A H M E D !!

Mr.Ahmed ahh in a nice pose .. He is a very kool and very koooh minded cousin ! he never minds any kind of joke or any kind of Fun make of Him .. even a stupid joke neve provoke him to do any thing against the oponent :) so it means we are lucky lets move to the next ! :)

Wow ! what a beautiful Scenery !hay who is in the middle ! ah i try my best but cudnt able to remov dat bug but any way its a big bug then Y2k i hope US will take an action to remove this kinky bug from the pic well but still the pic is awsome ;) kooh only the bug is iritating :P Lolz

Mr.Ahmedullah lolz ..aint he look a shiny disco balls :P hahaha well what to say as he look handsom :P hay ahmed who told you to wear such an awsom dress :P well man I appreciate your taste " Am I ? " hehe man man man oh my man jailoo u haf send me a perfect pic ;) thanks man :P the yellow cap is reminding me a yellow cab :P lolz and the red shiny jacket is reminding me :P hahaha ;)

Mr.Ahmedullah lolz ..Twinkle Twinkle lil star :P ..hay are you dancing man ! Ahmed u really rulez :P .. jailoo u haf send me a perfect pic ;) thanks again man , for sending me such an awsome pic .this one is reminding me "Wee villy Winkee " hahaha the one i have seen in a **** movie :P lolz :P

Mr.Ahmedtullah ate something wrong and there was no bathroom so he came outside and start doing .................. Just over there you see ...hehehe....above the snow below the sky...

Ewwww Ahmed ur such a dirty bad boy.

This is Great ahmed who thinks hes the only man on the earth .
once he went to michael jackson concert in norway and u never know all the girls who was in that concert start jumping on this creature..and now he lost hes height and coz of this he is mental now climbing on the trees ofcurse he love to live in trees i was thinking to send him a tree house..... :O(((( i feel sorry for him...but Mr Ahmedtulla dont worry ur the only alien on this earth.

Guess Who is this person hes dha, AMI student A friend of Amir She :P lolz ....enjoying life in Norway....hehehe...[ Ahmed shall i tell them the truth?]

More pics to come ...................lataaaaaaaa :)))


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