Jennifer Ashley Huber
Born- June 29th,  1985
Died- August 17th,  1999
I wanted to dedicate this page about friends to someone that ment a lot to me, and I know showed  A LOT of people the TRUE meaning of being a good friend; Jennifer Ashley Huber. I know I didn't know Jenn as long as a lot of people. But I will never forget when I frist met Jenn.  Everyday I saw her, she was happy, smiling, and most of the time laughing. She was always there for anyone who ever needed her-even if they didn't know her. She would try and help you. Jenn had so many friends, had so many talents, so pretty, could make anyone smile, and was just in my eyes-the perfect deffinition of a true friend. I wish I could've known her better, but I didn't. I just wanted to let everyone know that Jennifer is missed dearly by everyone-everyday that passes now. Jennifer- I miss you dearly, Love you forever and always, See ya when I see you babe!
My Dearest Jennife Ashley Huber

You were to young to die.
And too nice to decieve, manipulate, or lie.
You were there for me through thick and through thin.
And it shouldn't have been your life to end.
You would talk to me, to make me feel better,
And gave me all your advice in a letter.
You never complained or pushed me away.
And I don't know why you had to pay,
It wasn't your time to end, dearest Jenn,
But not everyone can win.
I love you so much, with all my heart,
but now there's a broken, missing part,
...and Jenn, I know you're in heaven, And you'll always look after me, For all of eternity,
Goodbye, Sweet Girl, I will always love you!

-By: Amy Dulin-
Hey guys-I really need your help. I don't have any other pictures of Jenn. So if you could please let me borrow some, I'd greatly appericate it! Also If you want me to add something about Jenn that you have to say, or want me to add a poem..just email me at [email protected]
Chelly has a page dedicated to Jenn too. [Click here] to see it
A special thanks to Chelly and friends for this picture
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