Welcome to the MaTtIe PaGe!!
^^This is a picture I took myself. I love this picture! I think the sun makes it look really nice
^^ My mom took this picture of me one day after soccer practice.
^^This is me and my rad fish-SUPERMAN--sadly he died :(
^^My 2000 MHS soccer pic
^^Me in a big pile of leaves with a really kick ass hair do goin on
^^ Me in my beloved leather pants! God i love those pants, and i know other people do too!
^^Another one of me in my leathers
^^me and my best friend meredith before homecoming
Name: Mattie
Location: Mo-Town, WV
Birthday: May 31
Hobbies: Playing Soccer, Training, Dancing, Writing, Workin on my page, Partying, Breaking the law (hehe), Hanging with friends, and more soccer!
Email: [email protected]
Best Friends: Meredith, Lara, Lauren, Jason, Tara, AJ,Jessi, Maya. Mary, and Ray.
Fave Bands: Matchbox 20, Dave Matthew's Band, The Aquabats, Incubus, and Sublime.
Fave TV Shows: The Golden Girls, The Simpsons, and SNL
Fave Movie: Mallrats, and the neverending story
^^The most recent picture of me in my leathers
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