My ALbUm ZonE
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Aquarius Jan20-Feb18
Pisces Feb19-Mar20
Aries Mar21-Apr19
taurus Apr20-May20
Gemini May21-June20
Cancer June21-July22
Leo July23-Aug22
Virgo Aug23-Sep22
libra Sept23-Oct22
Scorpio Oct23-Nov21
Sagittarius Nov22-Dec21
Capricorn Dec22-Jan19



web cam pic taken on 20th of May 2004. sorry for the bad light but still it worths to stick on the site :P

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FuN ZonE
Fun Picz
Kidz Fun Picz
Cat Fun Picz
Dog Fun Picz
Micl Fun Picz
Luv Chart
Mysticall BaLL !!!
Birthday Fun Stuffyz !!!

one more Latest Pic has been taken on the same day, time and place as the above pic has been taken :)

Click Here 2 C my Latest Pics
Computer.. tipZ .. & .. TrickZ
Registry Tutorialz
Hardware Tips/Tricks
WinDoWz Tips and Tricks
WindowZ OS Tips/Tricks
Softwarez Tips/Tricks
NetWork Tips/Tricks
Security Tips/Tricks
My first web cam pic taken on 20th of May 2004. sorry for the bad pixles but still it worths to stick on the site :P

Click Here 2 C my Latest Pics

hehe sorry .. this pic was taken by me on the 20th of Dec 2003, the pic is in a f00000lish way :P

A little closer look, i was just trying to avoid the light which was just making my nose flatter and flatter, hay believe me my nose is not so flat :P hehehehe

Now i am proud guess why coz u know my pic is lil bit changed from other ones <------------------ common look to me from ur heart dont i?

Just with a lil touch to hair Style to change the lookz :)

hmmm well enuf of this pic, soon i m gona put my latest pics, infact the prblm is wid my web cam i am having a big prblm cuz you know Y, cuz of lames net hackers who hacked in2 my box and screwD up my all working drivers, now look i m stucked to the same pic cuz of corrupted drivers but soon i'll fix it :) as i m also 2 much in2 hacking :P hehe Am I ?


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