine cuz we all know that I'm Rocco's *&^% Friend! But anywho...This is the part of the page with pictures of Marcus-Now see, Marcus left Lauren and I and moved to TEXAS! So now this is not only a page just because he is sucha hottie-but because we miss him so much and we love him and he better get his sexy (boarder)STUD ass back here!!! LUV YA MARCUS!**
Marcus at Lauren's on New Years!

Yes, Marcus was on the football team, i still kinda giggle at that picture. ~>
Back to the hottie page!
<--Marcus on the bus to Kennywood...Damn he's hot!
Our baby at the South Formal...He cleans up so nicely. OH BABY!
These last two sexual pictures of Marcus were taken by Mary "The Princess" Hastings. Her and Marcus are destined to be married and have about 300 kids which I (Mattie) will have NO PART in babysitting! Unless i get paid a whole lot of money. Mary loves marcus and marcus loves mary!
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