Pictures from 3/9/01
***Review coming soon***
My favortie picture in the world! Me and Adam Gayor, the rythm guitarist of Matchbox Twenty...and yes his arm is around me!!
<< Adam outside of the club..right before i met him.
Adam and Pookie playin (below)
Mattie, Katie, and Christine and the gutairst guy of Angie Aparo. He was very cool and sexy.
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Rob gettin ready to sing ((Below))
^^Kyle playin and Rob singing at the show.
^^A very sexy pic of rob singing
Concert Experience (From this concert)
May 20th, 2000~~Maryland~~The 9:30 club

       This would be my second Matchbox 20 concert. And I was majorly excited because I knew I could get close to the stage. So the doors were suppose to open at like, 9pm. So I got there with my mom around, 7pm.  (She thought I was phyco, but when she saw other people there, she didn't think that anymore) Well, there I was standing in line, all hyped up. So I'm sittin on the sidewalk doing the finishing touches on the shirt I made for them. (Ok, don't laugh, this was one rad shirt!) Then about 30minutes later I see 2 big buses come by. I stood up, and yes, it was them!! So everyone rushed over to where they were going to be entering the club. And of course, Rob posed for us, but I couldn't wind my stupid camera fast enough. Argh!! But that's ok! So after that I met these 2 girls, Katie and Christine, And I hung out w/ them. They had a BIG sign, and I had my shirt, and we were standing looking at eachthers "Matchbox parafanalya" and these 2 guys with cameras come over to us. And we had no clue who they were so, we acted really stupid saying things like "I love Rob, I'm gunna marry him!" It was pretty funny until we found out that they worked for Matchbox20 and that might be on the webpage! hehe! Oh well! So we thought that was really cool. Then about another 30 minutes later, I turned my head over to where the van's came in, and who do I see...but...ADAM! So me, being all hyper go "Oh My Gosh! It's Adam!!" Then I got "Hey Adam, will you sign something for me!?" He goes "Yeah sure just come on over." So all these people came over. So I waited to get up there and I handed him the shirt and he goes "You want me to sign this?" I go "No, that's for you and the guys!" He goes "That is so! Cool!" and threw it over his shoulder and turned me around and signed the back of my shirt. The next thing you know, I'm still up there with him, having a nice little converstaion about how he should bring me backstage, let me go on tour with them, give me his phone number, etc.. And we both were laughing. Then this girl goes "ADAM!" and he goes "hey!" Kissed her cheak and pulled her backstage! I was like, "Hey Adam, you can give me a kiss, or just take me back stage. Whatever is easier for you!" He goes "That's my sister in law!" I was like "Umm...Well I'm your long lost sister in law!" He goes "Aw! You're adorable! You can be my adopted family!" Then after a little bit, I got my picture with him, and he left. And I just want to tell everyone right now, he is  the SWEETEST guy you will meet! So back in line I go. 9 rolls around, and we still aren't goin in. Then finally at 9:30, they let us in. We all run up to the front (me, katie, and chris). We were about 3-4 rows from the front!  It was an awesome show! They sounded amazing. But then again, when don't they. And we just had a great time! and it was just such a great concert!! Then at the end, us 3 girls were waiting for our mom's on the street corner, and the Guitar player of Angie Aparo comes out and we start talking to him. And we got our picture with him, his autograph, and he gave *me* his pick!! It was awesome. That had to be one of the best concerts I've ever been to!!
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